The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: FRIDAY AUGUST 2 1929 MC4ICAL nRIDUm HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB fALSa (CnUbhO MISCELLANEOUS FSB MIA (Gmliamii PERMXAL rcixmil FOB SALK (CwliautA fna Pncadiii Fatr) itorr iinm Real Eatate ClaulRed Real Estate Classified Dark sax uighily marred and ant the bait la the world bower sr It took! good la that a thia one jettfl get a lot of iiu for your P1UJ If you ttt No eaty wnua: open i-Unli roppanbar' Aufuit Bate gig Main sL -i- ttt- 1VXLLOW Hsicr used for 39e each round deep slightly shop- worn come early to get one Foppenberg a August Sale 913 Main at open evening! gigwanjw mmiu x- wy 1 RXTXNG Maybe some people 7 would call It living room table any- i i i TtMTS eoUscted everywhere get our "no cure no after 170 Franklin at Dish you bet even though you don't one for when will you even have a chance to buy brand new roomy grey enamel onei answer corns In the 913 Mem hma la Kt 1 vlPL wpptnberra ILKCTBIO wubm machine (0-cycIc roct 1(0 lor $3g 4 eclllatlnf CO-cycla alec-tric fan Stearns 1M Wuhiqln an Kenmora: Hie UN IVLTO Rervlc Opaedatar an hore-powar: fl' puxo-italnar Tnitrcmnt at the immortal four chance la aw one heuty for 4278 originally mm nay time that amsunt caret ill prerlsai cwmt kept rich ppcarlni ebony tlniah la parlact condition ton onrlMtlDi and Uaud perfectly: Inc miiaia leaioni Inn to purchaaor 41j a week make ysa the owner at thia wondcr-ful Btclnway and the envy nt your friends Mel Clark ft Neal 473 Mala at that you will be proud to own Neil Clark ft Neal 473 Main 1 I )LANO Wai 4140 now only 444 Blade piARH irWui the krooM dculcn la the world at oonaid-houd coeti reflolori boufhL oald eke hoofed end rcpuIrwL Nc-Uouol Cub BefltUr OCL 40 IUIB TUppcr 4034-4034 cppoolic Rhcc'c Buffolo Thoctcr ful rcoMUn uow end ueed boutht cud v- cold ct Ooth'i 40 Rrocdwuy fliBE reflete re adding auchlncc rcpolnd bought odd Oco uiaoiii 47 Brccg-wcy Ben 1544 efter Tup 3401-W rtARH mUii for ale chap 1317 Mela t-' It TUP 4444 piHINA allvcr glau kitchen equlpoieut hotel! ratouronta end lnjtltutlocu Buffolo Crockery Co 1U gonoca it Bcs TJ7VERTTRXNQ la Man Ed clow out 404 Wuhlntton it TLECTRIC Witch tooet acndwleh Boehlna good to uow doMrodo a undwlch capacity while tnmmei eohlnet (loiaed top prlM 4174 coot 4380 Addroa A 44 Erie ot Moyrllle ltOR 7 IhOWCOOM 1 OAft I will I- cue 333 GeDCee it TIEFRIOIRATORB end need ot Br tor ell purpoeee new Bmlth! 50 Brocdway IV OISTXR8 bought eold oxchonced npclnd 77 Biwodwoy Con 4041 end way U'a a buy for 8850 No 40: formerly and the rest of ths year to pay thia Is on cost plenty don't know exactly so can off the exceptional buys in Foppen berg's au-ay It's solid golden oak with high gloss gust Sale arrive early and look It over finish quarter sawed top solid ends draws you'll be pleasantly surprised at the value: too unusual design open evenings Foppen- I equipped with the food compartment for berg 913 Main: easy terms cooking foods while you are away Seo No rugs mirror walnut corner cupboard jjyj 9i3Maii? August Sale open eve- of chins 1 IANO Seduced 4250 to 4144 urine our special teo-dey aalc a Cable-NeUoa cabinet (rand: flntehad la beautiful llfhl French burl walnut aa new and twua KOOd aa new 45 rood as the day It came tram the factory curaory eeainatloa and flat toot and voU uma would pronounce It new bench to moved at unheard ef price 4-blade I Included 4150 plica thia fecantl-ceillno fane and 4 aad 4-felmda 14-lnch dnk lour fucertipa la your awa lana Apply Irla Electric Motor Ranalr Oonc Neal Clark ft Neal 473 Mala aL Co lac 130-124 Church at- Sen 4751 1 FILING aafe larce A-l condition dump 3U4 Elmwood eve I Decker Broo it only 4110 a week 1 lake 11 beautiful plana la burl walnut cue with unique panel imncearnnli: ana a by OCL CJ ARAOE equipment for ailo 2424 between 4 end Coll EiisyrreniNG machiim hr rmsonsUc Del 2747 pbons between A reaaonabU i 10 and 12 I AWN mower power sod band: a bargain 1' no phone 1345 Fillmore sve 1 )A1NT8 for inside and outside white all colors 1225 gal: we guara and guarantee satisfaction I IAINTER- cheap 75 Yfrgtl ave SESTAURANT 'action Pollute Pnni co 2H0 Pril NTEH'S-ladders- oven gri': showcase wnhcr roffee urn tibirs dixlies 1615 i PENT for I rl TFIfT 8x10 liVing room siilteT child's desk and 'Lnr' VJIOILET rhair table la: ge scooter I fbmbuutions vilieous china comp'ete 92150: tuba lavatortfj siiikv boilers and ciircmium and I I 1 I IHOWCABEB tables end ehaira nswan3 mad at 90 Broadway (ROWCABEB store fixtures for any 3 ness manufactured: ws buy and sell fixtures Treger Bros 323 Broadway