Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)

A A SOUTH WALES NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1935. MAIL (These Advertisem*nts are Copyright. PREPAID SCALE WESTERN MAIL" and SOUTH WALES ECHO and EVENING EXPRESS' combined rate: 12 WORDS 2'6 and 1d. for each additional word, per insertion. IPESTERN MAIL." of SOUTH WALES ECHO and EXPRESS" only.

12 WORDS 1'6 and 1d. for each additional word. per insertion. In all cases the Name and Address are counted as part of the Advertisem*nt. These Prices do not apply to Trade Advertise ments, Public Notices.

Legal Notices, Amusem*nts, and Adrertisem*nts coming from Public Hodies. Box Letter Address counts four words part of the adrertisem*nt. REPLIES. WHEN REPLYING TO ADVERTIsem*nTS DO NOT ENCLOSE ORIGINAL ENCES (ONLY COPIES) OR STAMPED ENVELOPES. Every care is taken to ensure the proper Insertion of all Advertisem*nts and accurule delirery to Advertisers of Replies to their Advertisem*nts, but the Proprietors and Publishers do not guarantee the insertion of an Advertisem*nt on any specified dav.

of at all. and will not be liable for any loss occasioned by the failure of an ment to appear on any specifed day. or at all. from any cause whatever. Advertisem*nts and Replies are only accepted subject to the above conditions.

Advertisers ate requested to note that Replies may be handed in at any of the Western Mail and South Wales News and South Wales Echo and Evening Express" Sub-offices. BIRTHS, MARRIACES, AND DEATHS. Rate for Western Mail only 12 Worde 101 and 2d for each additional word, per insertion, Rate for South Wales Echo and Express only 12 Words for and 2d. for each additional word, per insertion. Combined rate Western Marl and South Wales Echo and Express." 12 Words for and 3d.

for each additional word, per insertion. All announcements must be authenticated the Name and Address of the Sender. These prices apply only to? Advertisem*nts which are prepaid. CHIEF OPFICES: St. Mary -street, CARDIFF, to which address Advertisem*nts should be posted.

(Tel. Cardin Seven Thousand.) LONDON OPFICE: street. E.C.4. Central 4691 (2 lines). PERSONAL Old-established Private Detective and Confidential Service Agency.All Classes of Investigation and Confidential Services Undertaken and Intelligently Executed, distance immaterial; thoroughly trustworthy and experienced staff; personal supervision, faithfulness, and integrity guaranteed; judicial commendation and highest professional references from H.M.

judges, solicitors, and other authorities.Church-street, Cardiff. FARMERS wishing to keep up-to-date ALL MUST read THE FARMER AND Specimen copy post free from Macdonald Martin, Dorset House, Stamford street. 8.E. 1. LI, Advertisem*nts for insertion in the Personal Column must be accompanied by the Name and Address of the Advertiser, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith MANYS ni alwodd Duw nyni i C' ond i Thessaloniaid meeting, p.m, make immediate CASUAL appointment; otherwise Saturday, up road, pillar-box, 8 Do know The Keepers of I A YOUR Book telling you all CHILDREN, about them can be obtained for 6d.

from the Western Mail Echo Offices, St. Mary. street, Cardiff. TOR God hath not called as unto uncleanness, but unto -I. Thessalonians 7.

FORGIVENESS messages and several mine. Had enough of your mind destroying games years VALE WARNINGS mean comparatively little to those safe on land. To those at sea they often mean disaster. Our 1,000 Honorary Agents round the coast are watching." Ready to give relief to vivors and to, dependent relatives of those lost at sea. Please help this great National Work.

Bankers: Williams Deacon's Bank, Ltd. Secretary: F. E. Thorn, SHIP. WRECKED MARINERS' SOCIETY, Carlton House, Regent-street, London, 8.W.

teed ACCLESFIELD fast to washing SILK and FROCKS tropical sun) to meaaure from 25e. 6d. Models sent on approval. Write for patterns and catalogue. LEODIAN, W.M.

3, Leodian House, Cookridge-street, Leeds. send -Box 8256, Mail and PLEASE Penarth. hand never loses its way to the -Sechuana Proverb. DAYS ARE GETTING LIGHTER- -but THE not. the 2,000 WAR-BLINDED men under the care of ST.

DUNSTAN'S. New cases are still coming in, and money will he needed for many years yet. Won't you help with a legacy, subscription, or information can be obtained from Captain Sir Ian Fraser, M.P., Chairman, St. Dunstan'8. Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, N.W.

1. LOST AND FOUND OST. Brown Sheep-dog, answers to Lark reward. Longeross Farm, Rumney. Cardin.

CLERICAL Wanted, Faster Cardiff suburb. -M 8274, Western Stall, Cardiff. WOOLOS. Newport. -Colleague in P'riest's ST.

Required; preacher, visitor.Apply Dr. Phillips. MEDICAL AND DENTISTRY Required, Male or Female; matriculation essential. Robinson, Chemist, 134, Whitchurch-road. 'UNIOR Mechanic Seeks Situation Improver: 6 years' experience.

Box 7: 6., Western Mail, Newport. EDUCATIONAL, MUSICAL DANCING WANTED, Coaching 1p History of WA mediate Economics B.8c.; please Geography give for Inter0 3450, Western Mail. Newport. PARTNERSHIP AND FINANCIAL Wanted, for Extension of Prosperous Business; five interest CAPITAl, -M 8370, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1 HOSPITAL AND INSTITUTION STAFF of London Mental Hospital, Stone, CITY Dartford.

Kent. -JUNIOR HOUSEMAID Required: present commencing salary £1 198. 5d. per week, from which is deducted a moderate sum for board, laundry, and lodging (separate bedroom). -Apply Matron, enclosing stamp, giving full particulars age, height.

