The Daily Journal from Freeport, Illinois (2024)

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The Daily Journali

Freeport, Illinois

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to- 1 A j-Ar-i I Jl i vV Vi'-v "THE DAILY JOUUXAD FltEEgOtlT ILI4 AA iA-A if j-W A A- 1 I rJ Mil LEAGUE A McNAMARA Go ARE SHOWXHG THE LARQESTLINE Of Ladjes9 Sho*rarid Oxfords aa 'V far the cut ia adl klndi ofleathsr-j-Vlcl KidPot- safe Leather Fatsnt Kid Value in hand tune aad head weltv Also a hsantifol line of 'V V-' TSttap: Slippers in' Frcspcrt HfCoinjCure Yea'if Any One Can-ani Often When Ne One Elm Can CSTAWZ whathar iaf tha haad throat or atMuah nod hoMia sand emwMnUr Maar wfwoaaaa nod tawlawlala aaq ba mt na ta BnUBU of tha hsart alOMah UrW andkidnoratMawdiathaaMaa anaotUU ore fiMWianda of troohlad vita wsak adtiae baaka sad kUaatc aad othar aa aiitaiihl sins of oiaa MUIb Kaav dlaotthia Iimmi at aka soLTiIm wntlytow ia wa id tkla aaaraataa teantad with aafailiaq imwa ALL DI8KASE8 trf a fftHuttaatara tnflo taaUoaa ood kiadnd trwihlaa qniukly aarad without pain ac lannawaliaia IP YOVK XTXS 111 WXAK Vr wiU UMa nwtwtir wltkgUwa SccondYcar 1 A i 7 al halo to rnttaota whoaa ka nawanm Um first lo wJS3Tto 5 ttoddl ika-wiUbal 7 Man 1 AviA liailai isealellrtoCCkwiole Karvouaiad HeodWtoeqaeti A- KUBOZB yUet the Jmdgm 04 Cw4hIm4hU aUHrMcMiitp Tnplr Chlcfjoy May William McFrt-rldto has been fonhd not guilt ef the mtinler of -his brothe Robert McFe and tbe Jury vfhlcb retwhata the venlict-to Judge Karanagh wisaub-jected therefor to speech of censure fmm the bench The nbiulttal of tht fratricide was a surprise to every one lntnretvd In the trial tVIcFetridfe in-duued William McFetrldge shot his bnpther to deatlii on tbje street while the brother was bolding a child la hli Srnut The" prisoner Mld hla toother fired -first but no one ever saw Robert's pistil except William "''A Members of the Jury talked lh defense of the verdict Theyjiald It was the nnanlmone opinion of tbe panel that the McFetridgrewere'a lot? and that tyiel nut her was se blood-thirsty as the oth-r- Thc foreman said It way a case or dgrt-u against One end he the oneiA TS- A After McFetrldh wts i released party of Ills friends called on him and arranged for-a dinner to eeletoate his litters tlou After they left the house they met John and Robert Work the latter tmermed man They -were called on to cheer: for McFetridge and not replying one of- the McFetridgo gang Walter Nolan atrnek Robert Warke In the face He resented this end wait killed with a club A A WiBXBB MBS CBAVZH EBBED if jtEPPTATIpE Heir it Wu fifld Retained in 'S- Freep A good repbtation ia: not eaailj earned and was Qpijrllj hard eon-siatAnt work among'our dtixeGothst Kidney pills won their way to tha proud distinction attained in this locality Tha pub! is endorsem*nt' Of scorn of Freepoit reoideoto hu rendered invaluable terries 1 to the eommunity Bead whet this citixea Hirer oefaiool living MJe-JQna day the fell of 1897 I heard of Doan Kidney Fills' being ore core for kklney eompluint went to Effimert drag store now Jon nna pi euredja box Tha treatment benefited me coosiderable --1 hare had little if anv troubladnce I endorsed Kidney piiles through pur Freeport papers then and the truth of that atateinent ie verified by my ptor lly non-in-law -Kidney Filin awLiound them1 true to the claims made for thorn I am glad to rjt-endone them again to the public" For sale by ali dealers Fries 60 cents Foster-tiilburn Col Buffalo sole agents for tbe Be-member the name Dpan'a and taka no lubatitnto 'A- a' Tko doetor airaa hi aanoul attaaUoO to auk lodlvidool oaao naoonrl 11 boaioaaa niiiiat wmImImiI txi ood auiatif- few foints vnrm IfieShtier show i InM dlhnat stria 1 toe Cm fit aaj Usd of fMt at soy Kioayoa wlaktopar fergat to tiy a pairs! oar 100 pot laatkar snaruUsd i lJEIOH MADE SHOES Oar ssmIsm hon aij vorkahofcoaBoUklBctoaqaaltt aniaa assist oat Boys aad LitUa Gonto Shorn A luge assortment of Tunis Bigs Telescopes and Dress Silt Csses? 