fountain and earbonator new and used randy esses: general founUin rs- Smith 299 ElHrott Ben 3299 rpoZKXX) and Standard icalta at liberal J- terms at Smith's 50 Broadway desk and chair tea cart set dishes for sals 317 Kmwood Apt 12 Tup B120-J Front room alcove and kitchen- 1 $700 airs 237 Wet avr phone suite Q1 3-plrca Ilnrq room OImlI viried Jarquard ith reversible cushion Mwelk pit in Quron Anne Ivbj md mouldings Nenimor Furmture Store facior and show room 2319 Genesee' ti-ie and show room 477 Genesee open FL'KMTL'BK UKKICE FOR MU Pr lis- 2J1 Main CTtiAL'barsMiiis new iscl Uts display ol ioois etc Buifji't Of! icc Lx-j-iana' Inc Ve buy sei ana iip-tj? is! lUiii'LLTT re ta Ube rhairs botiiraM'S i(Oi-ncts sa'cs c'c rrMsotiiOy Li'on Wi'mre A lianlaid chArk onnf tv tab icsc-rg ard O'lt 50H nESKS chjiih r'hug siew and uei also 'K- GarJ's 134 irpnkn tabf with It OME olfce A-L 'on-ailon in sell at pure booickciper sold on 2 floor -r j' Me oak raosne Vaji l'w Jctf rj ai a 'u 4 aOK mrkel- Pr vrek and only ona for you if you A whereabouts of Georgs Voss fa'wetR etc at lowesl prices In! hurry Neai Clark Neal 473 Uaintt ly of No 782 Elmwood av Buffalo new water heatris 9475 esch 81n-j yiANO-Kotiicr A Campbell player nice ho was last seen Feb 83 1920 In New i finish beautilul tone and playing i Orleans Louisiana Communicate with 1 4 ha at 1 cl kasat diamond ring worth one thou-1 Rims 73 New office ifurmtvFOK (TAMTin WASiTfcD i rro tiu will rent or buy Write Tent aV kwk nftire MONEY TO LOAN 4 BSTRACT TITLE MORTGAGE CORP a Buffalo Abstract Title Co I 935 fur refinuhed good looking reuders pi'ompt sc vice on all first mortgage nice sounding upright that needs lun-loins and building loans on new voostrur-uon 110 branklm at across from City Hall priced so low only 93 a week places ihU beautiful piano In your home Kcnl Clark Neal 473 Mam st h-3- Buy this on bext'of terms Foppen- briK's 913 Mini open evenings IvLECTRXO 599 bread new vaa 4 113135 bargain: one ol the best among tna baiter buys to be found In ibis store actually this stove la worth tndmeorar a hat aton on warm dmy: LhJ5 ary No si la toe buy get out get over( your email payment down hers first Mnd wk yfBr to pay tbs balance open evenings roppeaberg'a August Bale 813 evenings Main at iiLBCTRIC Your Opportunity to 1 fire range with oven for 1170 ra g229 terms only a few dollars down 39c for new enamel 4 dishpsns kettles teakettles and so lh: Juat a sample of the savings you can make by being an early visitor to Foppen- I big August sale 913 Mam open eve- -LREKA vacuum with ailachmenu like i new 912 373 Woodlswn sve upper IRIUIDAIRE like I Unden sve new reasonable 446 i i AS Cut tiorn 1103 to 75 beat of term while enamel trim some lekri too grate and solid top: oven and i nroilrr popular m-e teason for pree re- ri'irilon in eoupie snots it haa grown a hills rustv: eeMlv reionved with sicrl wool 1 wiU neater it: t'ke a long time to pay: No 43 Poppenoerg 013 Main: opeu tie- nines 1 iLENVVCk'ID cnnibiuimon ruiige ri'V chrip Arnold fl I'l irv cheap upright piano 925 good condition 266 i enere Ti-irt1: IUCIIEN aid iXi-W rAROb ire box good contTsor reaMinable IOKCH Well constructed durable poich gates that will keep baby on the ixvrh and prevent accidents: you can work not wnrrv trim one slnek of 25 ot rhese 1-lt doping out at esch vou haw to hurrv to get one at thia price: thev wot': bt ion? Ak lor No ir OIJ Matr II 0 ALvil 1 rue uitd iftnco ber 28 Orthorhiuc rAriio latent i'di! jTEFlADDER'-iiic Ltic kind lioii'e niTds Siivea the furniture bone- temper etc-: Jiint the right hricl*t i' pad 'lielf fhre xr brand new1 Ji-1-1 we injured ixhvily 4d that means 'Mill be sruuii! tlir lirrt tf you eet one eirmimc I'oppeuhera's PH Mun Double drop leal rabies never a tmished ufed ahghtli ome shopworn-cood Mavlcenh and a roat of pxtiit will iva'ie them 13 of them make It your to one a 8 50 earh Ak for No 12 P'lPiH'nbtVg'ii Biment Sale 913 open rvenmgx 3Uc eieh briiipd 'nrwTiipht-1 ly ''pvorr asd a cfod a E'p A'-k fr Nn 9 Poj'perherg'a Au-913 Main st open exeniiks 1NSTEI lTIOV EX3GN3 irencis German Dutch dwedi'h aid Phone 2823-W I PHONE Tup 3355-J inr violin gTiano rieiU 1 soi leading inairurtor sum mer tr Beu 294 Ixmgion ave IMISIMKNT 1 I you I cnili- A VAN God 8 N' to Can i-Ji- rtiid Ri uhi 704 rarnt'-Jivr thuusnud Ualdwu (ioid IOSt AM) Hit NU I SLACK bticilc purc ly'bt (ditatniii K(y 1 aiij pejuis near Dciawdu pa: a cuurls iiv JJ4U I slack' '1 Knvtru I SLACK Call luciiC ec iot 'Iuc4drc'C'' II 10 nriir Hotel Nsieaiu i ru tt: rt (0 Ms tsi' ilriB Il'dil N'anita I JIM'K ImiIiO: nac wiln iu- nr Fslliiif: (1! Mnrray liKhr 1(H) liivhr Cali (M'-J mm Ilum-Mila xlrrr 7 -a-d CitMn it Kidc conuiuiiig SHOWN WalM pa IK Siiuaj rewarn Cr' 1 a1 J-iv 'J uca-R I klAMOND aud (ti -TIUU (JiliC iOod rtioiiu 4KJJ cHAl? pii vnciavid h-ci? U8H9 LASPKS IohI vjciiily of HaiuHn pK 01 1 HiiM'ball pii Fill 7U62-W wau-h: Vmxi 'j Ncwh hoor I K'W'HIC 1-1 WnO'Slawi: be(cr limfitf Ko ap lens SS'iu-J -'cripio: and 30 fl kt the nri qq-7 i A'wjd iwifii 'c school 4 1 W'l' ap- ptODOHNPTO ncrod loaod Jcllr aad cream-filled ala French cruller end Med cake ddlchtfal chance for tcamr rew'a breakfut UMe they're whateaomc end dallciaua Oaltiwan'i Health Bakery 44 Chippewa TTLECTRIC trine city country by II--- coaaod etectnclin icaenahle Fill 44441 TOMAMBLWARI Tsskettlsa duhpani kettles sts an going for 39s pises brand new worth much mors open evenings Foppenbergl 913 Main 100b Whole Who! Breed whalcooau and dollrtimo Olid only master srsftsmsn sen make tt a crispy brown crust with that elusive nutty flavor You'll like It ws know Bsltamnn's Health Bakery 94 Chippewa at EX-MARINES OR ANTONI RNOW1NO EX-MARINER Phone Seneca 9557 AND RECEIVE INFORMATION ON A MATTER OF INTEREST TO ALL IVVEB onminod I Luo fitted 41 A wook -2 Horiy Ocnilor Inc 453 HilJ it 1VYER oiomlnod 4lui fitted price ree-J eonoble 50e week Mortin Optlclon 411 Wat Ferry fl 10 I for any debts bt ifo' 1 1 Jol son Jtnyna but 8tv WILL not be rciponslble for any debts i contracted by my wife McFadden rguPyjvaB- JNFORMATION wanted concerning ths Babco*ck A Sullivan Attorneys 1019 Elllcott IT doesn't pay to mote then when you 1 ckn buy surb clever little treat end oue irorks for 92 at The Homs Dress ahoppe 9 West Farads Jeff 9659 ADI EB- You guardians or tbs family xJ of tbs purser-take a sals Is on of furniture and furnishings ct savings that will equal and in some rases surpass ths values offered In ths last big sals that caused mors than 3000 people to Jam our store man duuo people to jam our store Lh nrd when the doors first swung open morning Foppenberg'! 913 Main list to-1 diy the Furniture Household Goods Hus- al Mlaceilsneous and Stoves ror Bale a cteflcaiions llama lo Intrigue even the Duhpans for 39c mahogany finished ehalrs for half their worth beautiful stoves tables 01 tw ale nri lum-brln the entire classified section IADY will teach you to drive auto I get i exults Cres 5360-W riiraisjraperiss 0f g11 T---' MMO I ATTRES8E8 and box springs renovated we xterilise and make them like new: price Lipeon Mattress Co 753 1 1 ARGARET pIctM eoine home Mr is a married man all will be a Kiilrnon JeM 8843: open evenings UKfiE ill- take In her home perrnn or Invalid Bid 2254-W IsUCiS made from old carpels Hankin Fychnw 2280 Bailey Fill I9K2 CAW8 filed by machine 'more precise work cut cleaner tniesr faster all kindx quicker service: bring ynur saws to iis William 8chwene 11 Ross JEWING machines adjusted any 'make $17 White Sewing Marhtnc Co Laf 2212 lutefy the lowest rates on diamonds watches an institution of the better kind rpRUNKS and luggagV iwie A dyed black at Superior Leather Shop i 20 East Eagle sr serond floor Sen 2898 VACATION luggage': auto trunks tools'for mechanics Setiera Trunk and Store 57 Benoca si Open ewnJngx yANTED Pleasant nifice IYMRDKUBE HAT BOXES-Were 919 now 97 75 8tumac 262 Main st 49 Seneca st "Lifetime Luggage 1HEN the youngsters require aomething meals make thm a lunch of Siiitxnmii's assorted rolls with butter and u'srx of irllk they'll enoy eating these delightful little snacks and nothlna could be better for them ftaltxman's Health Bak-eiy 54 Wct Chippewa at 4HY not dry BBachran waterproofer ran stop tnv leakage in vour cellar wall or floor hieh-grade con-erne work Cres 1724 33 Phelps st nd cmn lor at 5 iU pillow wnd box spring -novitirc xvem anprox bv the sra'e C- 100 RADIO AND SERVICE 4 LL kmds of line radio sets and avees-' etirx-x SMc rifjccd at Warehouse 266 Oak st ntxt to xclwul sales uuiiy 9 A to 7 niodrl 35 complete A and eliminator Prim 9J llarraom st Abb 0730 radio lor sale cheap Fill bl4R-W 4 Crosley Uvniboxea 25 60-cyce at stores SJOot) jniteart ot gt5: act quick Mall name I i NY amonut maned on diamonds watches Jewelry afro instruments licensed pawn-h-nkps Community Loan Co 52 Benet'a Bring Your Money PHORLEMB It) set nre meet your nreria MONETARY SERVICE CORP 43 ERIE STREET Drat looitkAKv loaua 0:1 Mtrniiai or bsimex prupe'iie n-i-l'idirx reisrurcnx nf exiting mo-ifaer Til Si- I iVlLniNG and I ru 'iiu? 