DARNWOOD HOUSE. GLOUCESTER. REGISTERED MENTAL HOSPITAL. Probationer Nurses Wanted; tall. strong: secondary education; age 10 25 years; salary £10 per Apply to Matron.

County Council. -Windsor Institution. Two Assistant Nurses Required. Salary £50 per annum, rising annually by £2 1Cs. 0d.

to £55 per annum, with board. lodging. washing uniform valued at £50 per annum. Appointments subject to one month's notice on either side. The persons appointed must produce A Medical Certificate Ad to health if required.

-Applications, in own and handwriting, etating age, qualifications experience, should be made on forms obtainable from the Public Assistance Officer, Abbeystreet. Reading. and returned to him by not later than 23rd March. Public Assistance Committer. Single Woman.

or Widow DERBYSHIRE without children. under the age of 40 Relief years, Required as Working Laundress and Institution. Officer at the Ashbourne essential. Salary £50 per annum, rising by Knowledge of hand laundry machinery £2 109. 01.

per annum to a maximum of £55 a year. with the usual residential allowances and indoor uniform. The perform person such appointed will be required to and will work duties as may be prescribed, under the direction of the Matron. -Applications, in own handwriting, together atating with age. of three recent testimonials to be occupation and experience, sent copies to Mr.

A. Hugh Thomas, District Clerk, Compton Offices, Ashbourne, by not later than March 2nd, 1935 Hospital Cook Wanted at General £75 Infirmary per for 250 patients and staff. Salary £5 annum, rising by two increments of with per annum board, to £85 per annum, together Jaundry and residence. address of ing age, experience. name and last employer and other references to roach Mr.

J. H. Cross, Superintendent and focre. tary, InArmary Office, Southport, by not later: than March 23rd, 1935. HOSPITAL AND INSTITUTION STAFF (Continued) THE Require an Cambridgeshire Assistant County Nurse at Council the County Infrmary, Cambridge.

Nursing experience essential. Salary £45 per annum, rising by increments of £2 108. 0d. to £50 per annum, with the usual residential emoluments. Applications, stating age, experience, accompanied by copies of three recent testimonials, should be sent as carly as possible to Ashley Tabrum, Clerk of the County Council, Shire Hall, Cambridge.

TANTED, Rhondda. at the Head Fever Laundress Hospital, for Ystrad. Power Laundry: wages (including bonus) £10, rising by £5 to £50 a year, subject to temporary deduction of and to a contribution of for superannuation; uniform personally or by letter, giving age, experience, and enclosing references, to the Matron, WANTED Yetrad, immediately, Rhondda, at the strong Fever Ward- Hosmaid, age 20 to 25 years; wages (including bonus) £20, rising by £2 10s. to £34 year, subject to a temporary deduction of and to a contribution of for superannuamaterial for uniform pereonally or by, letter, giving age, expe rience. and enclosing references, to the Matron.

Sussex County Council. tioner Nurses Required at the East one annual increment of £6 to £30 per Preston Infirmary. Salary £24, rising a by annum, with board, residence. (The Infirmary is a recognised Training School for Nurses and is affiliated to the church Hospital, Romford, on forms to be obtained from the Publio Assistance Officer, North-street, Chichester, to whom applications must be sent by not later than March 23rd, 1935, accompanied by copies of three recent testimonials. ISOLATION HOSPITAL.

Two Maida Wanted. Commencing salary £30. -Applications. with two references, to G. A.

I. Gregory, South-street, Wincanton, Someract. GENERAL SERVANTS A home; Capable modern General, house; over 20: family comfortable Morwenstow, Heol-y-Deri, Khiwbina. A DOMESTIC Wanted, 17-23; Goldberg. good 10, Tudor- home road, street, Hackney, London.

1 A Whitchurch, required. Cardiff -Apply 11, (near The Llandaff Avenue. Station). General wanted immediately; references. Mrs.

Gibson, 21, Westbourneroad, Penarth. CAPABLE General at once, about 20; good home and wages: small, modern house: family three: 158, Mail and Echo, Cardiff. Williamson. Maples," The Parade, Whitchurch, Glam. NERAL; good wages; good outings.Alex, 1a, Berwick-street, London, W.

1. (NENERAL Maid Required: two in family; Collina, 134, Hoxtonstreet. London, N. 1. A Maid Wanted: 4 in family; good home, outings: good Mrs.

Bohrer. 133, St. George's-street, London, E.1. age 20-25: modern house: good outings. Required: fond of a children: -Write Mrs.

Manzi, 7, Sunset-road, Denmark Hill, S.E. 5. GENERAL last Maid Wanted; stayed on good years: home good and reference essential. Mrs. Money.

21, The Golders Green. N.W. 11. GENFRAL, housemaid about 20; kept: plain references cooking: family tial. -Strathearn Lodge, Cyncoed-road, lan.

GENERAL small Maid, house: able to in do family; plain liberal outings: wages £3 Mrs. Shaw, 54. Brompton-road, London, 8.W.3. Maid; modern house; DO cookGENERAL references Middleton-road. Golder's Green, London, N.W.11.

ENERAL Help for small flat: two in family: older woman not objected to.Young, 32, Croydon-road, Caterham, Surrey. GIRL Wanted for Domestic Work, Spital-street, age 18-23. Mra. Cohen, 30, Spitalfelde, London, E. 1.

100D, experienced after 5 o'clock, Dr. Llewellyn, Splott-road, Cardiff. General wanted; fond children (two): good -14, Plasturtonavenue, Cardif. General, 20-30, capable all duties; references, age, wagce. -Z 250, Mail and Echo, Cardiff.

EQUIRED, Girl. 15 to 18, to help in RE gencral; one child, good home; live in. -Apply W. T. Jones, Holland Dairy, 120, Portland-road.