'rV --'-vArA'- 1 iS SP''McAlamarajJt6i 118 Stephenson Blrest 6-12dweow Writs Wonblao It totw bo ih it br aurruaoat as dlfostac AbadoM irm-t nl rrrfirrl-al iliHeei Additoa -vrtinmtanlftaeetmetaadaMhwplalnlfJ--f-'-" nad Laboratory 11T Btopbnfisoi V-'--Entnliea bekweea Borrell Broogrqoery ftora and 20 A MoNaaxra'SA OSSM 11 li UBi UtodSqmr(tokm- AA' "Tj- i Wffiaajl -iScemariinrrc '7 wi i -j a wa bwbakaonitotbaaara Prleo OAS'oor oero flo MOaaraatUaaalaaocabalaDaala grana too Hair aat Blbaimaga LoodiaaD tUlahla aaaapt IB ooaaa vhiablaaat by oonaak ood paatorai food tbkMtoa find Vrloo lw fisr eertr- Wlaeiea Weal el MaeeaUae ell alee botluai toad 1M aeiw Is eiepe belsoee lo aedow apl Motaio oo waata load nod bleak aoU lair aat olballdioiab Ml on ooro fa- Wa bare BOO aoa la North weatorelowa of rleh bleak aaMotbapralrie lead oee Ir jhlHaalilfFHloailowlaedtUledoatitooaatelaeo belldlaeai A ailaa froei (ood railroad toara Price 4dta BO par aero Owaeeeeeaged la other bealneae Jhlaia a aew Cam aad ViWdaBUeMd la a iwatbaiaalo Urn fr-roraale or aaahaiioaretD aero atoek lawn la DAeator ooaatr looa nallaa baa rood nluoad towa of 1 JOO lababftaatai 1TI aaran la ealUratioa balaaeauablaaeiaaaoaataio Btaroioanboi t-iooatooaawat boaaa bora tor II botiaa hay and frala tnoaad latotfleldni I rfhwnta (oUmdi barralaa ia Soath Dakota Brooklaea Co ekoo to Brootlip aoati l-Fiae Uoprand 10Q aaraaraloao to alty at IB6 rar aeraT aeraalt aiila froai 0000008! 48 oar aert ti NO 810 aaraa IM aUlaa fronn aollaea at ftllO par aara i- A' U0 Mil St( ailea fma eltr at par am MO Two traota 1A0 aaoh aqoal aufaiaoa boan BraoUaffe Aorora aad Bonbaall lai prated flaaat Mad oMaad $41 par aere 'v plaodld lead food hajrowaatat MO aaraa UM klsd or 1um tt psr im MO A Halt aaetioo IH allaa fronn Wjilte aplaadl Ibaaad abaaytlefaMrtffh far aara NOT-ll0aeaalAaiUMfnM White lowrarad at ja atilM fro White larprorad at onfarthorortTktfroinpAtoeHvw good baildinn ete nil MoT-Wo bare in d3 worth of bolldliiea land la all tillable ana MO trM aerae Att mllee toon Verdoni all 1 hooaa and barn Prlee tSlaar aara -4- NO aerae I lfieftwa VerdoetflaebaUdliien all tillablat flaw irltlrallylaral Prioe ISt nor aero 1 i bare la Ttareraa county Mlanaaota the laaoaa Bed tlTor Talley nmiaoooa flap ntrana MOTT-en aerae A allaa froa atatloo all a taaaaMioth blaek bottom land well drained) all bntN teroala eaUlratloa andfall plowed lair aat of balldlnfa pMjMparMra MJ0 per aere 1 Wa bare aoane baaotifoll fuau near Yoiea at fma to P5 per IM to Wear aero AlToftbaao with May StO aerae A mllaa from atatloo all alaa aanioth blaek bottom all bat aeroa la enlhratloa andfall plowed 1 lair aat of baildlafo friae NO l-tOO aaraa mllaa from atatloa 1 a aplaodld larlac traet of Ural tlTatiaajall well fall plowed) fair balldinea) oolrlZSBar aara -tv ToolMaorttraetaadJoininf the abore all in eaUlratloa at aamapnoa NO A3S0 aeno I mllaa from town 1 aplendid nmootb blaek Uod in Qermaa Latbena nelbborfaood near aehoolhoaaai nearly all In entlratlon Priee 19 par aara Thaeaara