'a-iTJa' oar ft 5 Ruitato opojaijb Cbiirrhi Cosmopolitan Pei-sonal Loan Company (305 Main Street Auihnrs'en by rd xubjiri siifrviFioa cl Niw Yurk 8'ate DcpL (AAH ju'ir old rr platinum rtmnionds 3rd ll-wn 47 Huron IF YOU NEED MONEY CALL AND BEE I'd Termx lii'HsonaUe TEOPLS3 l'OLLA'1 ERAL CORP 4J WhST fL'HON fii RLFT I loaned oa I Hosier Holding Corp shange Bing MONEY lor ynur needs ahen' VaiPn'rrd 1 PairreM for ill Chippewa Credit Corp 2) Eaxt Chippewa: phone Sen 3315 MONFY to loan on mqrtgagex: enmrrSmnnx 8erurtv Ravingx An 2dfl pearl Xt Sen 7901 furniture auios ciu 213 Stork Ex- I 1 FIX3LEDO computing sealei: liberal terms 77 Broadaray Benw9091 TWO slightly used market coolers and counters: unusual bargains MeCrmy Refrigerator Os 144 Broadway IV buy and Mil uwd More rutiunnt flztnra 103 kin Rm 3495 8 ft 11 plate gloa dtllcitMMB rafrlin-tor wry chap Dig 1413 JTfcaon 1 Ilwtrlc National euch ngikter 'like new 4350 Mb: Chry Mfi 535 flM oak (ton fistura will sacrifice 1454 tjjOQ? grocery lee box almost new 9200 yswj etah gj Travmore STOVES AND BANOEB 4 LL kinds stove furnace repairs 50 South 1- Division it Donaldson rLECTRlO STOVE 3 Uda with oven Cell 1- erinlri 2K R2kbrfd eytp-ayt 282 lLECTRIC RANGE Your opportunity to get a five plats range with oven for 9170 was 9229 terms only few dollars down ah ik act a and the rest of the year to pay this Is one Bkltlg fo 52 at Poppanberg'a August Baler open ova- I nings 913 Main sL RANOE-585 brand new wu C3K25 brikn cn ol the best man the better buys tob a found in this store actualy this stove is worth much more no standing over a hot stove on a warm day r-e Noit'bilv' V2r2tth S' yoS'r 7'rlt AS range $5 1 POreeln rm: jtain Del 9631 a few dollars down and the range is de- AS RANOKS-Cut from 4105 to 475: otii Hvered: take months to pay on berf i easy terms: white enamel trim soma nickel too grate and solid top oven and broiler: popular make: little rusty tn a couple spnts No 49 is the call buy and save Poppenberg's August Bale open evenings 913 Main it HITE enamel gas range $10 lg West ave upper Tup 5064-J Real Estate Classified A LLEN 8TM Email cosy apartment rear upstairs Tup 422 AMBASSADOR APTS 175 NORTH BT between Dalaara-ElDwUd New 3-3-4 and 5-room apartments $70-9150 TUPPKR 3913 a FtAa Tis rr A KANSAS SJO 5-room upper in eluding electricity hot water suitable couple Bid 2078 Arlington Park Apts NEW APARTMENT EUILDBUO LOCATED ON AHUNOTON PARK OUUtmt BEHIND 3M NOTra RTRIIT rlnnnerol90 AFrEltNUCJN AND EENINn room iowerrcnk 950 AFTERNOON AND EVENING 4 BULAN 6-roo Flume Bid 0067-M ATLANTIC AVR 48 near Exceptiunally desirable 6-room upper all com fiiiKuces 4 U1IUKK 785h ucar upper newly decorate! all conveniences including Frigidaire aad gurage rent 970 tu responsible party on icaac Apply lower or phone Bid 6117 lddIv PP I1IW iu ITT-- 1 I nil 1M7 cunvaniancn Kill 1437 I AILEY AVE lSK-Mndrrn-BwerT-4 room fist newly decorated Inquire at 13JU Bailey or Ben 3023 spans available Cres 4307 T5AYNES 2u Lower all improvements 1 9 940: 475 Grant upper steam heat 925 I tKAUMARis PL Very" atlraTtTvc modem tlat reaxonable Rlv 7493 SED50RD 2007 1 nrr-ir pwb itvT w-ft DHav ridge' 04-Modern upper Tiip 3848-J I 472 474-lJppers: 225 i Delavan Inquire 468 Bracken I i I i 1 1 1 I i ATARTMERSI TO lit Marten 314 ttatm mwcc nek Fill 3MI3-J ICH1C1AN '474--Clan undern flat fa working eeupla WHIUAN AVE 1454-Bnu II Sgl wUJ lower front AVR Uppu flat 435 Cell FUL 4111 IfOBELLE New upper dll icnecc nor bcdraemc Cull Icnccc car bcdwoMC Cull FUL 1444-W 4 hcdlWMA 4U JUOARA 8T gnngft hard nod Ocea Dcnforth Sen XTIAQARA Uei-Cppir end IswaTncW fletft ell laprcTCMcntc FUL 44441 VrlAOARA Lowu'il roomc wtthhnthl 434 Tun 7373 rt Math Court ope rimer to -1-7 bMwecn Dele were end Elmwood Tory law prkc fa that bnutlful epertmenu welklnc dtatana to dewntown nor circa ar end hue Una: Urine room hoe birch woodwork flntahcd In Mencmny ela fliw-plca end attractive fizturai music dining breekfeet 1 bedrnau kUchcn I a the Metric nfrlgacta end rncc you wUl enjoy Inspallnf thac epertmentc lease apply to superintendent Northampton Newly doomed lower with linn Fill 1T88-M 'V'ORTH-Dclewerc 4S4 3 rooms kitchen cut apartment building Turn J304-J alter 4:30 VORTH MAIN 153 Hath Wwly dccastcd hot weta hast 171 Kcn-morc eve Unlrcnlty action new upper bot weta hat era 7304 VORTH PARK AVE 375-Modun lower e-7 with israq D1 4484 VORTH DR North Park Mellon Oeeutlfu1 PPa 7-room cpcrtacot olid ak trim tile both end kitchen Frlcld-tlrc lncloeretor cutcnuUe atom hcetlnc tyitcm Inc I inline Mam bated gmreic: or-na lot built tot own a who lira in lower kpnrtmcnt rent 0110 month lor 1 year 4100 tm 3 years or more Call DeL 4544 ORTH UMBKRLAND Modern alx room upper FlU 3101-W ARK RT 54-5 4 menti: modern and rwaaonable 7 mom apart TyAUL