London, W.11. -M 8290, Mail E.cho, CarWANTED, good General for small house diff. WANTED. General live Servant, 3270, plain Western cook; 33: Mail, Port Talbot. 1 General: ANTED references immediately, required.

trustworthy T. J. Harries, Draper, Mountain Ash. WANTED, capable General; Mrs. modern Edwarde, house; Haywarda 50.

Palace-road, Llandaf. WANTED, A General: Mrs. plain Lazenby, cooking; Lavernock good House, Longdown Lane, Epsom South, Surrey. strong Girl, for General HouseWANTED, able to wait at table; no Mrs. Williams, National cial Bank House, Llanwrtyd Wells.

1 young Woman for general WANTED and aerist a little in busineas: amall house; family three; good home. -Apply, with reference, Box 2215, Western Mail, Swansea. 1 a Strong must Girl, be 15, to willing; help state with housework: wages, references; Brecon Box 3689, Mail and Echo. Cardiff. Girl wanted for Housework; emall family; good home: help Hyman, 179, Walm-lane, London, N.W.2.

at once, for Welsh Doctor's family, experienced Maid or CookGeneral; good references; kind Williams, 22, Craven terrace, Paddington, London. Girl Wanted for Housework (about YOUNG Mrs. Baker, Firsby-road, Stamford Hill. London, N. 16.

COOKS AND KITCHENMAIDS good references; housemaid Joyce, Glynrhondda, Whitchurch. Glam. together, or Caretakers in and Parlourmaid seek gentleman's Employment 224, Mail Echo, a Cardiff. immediately; family two; housemaid 60, Newportroad, Cardiff. Generals, House-Parlourmaids, COOKS, wanted.

private and season. Erans' Registry. 140, Rhyddings-terrace, Swansea. and required; state House and experience.Cochrane, 40, Tydraw-road, Cardiff. young Kitchenmaid; family WANTED, St.

Hilary Manor, Cowbridge. washing: references. D. experienced Cool Cook-General: no Davis, Hillwood, Brecon-road, Abergavenny. ANTED Cook-General: immediately, family two; good.

help trustworthy given.Mri. Bevan, Spring Cottage, Dinas Powis. 'Phone 132. WANTED, Experienced and Mrs. Write, stating age wages, Cresswell.

21, Windsor-place, Cardiff. reliable good references essential. Apply Cornborough." Ty-Gwyn-road, Cardiff. HOUSE AND PARLOURMAIDS EXPERIENCED. reliable Mrs.

Lovell. BroughClytha Newport. Parlourmaid, over 20; bedroom; some refer- expeences required. Apply Davies, 105, East Dulwich-grove, London. HOUSE, Park-road, Penarth.

experienced: good HOUSE references; over Akenhead, Mount Eveswell. Newport. superior Housemaid; able relieve dining.room maid, for small TMMEDIATELY, Guest Gloucester-place. London. SITUATION or Required Porthcawl.

Housemaid, Box age 4028, 23, Western Mail, Bridgend. Young Housemaid, used to private A 6, Jesmond-road, Clevedon. young HouseWANTED. with full particulars, Mre. Grifthe, The Garth, Bassales, Mon.

WANTED, experienced Mre. House-Parlour- J. C. Grey, Dany-Grais. Ogmore-by-Sea.

HOUSE AND PARLOURMAIDS (Continued) WANTED, 3 in family, experienced 3 maids kept; House-Parlour- good references essential. Mrs. Boys, Dower House, Woodhall Spa, Lince. 1 WANTED, Housemaid; Experienced, house, in family; 5 Lawrence, 3, Esplanade, Tenby, Pem. WANTED to 3rd 23; April, good House-Parlourmaid; Webb, Arrigadeen, Walton, ('levedon, Somerset.

immediately, good Parlourmaid for Chief Constable's house; not under 20 years of age; must have had experience: wages Mrs. Picton Philippe, Llandilo. HOUSEKEEPERS, COMPANIONS AND LADY HELPS COMPANION, Help comfortable wanted, all duties, 7150, Mail and Echo, Cardiff. Required, few hours daily, COMPANION Lady, Penarth: needlewoman.T 7217, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1 HOT TOUSEKEEPER-Gene a about 40; home; 75, Dunravenstreet, Tonypandy, Wanted, about LADY'S reliable, trustworthy: good references essential; state Williams, Plas Coed-y-Mwstwr, near Bridg.

end, Glamorgan. 1 ELIABLE Person wanted to take charge of small fat and two children (boy 7 years, girl 18 months); must be fond of children. -150, Salmon-lane, Stepney, London. Housekeeper, 00, SUPERIOR Position; capable. trustworthy; recommended.

Box Z. Western Mail, Newport. young, refined, Seeks Post Housekeeper: domesticated, 2. Western Mail, Newport. 1 YOUNG Lady will give for Housekeeping Home if Services in exchange kiddie of four years allowed: seaside country -Z 169, Western Mail, Cardiff.

MOTHERS' HELPS AND NURSES TANNIE, 25, Requires free April 1st: Porthcawl Cardiff district. -Box Hutchinson, Newsagent, Porthcawl. refined Nursemaid for last WANTED. May, West Cross; child 2 years. -Write, stating full particulars and salary required, Box 2210, Western Mail, Swansea.

MALE SERVANTS wanted, about 15, gentleHOUSEBOY Registry, Tyrysarn-road, Rumney, Cardiff. WANTED, country; young Man state as experience House-Parlour- and 183, Western Mail, Cardiff. HOTEL SERVANTS AND WAITRESSES Wanted, experienced, used to BARMAID business: tall; good appear ance: not over 30. Apply personally, Manager, Grand Hotel, Swansea. WHAMBERMAID Waitress, experienced.CHA Fullest Hotel.

particulars, Weston-super-Mare. references, "St. Maur" Private 100K General Wanted immediately; hizhest stating age and wages required, Hotel Cambria, Hunterstreet. London. W.C.