JnetefowelMlaebaifalaaaelaotadftomoarlarfe UK alTloaatod In tbe boat farming diatriet in the world Waalaohare tbooaanda of aaraa of wild land ranfiaf in prleafjrom to 9U par aarofi Coomu and took oner oar large Mat of baralna a A -f i 's 1 k-zi Jj i tA- 0' My i-i'j- y- '-j-h 4- -i'-f o' vX V' EREEPORipSlLliWiiiiiw Stats Body Meetsi CIscts'pBtrs and Decides for it icai' '0 PEE8IDE5T THE STATE JAXB of ChUafo VnlTeraftjr Slearly fihalBr by the Oaf Routes Flip at Monmonth 77-: Sprnlyflel(l'IIla Mdy The annuel nieetliur Af tha'ntdtc board of dl-Swtotv of illP UiuolB Anti-Saloon LaicuwairMd lu the bmidtiiurtenr office in tht i-lty yeatenlay The following otHcera wareelecteed: Prifel-drnt fieY lloraer Bred of Xlecatur: Ice Her Freeport Her IloUml JL NIchula of Chicago Rer Sdnford Gee of Cairo aecretaryIlev Klttrldge Wheeler of treasure Hlcrcnynua of Springfield --laperlfe tendent and general Attorney William IL Anderaon of Springfield Work Kokoo Good Prafiaam 1 The auperlntendent'a report ohowed the 'greatest progresa In tha history of thfe' work which haa received official recognition and Indorsem*nt during the post year front moat of the leading religious bodies of tbe state Repraoonta-tlvet selected by aereml Chicago meetings were elect ed mem here of the state and the re-moral of the headquarters office to Chicago and the maintenance of the Springfield office as the deportment of legislative work were considered Towel Option tba Mala Iaawm Ttie loocal option bin la to be pushed aiythe main Issue until phased and present conservative plane: tor bringing about s' general expression ef the public desire upon the question in order to directly influence legislation and lay the foundation for the defeat of those legislators who do not fairly represent their constituencies received heoyty approval -'L'r Will Go to Swo tko! Praaldoat Springfield lIhL' May S0-The committee- on special programme for the liver anniversary of the Illinois state fair will go to Washington nest moiyh to present to President formal Invitation to attend the erte-brstlon which will be hdd the first week ln October-next The Invitation will consist of a fihe engraving appro prlstely worded Alrarence already has been obtained' that the 'president will bn here on that occasion Ae apeclal Cohfmlttee Is comprised of members of the state board of agriculture yr'- I- CO-KD HAS A VEST CLOW OAIX dewu' limp wltk tko'Gas ilaaoplag la 4 Hot Boomu -1 Chicago Hay SqHlaa Henrietta Becker a graduate student In German at the University of Chicago' barely escaped death ty'asphyxiatlon lu F0o-terhally -She probtblyower her Ufa to the fact that Miss Frieds Klrchhoft and Hiss Hlldred French who had taken partlntbeu8lAUg prevlons evening had stayed np to a Into hour talk it all over? At 1220 In the sunning as the girls were about to retire they detected the ameU of gas Awakening the housekeeper HIM Frances Wheeler the three started upstairs to the fourth flow binding no cIew theyTrtarted down to the third' floor their 'number' ln-cmaeed by other excited co-eda Altar search they discovered that tha gaa wav encaplng from tha room of Hiss Becker The door wis unlocked and they went In Hlu Becker lay asleep uucouadoua of her danger Throwing up the windows the girls worked for some time over the girl who had been Inhaling the deadly gaa and finally nmrded lo-rdimlng Mi4IhI Eiptrti Mol In Princeton UlsV Hay When the defense in tbe Henael murder case Called lta expert medical wltneues Dr Scott testified that the break In the first the decedent could not have