PL Modern uptw flak Xnqulrx 1 14 Camarack 333 Ian lower rooaia hath newly decorated all m-nlni JOTOMAC 140 nor nolcwkro Mndcrn upper newly dacrated carm JOTOMAC eve cal Whi upper an5 lower i $3250 8 roomc end bath ftir-naq jaraq If dolrcd Campbell Eld 0346 I IOTOMAC 244 orai Ornl Upper I roams bath (as electricity ml 434 par mouth MOTTE8R RD 414-Upper" 440 hot and eold water furnished 11ENN8YLVANIA rooms bath ns 'PLYMOUTH AVK i-Modern upper 9M inquire lower I SXCHMOND aveH at York st nsv aifyj La modern one and two bedroom apart manta also kitchenettes Yorks Manor RICHMOND AVE 292 BOOT i-room apartments: light and heat 1 RICHMOND AVE Heated A lower apartment Immediate Ion garage Tup 8945 KICXERT BT Large upper hardwood floors furnace 4 bedrooms ail modern Improvements Fill 4511-W KILEY 302 Modern t-room upper horSP wood floors furnace $40 Tup 9279 jslLEY 709 near Flllmorsh Upper flaL 929 newly decorated Inquire lewar "jf tVEBBIDB district modern upper 3- Aw beC bedroom flat 35 Fuller at I IXVERS1DE Upper facing river front" -lb tile both aua parlor: reasonable Riw! gTJAMEB Modern 7-wam uppaf Tup 1371 JAMES near Chapin pkwy modern 4-room lowar earns optional Bid 1441 UINIC BT 1214 Modarn lowa ftaL Jslf 1343-J flooi OEN RCA 1410 7 -room lover all eonven-0 la new medanU price ts right pert SENECA RT Rl Pottq 46 Mcln rt price to right pert SEVENTEENTH RT ModaraTEiNK' KJ room flat 430 Tup 5481 S' SOUTHAMPTON 4T gS'roa uppstj tM bath alalrle 434 SOUTHAMPTON RT Upper ranC 443 Tup 4114 SOUTHAMPTON BT Light convent- ent upper: newly decorated adults only SOUT1I PARK 5-room upper aU modern Improvements 94a Ab 1793-W SjSuTH PARK Upper flat with ga-W fcJRreJi2Sw bitcnen balb comfortable cosy 945 Jdeal attractive upper with living for couple Progressiva Realty 134 Delaware Ben 9470 ttPAULDlNO BT Upper 5-reom rent 3 reasonable Abb oomuic- SOUTHAMPTON ModernTnear kata hot water heat Immediate poasaislop reasonable: rear bedroom garage STRATFORD RD 9 Desirable modern upper immediate posscislon Rlv 9235 SUMMER 316 offer an apartment at 4 Urge rowna i meld' quarter end gmragt ct 4140 PHONE TUFPER 7417 W-43-alT5nr electric bath til rpENNYSON AVBM 123 eorner Tacoma one rooma steam heated largo living room flra-1 place Murphy bed also master bedroom mirror doors tilt bath naadto shower Kitchenette dinette Frigidaire indnaratpr mirror aitchev laundry dryer fruit closet porches janitor service must be scan to bo ARpro cut ted windows on three sides 7J5rs rp-? 7 tnquira rn raar 'I'RAYMORE tipper end IntTSdara 1 fatl uqUra Traymora DtL 1723 Fill 0091 rPRAYMORE AVE 8-room upper and garage all mbdarn convenlencaa ready for occupancy August 1st Call Bra 7428 VlilGlNIA BT Newly dacoratad up Pf walking distance EBKR ave flat all 00a- venleneea 1" 41 -Upper flat all UE8T AVE cottage 930' Tup 1169 'EST PrAVAH AVE 97 flmsll'ip'prr 1 flaL MTT eonvMienes idMi amuih flat every convenience ideal for eoupla starting housekeeping atop garage VOODWARD AVR Upper apartment Phone Jen JSSa rooma: various 9t XYm city Call Mr Oalty Hunt Realtor 410 Brisbane Bldg TTRACTXVB at woodwork rooms in steam-heated apartment house beautifully daeoratad: act nndmki jKdg 3412-J i Windsor ave rooaaTaxZ elusive and desirable hiw rjin silo win mode rwaaonable largi'earm Cook rtOLVIN (action upper and lowar flata 440 and up Hcela Dal 4471 fToWNTOWN daeoratad alae-i trlclty rooma 343 MranUIn at near ELLIOTT APARTMENTS LIMWOOD AVENUE AT BARKER 414 DELAWARE AVE APARTMENTS Dalawara at Bryant MAYFLOWER APARTlfSTTI Linwood at Rumma EVERT ROOM AN OUTRIDE BOOM TlVE-room flat 434 morthThaatan3 lurae Oanee rd aaroaa Buffala Airport Sprue at cai atowlalllf' tob Lowa fiat 4 aautendaa 34 Phalw at ona Mek Mala and FUlmotu la race Pali Oraa 3724 pouB-esa upper flat? 501 dprte4aV AFABTMENT9 TO LET ZNRENTWOOD conn 4 bnu-'-r tlful mua apart ell lmprovemcuu 450 MCUth ClU Tup 704S-R or Tup 5404 CIULVEB kwuppu i hcdraooi genge 443 Ah 4414-W tRESTWOOD SIModcrn lawn la-- Mdlcu poamlcu iim Tup 3414 DELAWARE AVENUE AT ALUM STREET AVENUE APARTMENTS Ourugc fa Oouucetlaa Etrlettr Megan DrcBroof structure cug 4-tugm eputawate with full tile bath la-eludlu llchL tact rctrleaBUca gmut and Ikoltor ccrvtcc Fa docile eng raid EOAN REALTY OORF A Xrcuft Muncga TUP 3520 AFTER 5 TUP 01 T-IIIAWARE end 5-rooa kpvt--A- menu ill coarcniMMC hqutlfnl loctlou 1165 Delaware Avenue Apartments MoM UrkUa haled epertuuots cud ehotccM lockUau on Dclnwun krtnuc Newly decorated 1-3-4-room eprtmcti cqulppM with now Ocnad Electric rw-frlgaciori end Meetrla rucu in Door bed! Large cloutc Icric-alMd bcdroocM Bkld or Ilc very aitruUa looey Rental! under