1. wanted; assist bar; must be experienced: references; wages Tivoli, Queen street. assist Wanted, references required.good General; able to Box 3620, Western Mail, Neath. 1 PORTER references: Wanted. state eleep height in, and give cony Savoy Hotel, Cheltenham.

SALOON Barmaid, bury trade: honest, good respectable, home; bigh perienced wages: trade references. Bell Hotel, NorthBirmingham. FAULTS Barmaid Required for Scaside Hotel in N. Wales: experience and references essential: Welsh-speaking an Box 3607. Jail Echo, Cardiff.

for small Commercial Hotel; experienced. Write fully to Wilberforce Hotel, Bournemouth. 1 experienced Cook: first-class private hotel (23 giving age, experience, wages, Brynfeld Hotel, Langland Bay, Swansea. at once, for country hotel, Cook; WANTED general work: refer-Bear Hotel, Wincanton, Somerset. WANTED, per General week Servant, wages; with good experi- tips: good home.

-Write to 21, Christchurch-road, Bournemouth. Cook-Housekeeper for small Private Hotel; boots and chambermaidwaitreng kept: Mrs. must be Veale, thoroughly Seacroft Hotel, expoBrixham, Devon, SITUATIONS VACANT SSISTANT Inspector of Tares in the A Civil Service. Examination 2nd July. Open to young men and women (21-24) Postal of good education.

Particulars of P'reparatory Course London, from W.1. SKERRY'S, 235, Regent-street, ANGINEER (temporary) Required for Wales Hospital, Cardiff; A wages £3 10s. in writing only, to the Secretary of the Hospital, The Walk, Cardiff. belore noon, March 21st. GRAN Neath NOLITHIO district; only thoroughly required, experi- 3691, enced men need apply; state rate.Mail aud Echo, Talbot.

TAVE A YOU CONSIDERED Immediate THE Employ. ment offered to fit Men between 18 and 25. Plenty pay. of sports, liberal holidays full Free food, clothing, and housing. any Army Recruiting Office 1 or Territorial Army Drill-hall.

ADY Assistant Wanted in the Perfumery and Toilet Department: thoroughly with full particulars and references, to R. W. experienced by letter only, Duck and Son, St. John's-square, Cardiff. DOLICE RECRUITS HAND-BOOK for 1935 (FREE).

Contains information on pay, and Entrance requirements for prospects, all Forces. Prospective recruits (aged 19-25) should apply for free copy to B.T.I. (Dept. 2105), 29, Oxford-street, W. 1.

-Van Salesman required. must have first-class experience. -Full particulars in Cardiff. confidence, Box 0 3702, Mail and Echo, SALES thirty Lady, shillings proved first-class ability, lady. Wanted; 3371, Western Mail, Cardiff.

1 SUINGSBY TRUCKS LADDERS, BARROWS with and connection CASTORS. in Commission Agent Cardiff required calling on Mille, Factories, Warehouses, Docks, etc. Send references and rough map of ground usually covered to H. C. SLINGSBY, 97, Kingsway, W.

smart, honest Youth, Canvass WANTED, and Grocery cycle; live in; reference. Glanraffon Stores, Gendros, Swansca. Young Lady for Cooked Meats of WANTED. Provision business; capable carving: state wages required, references.C 3618. Mail and Echo, Cardiff.

Watchmaker and Jeweller, opportunity learn Apprentice, trade right 1248, Echo and Express, Aberdare. YOUNG Man, about Saleroom; 16 good years of education age, Required for H. H. and S. Budgett and New-street.

Cardiff. CLERKS AND MANAGERS ACCOUNTANT. well Post; qualified, salary widely secondary expeconsideration. Box 3353, Mail Echo, Cardiff. Mon.

Valley: be live man with Manager Buyer (expert) Wanted, progressive ideas in salesmanship, display. and stock control, of sober habits and strict integrity: control of shop and two branches; good berth for suitable man. stating age, salary, names of references (in confidence), and full details of experience, Box 3570. Mail Echo, Cardiff. with excellent referCLERK, experienced, Desires Work: ences, -Box 3352, Mail Echo, Cardiff.

OVERPAID. Income tax Prepared; Reclaimed: Returns Small Made: Trader 8220, Mail Echo, Cardin. temporarily, Junior Clerk, age for large Docks 7234. Western Mail, Cardiff. VOUNG Man (2A) capable take charge of office, seeks Post anywhere: 13 year' experience correspondence, invoicing.

-Z Echo, Cardiff, BOX NUMBERS. In no circ*mstances will the names of advertisers under Box Numbers be disclosed to enquirers. LADY CLERKS about 17, Required to learn and GIRL operate Special Filing System; mencing wage 3735, Mail and Echo, Cardiff. VACANCY occurs for thoroughly German efficient and Co. The Exchange, Cardiff.

1 Jas. immediately, 8.P. for work; Bookmaker's state WANTED 86, Gadlys-road, Aberdare. HAIRDRESSERS GENTS wanted Permanent Waving Club, A Cardiff: in Box 8241, Echo Express, Cardiff. 2 Fore including Sale, Large Hairdressers' Mirrors, Chairs, Requirements, Glass Cases, Double Basin Fixture, with Marble Top and 2 Glass Doors.

Apply Box 1675, Western Mail, Merthyr. immediately, Apprentice: Established Boy preferred. -Val Roderick's Ladies' Salons, 52, Corporation-road, Cardiff. 'Phone 3096. DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS Junior, young Lady, for Underclothing Department, Cardiff suburb; fullest particulars first letter.