been Caused by blow In the luck of the neck In this he not only took Issue with Dr Ludwig Ilek-toen' of Chicago who conducted the poet mortem examination but be declared It was his opinion tbe break was caused by Ilektoen when he removed the bead from the body during the examination Dr A KL Owen of rrlfitvton testified to the same effect- r'-'-r -J Soama a Pretty Clwur Cam Chicago May 30-rJohn Golden denied In the Hsxwdl street police court that be bad abandoned hls wlfe and declared that she had left 1dm because be objected to her playmg the races couldn't afford to per: mlt my wife to play the racea on my alary of 13'n week" And this Is why she left him eald Golden flaa to Halve His Mipaoare Chicago Hoy According to a Justice court decree Uosalle KnJ whs ledded not to marry Wareynaec Poch-roy after the marriage llcchse had been secured must pay him (28 half tha money which her lover spent In Wooing her Her reason for ruing bargain was that her lover did not wear his hair properly 1 Atieatod tor Killings Springfield Ubk May William if uffitt wanted In Hawctvllle Ky on the churge of murdering Daniel Lewis March 30 last has been arrested os the streets of this city by Deputy Sheriff Hsrry Tsylof After being arrested Mullltt confessed he had shot and killed Lewis bemuse ef Lewie attentions to bis wife aMMMWHaa WlUtoMlMto atOalwkarg Galesburg Ills May The Dam-ocrstlccentraIcomiulttM of the Flf-teentb Illinois eongrreslonal district decided to hold tho eongrreslonal convention In this city Jana 20 HMotoolk Has leOAOS HI 7 Mooamouth Ilia May The entire plant of the Weir Pottery com-parfy was destroyed by fire lest night LoavliKMWO Insure ace (20008 -aa--tv----a ana ungoa ewy day in the year bom Cbioaga 'A a- 7 A 4r-A v- 3 Str fA A A PcrsonallyGonductcdExcursions lilMtolMw $3 id -Mew Has ItattMl tor toSAtow Ban Frshcisco May Ma Net' tie Craven' bus abandoned her fighf for recognition as tht widow of the late Senator Jamee Fair She has been psld (50000 fbr withdrawing from tbe various lawsalta against the estate of the deceased millionaire aud the estate valued at (20000000 that has-been so long in litigation now vreta absolutely in Charlre Fair and his slaters Mrs Theresa Oelricha and Mrs Virginia VandrebilL '1 a When Mrd Graven first appeared an g'clalmant for share of Fiiri mtl-Ihms the wan offered (300000 to abandon her Contest She 000 and upon being refused the proceedings" that Jua Juat 'beSli dlamlaaed Washington May jn the Philippine debate hi Increasing os tba discussion draws to a Morgan of Alabama and Spooner hod the floor both speaking for the bill and Spooner falling to complete Ms remarks 7 Lodge in charge of the bin got several amendments agreed to one of which extebde to the Philippines the provtxton of tbe MU of rights of the constitution of the United Staten excepting only the right to Jtoar arms and tha right to a trial by Jury An executive leeslon waa held Adjouruod to Saturday Tha house passed the hill to Increase the subsidiary silver TM Democrats directed their fight chiefly against the provision to recoin -the itnndard eUrer dollars into subsidiary coin Tbe conference reports on- tht omnibus public building and fortifications appropriation bills were adopted end the house: adjourned until Mon- jaltad Paeabytarloas Work HaiftL'A: Ilttaburg Pa May With the election of Ber: James 0 Wilson qf Erie ae moderator the appoldti-ment ef committees the hearing of reports 7 and consideration of routine bualneea the commlaaionera to the general assembly of the United