Ina f*cknUhed Open fa da crcnlngs UNDER MAHAORMENT OF FRED RICE I IELAWARE-Hat1 Mellon lerce modem upper with (iraie 37 ShorchcM bird RlT 7804 Delaware Avenue 2249 KITCHENETTE AFAMTMEMTfl Largs rooms FrlgMairo Ineinsrator Rom a-Way ncd 9U up Oarago optional RIVERSIDE 0093 DELAWARE and Hartwell roads locates our off lea In a district where you will find savers modern flats for rent also stores steam bestead apartments with Frlg-ldalre and Janitor semes ready Sept 1st give us a ring ws are at your service and ws believe ws satisfy you open evenings until 9:30 Morrell and 8 KUngia- 1 smith Cm 0919 Rlv 0202 DELAWARE Fins uppers aeswhat LS 950 rents Phone Gulnther Een 1X45 950 rents Phone Gulnther Ben 1945 jjOAT BT 358 Upper flat "for rent Sept! laL I IABT CHIPPEWA BT sparlmcnts near sci First floor churches i stores and downtown sectiou conveniently locaied rooms are Urge and high reaaon- Kim rati 11 liicnapa clnn 'lh fliuu a able rental Inquire store 39 Chippewa st hot va lrncm UPPr- ILMWOOD upper $48 four rooms bath -V to -Uh 1 and 2 baromne 7 rooms adults modern FLORIDA Upper 6- rooms con A wen lent iirau llntul--- veil lent garage optional Inquire lower ITIOURTEENTHT" Modern upper all 1 conveniences reasons ole Call Tup 9947-W I'MtANKEJN Modern 5-room hosted apartment Tup 4224f lHONT AVE Attractive lower oppo- A ute Customs office at Peace bridge rent ENESEE 7-roou upper 'SaC "nir modern upper one-family house Roslyn to date flat ga- VA rsges 935 Ab 4441 DeL 6517 LENWOOD Mooern 5-room accond floor apartment: 940 nduita MREY 295 above Cosy 5-room cottage bath gas electricity 925 Newly nul includes hot water heat hot and cold wala ranee refrigerator optional (kAPl a7-3 room for rant 920 JUERNSEY BT Upper 920 Phone evenings Dei 1995 TTAMPSHIRE ST upper 5 rooms heat in- 11 eluded fine condition Knapp 780 Elmwood ERTEL AVE 11034-roui lower ga- rage very reasonable Jeff 9241-J nEHTEL Upper 6 rooms bath 833 key lower Gumther Ben 1845 1 1 ERKIMER Newly daactal 2-robm i A front kitchenette ranee dW-UpPr 18 ltl: ndJlr TTir n11 II 1011 BTv 23 autf 3rocn Apartments newly decorated electrie refrigeration lac monthly 1 fOPXINS BT Upper apartment In- A qmre at store 493 Hopkins st HOYT Attractive modern 7-room lower reasonable Ben 711 1 KFFEKBON corner Brunswick modern baud 3 end 4-ram apartment tire- trie ratrlarallon open poren rant raaMn- oJr 0H- 8a- 1M1- walbnca Bid ENMORE 33 Stella Beautiful new modern apartment includes heat and garage ENMORE flats aparLments atiid single housea Campbell 2709 Delaware ave tbs moat oaauTi KENMURB Buola fui and luxuriousiy appointee upper a no lower flats in Kcumure bait block oast ot Delaware Reed builder Riv 7499 ENMORE 333-335 NasaauTlower apart- Rent 95250 every convenience Pill Tj" ENMORE modern lowrer near churches s- aud schools 100 Lincoln bird JILH OFFER Modern upper flatfor rant bet wen 2 ear lines i EROY upper7 6 rooms hot water heat new garage $40 1 870 LAFAYETTE AVE" 2 AND 3-ROOM APARTMENTS OPEN FOR INSPECTION 550 TO 875 ns Li art i Studio garagoapt Brivate bath and entranca: nnu aa-! tlonal Tup 1321 WHEN SHOPFINO FOR AN APARTMENT Stop and sea what cosy apartments wo have at tbs new fireproof LIN-NOR LIMWOOD AT NORTH STREET SHERWOOD APARTMENTS Linwood and Barker Lorca rooma hither 'calllnca chokcat location in Buffalo A few apartments available $75 and up Call Bnccn 3040 lor appointment rOVifOT Two iBur-ramn ScU 'uppu end Iowa front all convenlencaa I AIM WT 3154 Xltcbanatta apartment baaL ralrlcaratlon janitor 7 FAIN' Hmlad apartmant "aawnd floor 4 rooma Wllaon Tup 4440 £Alli 4T Vial at Harlem baautlful dinette apartment heated Krlfldalra ranca luctnarator laundry (trace jwi rifhl fa family of twa reference required rant 440: open for inspection Craa 32ISC-J kf AIN rt coma Met 1 cpcrtmntelcft IvL eonalit of llvinc room kitchen dinette both bedroom nod built-in bed CTI Inaiud-Inf bet Ilfht paa atectrie refrlce ration 1 and Janitor crvlet Phona Seneca 4135 lot appointment yAHILLA 404 natr Bo? Park a Mod an enly 430 fAEBACHUBlTfB 421 ALL bedraem fumaw all conyanlaneift I 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 A KMT1 VlL M'OKtGi: LL fir wirris-ve I ie mtvii parking Ware- i r' 1' hI -liiji- png rj Biurue Ar W-tiel-viwe iRr p-rpe hei :2 Etoruzr Virr no jd rellahir exrcrjrri t'of ipvtiss eafely rsrefillr hindd van i pn our jm K1MTI Rl FAIRING (ALL ipiicr 03-i for im: ami bUk and ps utc i URNITL'RE up Uk new Co'ri Spline 973 riELIABLh'Fi'inl'jre sve urn an a 11 Ot -4 r4 STJ'Sierui jb- KRMK EE HANTL'D A tic: Ucl 14ti fats tmuiedaidy Wci- gl-S-e afc! iur hia'l 4 iiAMJUN (laD'i quit