-Box 8407, Mail and Echo, Cardiff. Ladies wanted for departments; accustomed to serving through; only those with previous experience need apply: fullest particulars first letter. Bargoed Emporium, Drapers, Ebbw Vale. EXPERIENCED a Sales Lady etc. seeks Ladies' Wear, -M 8042, Mail and Echo, Cardiff.

TAILORS AND TAILORESSES RIENCED Tailoress and Tailor (late 10, Clare-street), require Alterations, Repairs. Also Your Own Materials Tailored. -Brown, 274, North-road. ADIES' and Gent's Tailoring, renovations and repairs; Customers' Own Material 19. Clare-street.

DRESSMAKERS AND MILLINERS RESSES Made, Jumper Suits, Ensembles, Lincoln-street, Cardiff. MANNEQUINS DAVID services Morgan, of experienced Cardiff, require the Personal application must be made to the Staff Manager before March 26. BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Wanted: able take round horse BAKER particulars, Coate's, 1'riory, Milford Haven. Wanted, take a Baker: bread and 1 smalls; stating age and experience, Grifthe, County Stores, Cardigan. CHAUFFEURS, GARDENERS AND GROOMS experienced, Requires Two, GARDENER, 8294, Mail and Echo, Cardiff.

WANTED, age, experienced references. Gardener; Price state ('ourt Herbert. Neath, immediately, Chauffeur Gardener: abstainer, good driver essential, and references: living to Mrs. Richardson, Netherwood, Saunderstoot, Pernbrokeshirc. FARM SERVANTS Hand (21) Seeks Re-engagement; good milker: references; 156, Western Mail, Pontypridd.

Boy Wanted to Help on Farm; able (HOOD milk: live in; age years.Humphries, Perthellick, P'ontnewydd. young Man; good, clean milker. -Thomas, Blacktown, Marsbfeld. Farm Thomas, Bryndafydd, Forestfach, Swaneca. WANTED, milk Boy.

and plough. for Farm Chatterton, Work; Llandow, Cowbridge. SITUATIONS WANTED Driver, commercial Llandetty-road, vehicle, EXPERIENCED or Cardiff. Seeks Situation as EX experienced driver; age 23: good civil and military -Apply Regular Forces Employment Association, The Barracks, Cardiff. Glam.

AGENTS AND TRAVELLERS GENT Wanted to Sell Fertilizers, DisinA fectants, Lawn Mowers, to Private Houses, Clubs. Cinemas, Bowling Greens in Cardiff and district. -Box 0 3584, Westeru Mail, Cardiff. 1 Producers have Vacancies BRITISH Representatives West of England and South Wales: established connections Box 2 252, Mail Echo, Cardiff. DARN a to £5 me weekly and selling Son, Tea Maesteg, and Glamorgan.

EXPERIENCED Salesman Swansea, required, whole- Motor Accessories, Wireless, also Junior; give fullest -M 8365, Mail and Echo, Cardiff. Canvasser-Salesman EXPERIENCED Domestic Refrigeration in principal towns within 25 miles of Cardiff; high commission and exclusive territory given to selected applicant. Full particulars to be given in first letter. Box 0 3748, Western Mail. Cardiff.

1 FOOD Salesman Manufacturers Swansea; Require, bave experienced exporience and he able to introduce sound business. Applications treated in strict confdence. -Box 0 3550, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1 ADY Canvass Required Automatic Clothes Washer for all towns and districts in Glamorgan, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, and Cardiganshire: salary. expenses, and commin.

sion. Apply, full particulars, enclosing stamped addressed, Burgess and Ferry. side, Carmarthen. (smart) Required to call on Haulage MAN Contractors Repairing Garages; position would suit disengaged Motor Engineer or Mechanic with selling ability: applicants must be over 35. -Write Box 3728, Mail Echo, Cardiff.

and Monmouthshire. WellNEWPORT Life Office offer progre-sive Appointment to ambitious young Man: applications invited from men with good social and business connections in the district: insurance experience not essential: etate age, married or single, experience, and salary required. -0 3720, Western Mail, Cardiff. and Monmouthshire. -FirstNEWPORT Salesmen required to sell Wiltshire Bacon, Hams, and Delicacies in glasses and ting, on liberal commission basis; preference will be given to gentlemen at present representing another house of repute and ing the ground in dence.

giving full particulars, to Bowyers (Wiltshire Bacon) Trowbridge, Wilts. Varnishes, South and Mid-Wales Repre- by sentative Old-established Manufacturers: one with connection amongst Decorators, Builders, Architents. and Councils. Send full particulars of present turnover and probable retention. Salary, expenses, and commission.

Replies treated in strict 7060, Mail licho, Cardiff. WANTED, young, experienced references. -32a, Traveller. Mill. street.

Pontypridd. Drapery: FURNISHED FLATS TO LET Flat to Let, good tion on Parade; excellent view: every -Apply Box 9153, Mail Fcho, Cardiff. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS WANTED -Furnished Bungalow Wanted, ep garage 7149, Mail and Echo, Cardiff. PRIVATE HOTELS, APARTMENTS, LODGINGS DEVERLEY Private and Commercial garage. Tel.

Cathedralroad, Cardin. BIB I da Private Sea garage. Hotel. Tel. 42, Cathedral-road.

Residence; every convenience; BOARD table; inclusive; telephone. 26. Ninian-road, Roath Park. D' Powis. elderly -Vacant.

lady Room, preferred; residential 8255, Mail Echo, Penarth. Stuart," 177, and Board dence. Tel. 1392. Tonkin, 292, Cowbridge-road, offers comfortable Accommodation, Lady.

or Gentleman. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET to Let, three bedrooms and garage, St. David's, May, June, 16, Augueta-road, Penarth. 1 PORTHC bedrooms; Modern April House, on. Box 4036, Western Mail, Bridgend.