Pran-byterlan church spent nine btuy hoars The forty-fourth annual Ion Is now well under way- Has tho POata Down Pis Clevelaiid May The Leader says this morning: "Napoleon Lajole and Pitcher William Bernhardt will play with the Cleveland dab for the balance of the present bene ban ion: This information In authentic" Art Gin to t4su i TiOndon May Charles Gaosot -wealthy merchant- hoa bequeathed to the corpora tloa of London his art collection rained nt £70000 with the exception of fear pictures which ere to be given to the national gallery -'J 'T'l- a THX MARKETS CUm Grata aad Proda Chicago Marik ta Mav eeeeeeee wUlY dajaeaeqen (jsptdnwr December Corn- Jar uly SI it ember- iSS ember M- 46 Vi Mav -49Vk uly told) SS old) 26 newK J7 mBM- flfiv KPinmr 1926 IOlS1 iwt lift mfeiV: MTU uly September Producer Extra cream llVto per lb: dairy 7 (Cooleys) Oofmh packing stock llOliVVc stork 8oa Idvo Poultry -J Turkeys Hallo per lb: cblckeon Uo fiurka ioc: asear (iOOtMW) mr So Fair to riwlre I1MG469 per bLANew Fair to boat IL9i it per bu Cklaego live Slook Ckleari May Ik ITocn-Eetlinated receipts tor tbe day sWi I4M6: ole Pica 614617 ohlpplne lotiti with the bulkoi Ins within tha ranee or 67MoL EaUmatod recelpto day TUOS: auotqtlona ranged a is fair to good do 6(waLM common to medium do 34ba6 for butchert eteera 6S00O74S fed weaUrn Mm caivea Mieen and Lomtw-ntlnfiitsd receipt for the dav ikOuS: auotatlnne raiuted at IlloeiN wcsierna tLMtil no-tlvea 6MS4S7S0 wwiera lainto and Rwm75 native lamba apt 6SSSW76k yillwaahae Grain MWsFiMsmm 1 i 1 -a All the New Shades" maide equal Av WV to custom tailoring Neto Spring Ooercoats a Netb Styles Loto Prices ei 'MOTHERS cannot but appreciate the-fineassortment of Boys' Suitsweare showinjg this season Our stock of Two-Piece Vestec Norfolk and Sailor Suits is very com-' plete We are especially sfaqngbn Boys' TKrtePiec Suite In TwecdsJ Worsted and Series "made just like a except for the short pants $135 $2 $250 $175 5300 and up to $500 1 1 mA- Howlak PnUh In Oermnny The national competition among Ger tun compoeera which jraa organised last year at Ldptlik has resulted tn a remarkable fiasco A prlM of £800 was offered for the best popular opera and among other conditions it wot stipulated that competitors must belong to soma GernUn-epeaklng country More than 600 in Germany Austria and Swltxerland wrote to Inquire for the details ef the comper tition but only thlrty-flx of them actu ally lent In compooltieno After careful examination of these thirty-six operas the adjudicators unanimously decided that not one among them was deserving of the prise which wlll ekb-er be returned to the donor or devoted to some musical Pall Mall Ctaaetto Vo Less of Time I hove sold Chamberlain's Oolie Cholare and Dionhoen Bamedv tor venre and would rather be out of oof-fee and suffer than it I sold five bottles of it yeaterday to thrtohere that eould go no further and they ore at work again this morfling-H Phxuts Plymouth Oklahoma As will be seen by tbs above the threehen wen able to lreep on with their work without losing single day time You should keep bottle of this Bem-edy in your home For sale by Jos Emtnert'druggist KSffV- It tLBo8tand thecelebretcd dramatic author has 'an Immense collection of little lead toldlere of which- French ehUdreh are no fond Don't Start Wrmig Dmit itnrt the eummer with a lingering cough or eold We nll know whst "summer is the hgrdest Uod to eum Often It on" through the entire eeneon it in hand right now A few doees One Minute Gough Cure will