nuit than wuetlu1' ou have nre pcce 01 Cijifud Save c-ii I'iamore I6J Oflcc 221-223 Ear' ItT-v 5 jk'i i1 it 'li household guoo- HAay h- iiiriniiirc iuv? Poiium on ji BANDuN (ouur CaI Kfwj 1 1 coh Pi iiMCd Mintdrc tsli oi of VBEGLUTE ii' ESOLL'Th ra aIc f-'r cood fuirl'irc 'rii'il jnij' m-Bido'-ll RJ7U pud if goo 1 Ser ljiih- buv rvejv- niw xrt'qp VLL ol DO iiit hji price pad Ji-f 92H1 J'i cr f-SiT-: TV R-u T7o T0L7MAN 8 for scrvirc 1 Sr vr: ho-i rhoW cii'id' ICE CHEST xnialj nr xrnii refrue: nusr bn qoivi UJ4 of heavy linoleum Krn HfARTIcN AiaCtoineeri Pr-rv A1 war fMiufire j-a ri-rhandse tor ouide Hid Hjp-R yANTED- All kinds of quick ESOLL: TYL and 4 c71 rx immediate Mivirr LL I ire br: par Ht nr Tip- for cah her 9289 HY eras- nf fun f'lr 'ai rlwe" 7914 4 li' prs rnv I-L uj r- CL!) I pj -d- yin -i- ivj Pj'it'V Jyn-oRt' ct ip yn-J no rhs' r- rrd Hrv-- i (' jMrTIM'l Hril 1MI It! lt JIOT- -1 0 -r II imuru ixn cikhi(m cuticd "Colby" that sounds ell and is in iroo1 tune on ery easy terms Poppen-her's U13 Main Open evening I IANO Cnickiriiug iu anew appearing 1 irahogirv cane that will fill Its part vi ur Lome In appearance and utility: there ws'h ou 91 a weiK Nej C'Lrk Nealj 473 Mam rt I IIAN06 tuned repaired eMmiates-free 1 giuraitfed FiIIM17-J or fttfil) 1 IAN06 to rent tor ail occasions ra A week or mon'h trrm very reason i--ii-lYurlirscr r74 mhr )IANO- Fucy tsrnhed upritHiTplTi'er by moneru deMpn: a true bureau for it and yr-i rrccunirc Jw music aM in pureho*r ot tl: psrri: i trw della') weak bujs Neal Clark 473 I L4YER piaro giaO Iur genuine "Eu- A phoiu" plnver in ununuallv gootl ronditinii Ciad to have vou come In and htteii to oeautiful nerp lone of xno rote at tne same time that It ix harmoniomlv Terms nf rniirse lo wnit you: open tonight Poppenhr- 1 1 Uuflalo 8-cuniy Co (Personal )LAYt Loan Co i 737 Fllurott Square: private 10u 0pn on'h PIANO- pefra ow art drk rid ollbtrl BaIIOIIi pr(Kt tobt an (mic a besuiiful upright piano of al- i tractive design very slightly visible checks and (me that your neighbors will tmke for 'w ovsl figured front only gl week Meal your chance burry Neal Clark 473 Mam at ItlANO-MS Sleuou dirk McSSSSy vonared upright borpm uow ot 4800 tone qualities exceptional small weekly and thought it beyond' your rracn ihw carefully used one is only $200 and the lone is perfect free lessons given 91 a week is Neal Clark Neal 473 Main st To go ai only 949 during this ule: made by Jamrs ffolslrore grare- 1 Jiifilijypolished ca or dark mahogany mechanism la in condition them youraelf Bee this 913 Main Open evenings Foppenberg a I HANG-Specially reduced to 94Mdunng 1 Kridsy and Saturday's sale: must to "R(! purchased for lint price on these twt du' onM': famous Story Clark two days only the famous Story Clark mahogany playrrs: an instrument that is guaranteed to please you and that has never before been scroil work heavy mahogany case: this nunn who 700 and ix worth today: you'll be surprised ai ine value here: can be placed your hnmc for 9150 a week can ou afford to mirx ih? Then hurry It won't last long Neal Clark Neal 473 Main rt upright graud veneer fin- IaIi easy term too 913 Main Open etenfngs PIANO Bit n-diKlum during Uli 2 913 Main Ouen earinea this Sa ass El 10 now 950: elaborately carved dirk irahrs'uy cabinet grand in food nine of beautiful ion will go quickly: li a wrek bjx if NealClaraJfeal 473 1 "Fraiirls Bacon" player 9750 1 new now $171 aisghtiy checked: glox: ernusne tmich walnut veneer finish mandolin attachment Flaying ar- icmeut works perfectly Metal tublnx ra: et rubbrr insjurra longer ills to plt mg sttachniMit Thrill to its marvelous tone every da in your own home Extremely easy paunrnts make you the ornor FSMtiribore 913 NLrn open eteuinis SIAN'O -Hardmxu vrry $115 manelmix rone excellent tune dark niahnsany fuiPh carved ire 11: ie--iiii Hh beautiful inx'rnmcrt 41 week buys 11 Neal Clsrk Neal 473 st 1 sal- mahota? fcP ic' will mrr-lv Jntn Mini tote tunc renurru 'lO wei-k ouys it New ciurk 471 Mun: xt Too ckk! be i7uT? Wpi check this barxm and see $750 new 0 at 92rn rov cut to 56U lo vale "Kimtxn" plater wnrkx pert' iM 'ouud heavenly tuced mric(i iniiiu you axk iu: trire for 5iH B'-vt: fo: a open tonieh' lJn tin Min: I HAYEK pjf '5 i ft et ii-n iM'Krtu that piavint: rivs r'U tone hew ooilarx will tx iiict nrw Apprasanre ix tery goHl rt the 'nte tls iuhtSiil Maxr a pat in it wlaf vou unci lii nalanre will I is 1 1 ol oi wrh Poppcn ocru 73 Main Oj'en etenliipx xacrltufd Itrox nnn evciuig' tine piHno you li' nnicv $1 j'O Kliirou at UpiiuLr S4U Man: IM'Crfli 1 that niirin I SEAL I1 iaxu plaji'r