Modern Detached House: garage; near Church. Newton; three bedrooms. Mre. Dare, High-street, Port Talbot. 1 Let, at Cowbridge, a Furnished To Bungalow, for 3 or 6 T.

J. Yorwerth. Auctioneer, Cowbridge. Let, -furnished New Bungalow. bath, hot and cold, on South Cornish Coast.

outskirts Gerrans village, overlooking sea: healthy position; 5 minutes beach, shops, rent £1 weekly for yearly tenancy.Nicol, Treworthal, Ruanhighlanes, Truro. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR SALE For Sale, Furnished Bungalow: new; fro Williams, Wenllys, Lampeter. UNFURNISHED FLATS TO LET -Would you like to live at the super-labour-saving Flat? Every modern and sanitary convenience; bot water night and day; tiled kitchen, bathroom, decorations to suit rentals £52. £55, £85, and up to £140 -Henry Butt, Oxford Westonsuper- Marc. Flat, vacant 1st April, road.

attractive position, latest hotwater system. -Thomas, 108, Connaught-road, Cardiff. Separate Kitchenette, bathroom, entrance, two Belmont, Pantmawr-road. Let, exclusive, superbly-appointed, SelfTo contained, Family, Ground-floor Flat; facing sea; Leon, Archigarage; tect. Cardiff.


Suppers till 11.45.-242. -road. House, West Cliff; ideally situated; good food and Turver. Newlande." Francesroad: Private Hotel; centrally eituated tennis and bowls adjacent: every comfort and consideration: Easter 3gns. -Ocean View, Boscombe Marina: uninterrupted sea view: quiet and comfortable: sun lounge: b.

and c. water; from 2igne. 128, Haviland-road, near sea, amusem*nts, station, pier: good cooking; homely: BoardResidence Bed- Breakfast or Joy. 1 BLACK Hornby-road, Davies, adj. Prom.

Kenilworth," and amuse- 21, ment centre; Board-Residence, Bed-Breakfast: lounge; comfort. Tel. 418. of Wye Valley. -Littledean FOREST House.

Littledean, 600ft. up; 80 rooms; grounds: billiards. dancing. tennis, bowls; Mus. tariff NEWPORT, indoor do sanitation, ideally bath; situated every by comfort: "Tivyside," Park.

avenue, Whitchurch, Cardiff. -For Happy HoliW days, Montrosa Private Hotel. South Holm Madeira Cove: all bedrooms. -W. E.

Hotel, Atlantic-road 8.: two min. Greenslade and Misses Wood. Hotel, super Sea Front: satisfaction and Mare. Dorville Private comfort assured: moderate, Tel. 1522.

Caravans MARAVAN, Trailer, Tent, and Full Camping Equipment, for Sale: new last year. Box A F. Echo Express, Newport. Caravans to Let on Sea Coast, HOLIDAY, Llantwit Major. Apply Box 3732, Mail Echo, Cardiff.

LONDON PRIVATE HOTELS AND AT 7, dington. Norfolk-square, -Welsh Visitors W.2, minute always Pad- welcomed. Bed and Breakfast nightly, reduction weekly. Bed b. and and C.

Breakfast. water. 50, Double. W. 2.

Breakfast, and Dinner, day, week. -288, Gloucester. terrace, W.2. BED HOTEL, 29-31, Prince's-square, Hyde Park, W.2; 60 rooms, quiet. comfortable: h.

and water; close Tube, 'Buses. Night porter: Garage. Send for tarin. HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE APPLY D. GOUGE DEVEREUX, ESTATE AGENT.

14, DUMFRIES-PLACE, CARDIFF. Telephone 6288. BALACLAVA House, excellent Attractive condition; Four-bed- bargain: ADWARD-place mortgage (Rear available. -Compact Three-bedroom House; ideal investment; offers invited. (Adjacent House, tiled superb condition; bargain, £525.

A PPLY EDWARDS LAMBERT, AUCTIONEERS, WINDSOR-PLACE, for following Houses. Urgent venue, kitchenette, Llanishen; 3 modern: bedrooms, 2 reception, garage; open views. CT. Francis-road. Whitchurch: 2 reception, breakfast, scullery, 3 double bedrooms, offices.

AKE-Road North: halts 1 minute: 2 reception. 4 bedrooms, garden. garage. A PPLY Tudor Queen-street, Williams, Cardiff, Auctioneer, Properties PontyAll Districts. PPLY Wm.

Sanders Sons, Auctioneers, A Buildings. Summerfieldavenue. Hafod-street, £130; road, Whitchurch, £380. a low figure, for immediate Sale, 129, AT Heath Park-avenue, Cardiff. ATTRACTIVE Modern bedrooms.

House, bargain near imme- Heath diate View, Allene bank-road. A Modern Houses for Sale at Rhiwbina, large rooms, every Course: terms A arranged. Hockridge, convenience, adjoining Whitchurch Golf Builders, Heol-wen, Rhiwbina. TTRACTIVE, Well-built, Semi-detached, A Double-fronted Villas. situated at Western Llandaff; three minutes large bed.

rooms, tiled bathroom; three trams buses: price £650: small deposit securee. -Apply on Site, Underwood and Chedzoy. BARGAIN, price, reception, Modern Semi-detached bedrooms, garage. first offer £500 secure: good mortdeeired. -Edgar Lewis, 50, Queenstreet.