set you right Sure cure for eoughs uoids croup grip brouohitif nil thiout and luogtroublM Absolutely nfe Acts at once Children like it "One Min uteCougbCure is the best eough modi sine lever toys Bowles Groveton "I never found anything elne thiisated so safely-and aloilyfr Hr: J- MoogkvnndJofi Longfellow turned on( about one volume -of poems a year for years arly four years win ti qulred 'h'is translation of "Dante1 7 Trnvellnc Is Dangerous Oodalant motion jars the kidneys which sra kept in place in the body by delicate nttnehnwati This is the resson that travelers trainmen street ear men teamsters end nil who drive very much suffer from kidney disease in some form' Foley's Kidney Cum strengthens tbe kidneys and eurea all forms of kidney and madder Geo Hansen locomotive engineer Lima writes "Constant vibration of the engine earned me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys and I got no relief until I we Foley's Kidney Cure" iloogk and knnx Tfl Boston and Retnrs st One Fare Via Vew York City If Desired For tbe round trip vis Niokel Fists road for Christian Sdentists' meetin in June Tickets on sole June 12t! to 11th inclusive with extended return limit of JulySlat Stop-over to visit- Niagara Falls enroute also granted Write John Calahan general agent 111 Adams street Chi-eago for detailed Information 6-28d2tawto6-U Bniiness Opportunities For AIL Locations In lows Blinds Minnesota and Missouri on the Chloogo Great Western railway: the very beet agricultural Motion of the United States where farmers are prosperous and business men suooentful' We have a demand 'for competent men with the neoesnory cental tor nil branches of business 8bme pedal opportunities for creamery men and millers Good locations tor general merchandise hardware barn eon hotels banka and stockbuyers Correspondences solicited Write tor maps end Maple Leaflets Road Industrial Agent 004 Endloott Si Paul Minn 90 SHORTESTTIME ON THE FINEST SCENERY5r' -r Only roule by'whioh yoa can leave kome any day in tit* week afid thvei in toorisl cam on fast train all tha way For deaeripttva pamphlebtnd foil information iqqvln of naageaft agenk- i Chicaffo North Aa-'-'A-- -fc -7'hs-'A -t A' fretswi 'I- SttfhcuaB St ILwA Western Railway i -j 1 TO LOAM Ws have mossy la amounts of glCtr to 83000 to Iona on good security ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Deads Mortgages Leases ftt drawn Stephenson Co Abstract OEca Taylor Frick Frops u-tiier AND Leaves Mencjota at 8 1 0 This is the interestingf most corhforUblc and (nexpen- sive way of goin to the coast A way free trom storms and landslides and past the most magnificent scenery in America all by daylight Other parties leave Chicago every Wednesday -and Friday at 1100 tn Mendota at a and go via Denver I and the Kio Grande Railways Fof particulars ask yoiir nearest ticket agent or apply to EUSTIS General Paitenger Agent By CHICAGO WBa-L-IEViS BAY 1 1 1 I TUESDAY JUNE 24: 1002 1 Very Low'Exennioa Bates to Dsn vsr Qola Via tks Norihwestna Lina Excursion tickets will bs sold Jans 22 23L 21 and 26 with Anal return limit until Oct 81 inclusive account International Convention- Apply 4to gonto Chicago A North was tern SASdwtd $l25ROUND Train leaves Froeport 7:25 a tTWe: Na VbW72V4a mia -Oat July Milwaukee May -No 1 northern TTW hero ilWlSJie: July Lower a I 6c eWy Na tlUo: eemalp fine: Ka I wkUa toaa a i i I Iewer I northern Low 6214a Jt44b WV' I I UltAd-A-lOtStAw -J I 4 -f uT- r-V- f- 4 I i -A i.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.