piro wic 5 rn: si wnk Srl-aiplrr EilU'iit xi wh ran I I'pre lor w-itk Fiiivi'd Unix OcrPKM uppu i fnirtt' -n5Tril110 Wit ll n' ippxirt $110 50 Cn ban Main ebsv trim Loud Mu rAIXrs AMI ROOflNA MPIMIKS I MINI quality euaranteed alt colots 14 per gallon compute line (rf enamels and varnishes st 2 per gallon end up Rtnnott Co 2b0 Biosdway Jeff 579a NEUHAHI patem aiwnay' Lna iu Banx Bldg 8 and lorcign patents trademarks copyrigblk tstablislied 1897 PIRKONAL A WjE 10 Bo0d prlce lur our pupers rag nud iron Mulligan Avtuue ULK 10 'hithei biilicr' aicc- 1 trie or water power or any vacuum wringei rolU or pans lurnlshcd lor 2734 i latest styles oreas clothes aud lOW U50 rtnt' NladarpiiMiDa 23 ties sold IucT MlfiS-for-rEpilSr and V- Hvered Dy in pert a A Bock 102 Limwood avtiatAllan mp42M 3K your uaichbor then phono Hetitci 1 6984 lor Heal Rnow Whitt Damp Waah Laundry 25 lb 61 flrat bund la deduct Ihia ad A USTIIALIAN' prucpoltlycly axfarSi-1 2Y 1 priest caah a lerma Karktlda Jeff 4041 -w drlvtcaya Mdawclka end cal- ir Blatl1 daragw Tap 3072 JRRTR ecllactad a collaeUen na ehera II AROAINS rn good srtx such as IJENWOOD cornel Main in beautiful Atwater Km Federsi Fads Zenith tral pMrk- Enalixh tvne aoart buintina Cwsley ard other Scnweglcr Bros 3M tral Park English type apart building delighllully diiicrunt have 3 and 4-rooni Eihcott st aiiic-nrsee: open evenings' I MHOAINS in lint' all-clmnc rxdlaT 1 Niauma Wshouxe 224 Niagara f-ale nuuy 8 A to 530 51 4ABINET8 for your radio sets at unheard ot low puces at Warehouse 269 Oak at next to school I 1KHT8 colkftrd everywhere gel our 1 9 cure no pay" offer Cadwalladci's 170 hrniikliu at 1 4YNAMIC and magnetic speaKfJTlit" less 1 Mian halt price used speakers 92S0 if1! rndoajl1 make 9250 up Whim- lLECTniC radio romplete Atwatrf Kent 1 Nn ss teht NbrhHi aval i ban Bros 74a Elmwood open evenings if VK-pnT WEST DELAVAN 666 msnt ali iraprnveuienis Jell 5625 i gld' 303 Modern 7 rooms upper E8T FKRRY Mr Hoyt Aug 1st rr 1 flat all convsmencM P'll S3I2 1 arn 7-room lower $43 Bid 2077-M TINdflCfeY Email upper rear apart near Km wood -f 1 frc 4-0 rewird Plmne Tup Mil HIM Rl Ot rt i r' iidrr rtiiJ I 1-: i- lilaiic driii ih 'tii hr: i 'h lat'r- r-'id I i test ni rt 1J0 i'- S'Jid shot el Wslxh tpir'v rtrV'iai llliidi rrl tu Vn or pikes 'l -blide lb-lnrh rtexn I fs iv Motor lfrpu- 1 f'I s-'ex now r-txiilt ffv 'i'iippirt repair xlcip 'ii! iis vin Fvj :41 Kun 'fr and iraiutfuniTt rx aolil 1 yi'itr int(r Wardvli-'K M'Viriiri f' v' i i 1 1 11 (i ft IIKUUU'T inn 4 it WTLHNS Dronuwi will Umn "Plnn ymira i irnnn ho'irh' xort nrt rxchanuert Phnm Srn ntfrfi Gin Vi 5 Ik Eafcrn Gi-Ipotla mrhiiie at vmir prl' kurnlard hoia pint 1 niMTMAXMH FOR K4LR lirqest rompletr riyk niiffalo liprurrUermporhim Inc 12 pr rl I IMR fixtiirN'anrf 712-724 "jrifer- I 9 nn avr I J'Ti1SRf fr4v 13-plale heavy' duty is Ilka new 139 Rtrvrna Inrr alao neorina'at a an a ft At i rtfLlTW lL10 ioans nu I'liijiture pianos Ciu'uouux leuai dept jpervwjn Sen OtHiS MMlf ufiicc of the late Moss Cohen re 1 novrq horn 5L9 Main to 523-527 Bqu we Inhn ninv on rUsmonmi i siron Concn 5'3- 1 JT White Bids HOM1 HANTHl 1ANI'LIj 8EiJfjO or cnit tc il will I-- Mib'id'ii: hoi: -i J2 Nt Oiiiti All MC4L 1N I IS I MINIS Vtftr'ja tacory expert purtk t-ji wit maki i CimiU' JHii 4 CfuMAIlC VaSIUa plays 12 rrLuca wit iis: I4C1 An UtUai Kai 'pci 1 lt i Ji I i(vh)i i ai: llfl i niai to mi i 1 Llu S'iJ in 'il tv'iiwr I L't 1 ilto J': 547 Fill UI- UNN Se-urr L'L'Uiikit carnetx Luu innate aid ouxojjiioioi jiit ra xg expert repui xertnc rljnui il music iu iirnr-if(s uairt while isirnir MeCJelian Mu if ll-e Main lio 44 1 I (OMK and xf thi f'li PJ-nn we ai 1 li I nrh tl 1" UV I lllUfA- 1 KANDY tlpiiyln 9 9 "if: 41 (r 1 (1 rr C'fnn- I 1 1 1 1) ii'fiiM1 1 i ENIMNK Ol lliMphnnfr Viriiohrc sun 'In ril 1 nr lis If smrt Irx-c 91 wrfc Bthwf ir i a- i 'HUMAN mada'rioTin lorV-liTtrTi i 1 "'l l'' piaiiu and many mhar fmr ntakrs of IHiiir iHano from up 1 work Bn 303 Elimtt at Genet' cv-ninus na" 1 1 sncilfira 435 KiiCrl o4 AHHIIaU player piano on Kn'hn: i 1 BrM Kaaimal ni 1 "od ru hve'at hnntT dare ooca Meal Clark' McrtTdn Ibrtd'nf hoi siiioij) (ioops i-or a -s Poith II I) tiijp nn III 1 fiPi dnilljlp mru'it ron II tsiks 2 you pp how n-r Nn IV Ponpciw-I-'- B'i A'K'I' contrnjpni ipjn i TTiNTNG ROOM ClIAUtK dirmq room lurruu iP rhsiix a Vi of thai arc ini)i panel bark end with Mais uphuSMrrvd in Nue Iciinsr Uipp chsux wivid he rrsil enditmn in any honr and 'ouid uert take the place ot dinin'! 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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.