Bungalow; prebuilt; electric, all conveniences.Inquiries Telephone Cardiff 25. TOR Sale, 3 beautifully sunny 6 bed Doublefronted House: reception, rooms: double and further particulars, Knapp. West Bute-street. POOR Sale, 55, Oakfeld-street, all Roath, modernised throughout, electric, perfect condition: reasonable price. FOR church, Sale, with 4-roomed possession: Bungalow.

excellent Whitrepair, owner occupied: electric light; low price, long lease. -Apply Seth Phillips and Son. 18, Quay-street, Cardiff. Sale. Ty-Siriol." main road, near FOR Rumney Bridge: semi-detached, 3 bed.

rooms. bathroom; electric Mail light; and vacant porsesrion; 3610, Echo, Cardiff. HOUSES LAND FOR SALE (Contd.) Most desirable Doublefronted Residence: situated; modern, two reception- convenient, and pleasantly scullery, three bedrooms, bath rooms, and kitchen, lavatories; front lawn, large Blackbirds-lane, tarnam. for Sale: four bedrooms, MODERN House kitchen, scullery; good garden; price Redlands-road, P'enarth. 37: vacant MO NICHE perfect condition separate offers subconveniences; must Sell: letting 17, Monthermer-road.

or Let. good slated Nine-roomed on main Stone-built road; and reach House, of Freshwater Watkins, easy Slade, Manorbier. -Sale, Newton, Near -1, Poplar-crescent. SemiModern ca Freehold Bungalow; reasonable. reception, three (Wenallt).

hall, two garage, sunny situarooms, largo garden. offers tion, one minute 'hus: Radford. Auctioneer, 1, Castle-street. Villa, Mayfield, Heol. bus, train; four two reception.

convenient breakfast. kitchen. attractive garden, lawns: space garage; bedrooms, otte: reasonable price: imme-Particulars apply above. 1 excellent condition: diate possession. Llandaf.

FreeSALE, 5. Semi-detached: Waungron-road, seven hold. three reception; electric light 17. and heating; good condition: reasonable Waterloo-gardens. Freehold Sen.i-detached SALE House, Privately.

modern convenience; also Freehold Builders' Yard, suitable for garages or bus depot: centre of Treherbert; option of buying about Two Acres of Freehold Land adjoining; will sell separate. Apply Williams, Brynpadarn, Treherbert. three rooms and Cottage. STONE. room: high ground near Severn: large garage, small orchard: brick building attached.

convertible other Also rooms, Two Cottages, ahout acre £250. £450; Awre. ground. one let, Glos. built reception, detached four bedrooms.

garage. three garden, low asser-ment. long large quick sale necessary. -T 1207, Mail and Echo. Cardiff.

Boverton-street, Roath, for Sale: good 8. condition; vacant possession. Apply above. nice Three-bedroomed one, House. with bathroom and 3714.

Mail and Echo, Cardiff. Cressy-road, Denylan: vacant four bedrooms, w.c. tory, separate: nice hall. kitchen. hoh grate.

scullery, dining, drawing room-, conservalarge cellar, washhouse. w.c.: electric, within. HOUSES AND LAND TO LET A LBANY electric: -road redecorated; bedrooms, bath. Watkins. Castle Arcade.

attractive Modern House to Let off AN Waterloo-road; two reception, three bed rooms, bathroom: secluded garden: many additional improvements: exclusive. 8317. Mail Echo. Cardiff. four bedroomed House.

re. CENTRAL throughout. £1 exclusive.M 8262. Mail and Echo, Cardiff. 3 Bedrooms, bath.

DINAS electric --119, Woodlandsroad, Dock. HOUSE inclusive. Let. 4 bedroome, bath: 121, Canton: road. Seren-roomed House and and garage to Let.

-Box 4027, Western DORTHCA WI. Mail, Bridgend. Cottage, adjoinDing Post Office; two large reception rooms, kitchen, two large bedrooms, bathroom, h. and outside sanitation, garage. electric: station fire and Lambert, Windsor-place, Cardiff.

Let, Convenient Houses at HomelandsTo Rhiwbina: rent £1 per week each inclusive. -Apply Venning, Builder, Pantbach-road, Rhiwbina. Let, Mulberry House, Little Mill, near To Pontypool, with good outbuildings, garden, and paddock. LSO to Let, Mill House and Shop. A going concern, with General Business and Grist Mill.

together with paddock, garden, and piggeries, situate Little Mill, near Lougher and Ponty pool. VACANT. garage, House two Over cars. Shop, -Apply 26, 29. Orwye.

Let, 68. Foreland. -Apply Williams, Velindra, road, Whitchurch. Ely-road; artistic garden; garage; eleo tricity; St. Michael's road.

HOUSES AND LAND WANTED small House, Cardiff district. preferably tenanted. -Details, Box 5715, Mail and Echo. Cardif. WANTED, and Small tramc: Estate, rough away from land main and woodlands not objected to.

but gardens must be matured. Reply 37, Western Mail, C'ardiff. WANTED, to House, lease or purchase, Bridgend-Ogmore- Small l'orthcawl districts. -Bor 3611, Mail and Echo, Cardin. MORTGAGES A BOUT amounta £10,000 to Lend available upon in Mortgage smaller on approved F.

and 6. Smith, Merrett 25, Great Jamesstreet, Bedford-row, London. BUSINESSES FOR SALE WANTED A. APPLY DAVEY RICHARDS, 35. ST.

MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. for following takings £20 weekly: growing district: low inclusive rent; living accommodation: £225. COOKED Meats and General; thickly populated district; takings £30 weekly: good £175 cash, or easy terms. BARER equipped; modern orens; Swansea; reliable rent old a established: trial: business takings retiring: Sweets and Tobacco: laundry receiring office: attractively fitted shop; comfortable accommodation; above. A.

HALL CORBETT, 13, QUAY -STREET, CARDIFF, for the following Bueinesses. Trials to satisfy. Dairy General: takings £15 weekly: splendid neighhourbood: modern house: reasonable rent; £330, plus stock. takings £25 weekly; rent only well equipped, electric peeler, £250; bargain. Tobacco; smart shop; takings £23 weekly; sell at valuation.

Above. A LI, inspection Classes invited: Businesses lists Sale, free: Bristol: state requirements: capital 72, -street, Bristol. APPLY EDGAR LEWIS. 59, QUEEN-STREET, for the following CITY Fancy Drapery and Baby Linen: suit lady: £230. (NONFECTIONERY Tobacco: taking £20 weekly; any investigation: living accommodation: best part Cardiff; £900.

Another. taking £150. FLOURISHING Grocery Provisions: taking modern premises: £300. Another. taking £100 weekly, £1,200.

MILK Round, 18 gallons daily: shop and Ag living above. accommodation if desired: £160. AT Bristol. -Sweets, Tobacco: £12 weekly: everything £150: ill-health owner. -Simpson'e.

72. Colston-street, Bristol. FOR launch Sale, Motor PassenzerBusiness. very profitable cern. accountant's figures available: owner retiring: sacrifice, -Box 3722, Mail and Echo, Cardiff.

FOR immediate Sale, good going concern, Grocery. Provision, and up-to-date Bakery Business, including clean Stock and large Modern Fittings. Freehold Property includes Shop and Dwelling house. Garage. Warehouse, and Bakery: price £1.200: stock.

fittings, and book debts at valuation: sound Western Mail, proposition. Cardiff. Apply Box 0 3749, GENERAL E8 Business, weekly; £70, including -67, Stock: Moy. road. ness, situated in one of the main Girocery and Provision Busi.

streets, Grocers, industrial town, West 236, Western Mail, Cardin. BUSINESSES FOR SALE 'Continued WANTED Dairy, Welsh Bakery Business: finest Swansea. -Further particular. Western Mail, Swansea. MILK nection: Round, 16 Gallon.

gun: weekly account. 8308, Western Mat' 1 ONTYPRIDD. Tudor 12.02 Tobaccos Busine-. takings weekly: 175. 10 Corbett, 15, -treet.

biggest bargain securing, for little a with a sound connection tor: Millinery. sure living accommodation: the Aret reasonable offer 300. leaving Cardiff. -M 8393, 1 Cardiff. Davey and Richari.

TRY street. Cardiff. for the Business. Prompt Cash teed. Write or call.

to Purchase WANTED art Box 8395. Mail and years e-tabhi-hed Busine. for Sale. secures stock. fixtures.

or call Cardiff. BUSINESSE. TO LET tunity. To L.ct. ing Hou-e.

Mcfarlane. CUSINESS PREMISES LET WANTED For term an.I pare. Secretary. Western Nia ORT 17. Hiof June quarter.

basem*nt: shopping 'The Rest. Nort Hal. to 1G. Gregory and with well fitted SHOP. Apply Secretary, Wester Cardiff.

THREE Roomed Shop. hall, Thomas, VictoriaVERY SPACIOUS 1'I the Lower DOMINIONS Hot right in the part of Apply: HENRY 1 07. ARI'11 BUSINESS PREMISES SALE AND WANTED Tredegar, comprising Tao hold, all let and prodi. £230 pa. nett: prive ticular- from H.

Lever. Finsbury Pavement. High-treet Dwelling 1. Newland, Hunt, and V. chambers, Newport.

EDWAS. Mon. 11. BE formerly sacrifice or would let 03. St.

Mart-street. To Sale or Juvestore, Long Store Brafronted -tuat centre. Milford Mater Gwyther. Milford Haven OFFICES TO 1 1. Western E.ch, J.

4 are Vacant as follows. CARDIFF: several W. -tert: M. NEATH: Two Poor floor. al.

Rooms 00 do.r, OMce-. in Wasters amber. The Parade Death Moderate rec For particulate apply Secretars. Torr Mail Echo 1.1. 1 OFFICE EQUIPMENT OFFICE Furniture wanted secretary and general Mail and Echo, Cardiff TYPEWRITERS YPEWRITER Wanted ferred, any condition waiting.

-Box 3315, Mar' diff. RUBBER STAMPS UBBER Sup; Free. HOTELS AND LICENSED PREMISES Bristol. splend: living: known bre -treet. Bri-tol.

Let. The Kore at diffaith. Mon 1 Auctioneer. Ponty pride. Let.

Apply Rosier Hirwaun. To Tot. Licensed Red Lien Hou-c. H. 1.

Apply Webb' (Aberber: Sherbees. Mon. LAND AND FARM DARN A GOOD INCO Poultry Farm 1. facilities available before visiting 011t Director. Kinmel Bar Bay, Rhyl.

to Let. about Stock. small Jinx Box 361-, Western M.n for pal. 1: acres, with Hon-e Farm: H. Prothero.

hi near Builth Well-. DEAL Poultry 10 Acres Land. poultry, portable tion. Francis, Queen. Cardifi.

CALF. Blaenture For Farm. Let, 24 Aeros 1:. Land at Lale-t Thomas, VictorTwo miles Estate. 700 1: rooms.

lighting. Farms. nearly tithe Stratton MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DIANO, iron frame. reasonabl: Mi PIANOS Modern 3, Clare 1:. ('annot (: -1 1: FORTY VERTI 11.

OVERSTRUNG. unable to call to Models, send a logue. DALE. HIGH FURNITURE BARGAIN, Sideboan. dealer no BEST.

Shylon, Price paid Auctioneer. for FOR Sale, Old-fashioned suitable Linen Mail, Neath. GENTLEMAN modern wisheBedroom Suite (bought to beautifully polished 4ft. 11 charming, (mahogany Oin. lined front Pre frameless accept shaped murart.

Tallboy to match. ol. delivered free: luxurious bedding I': orr belon: 11. Beach Hill. Penart! Hall-' MAHOGANY Furniture chear 7.

mer Grangetown. after.

Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.