Jury hears distressed 999 call from mum of alleged murder victim (2024)

The distressed mother of an alleged murder victim could be heard comforting her seriously-ill son in a 999 call played to a jury. Steven Chappell, 29, is accused of the murder of Daniel Bradley, of Bridgend, who died on September 23 last year. He denies the charge and also denies an alternative count of manslaughter.

It is the prosecution case that in the early hours of September 9 Mr Bradley was walking down a lane near the New Brogden pub in New Road, Porthcawl, when he was assaulted twice by Chappell. Mr Bradley had been drinking in the pub that evening and was described as "his normal self" joking and dancing around. Witnesses said that while in the lane by the pub Chappell had accused Mr Bradley of owing him money.

On Monday jurors heard a phone call made by Mr Bradley's mother, Sheila Rees, on September 14 last year after she went to her son's home in North Cornelly. She initially called 111 after her son took a turn for the worse. She told a call handler: “He got beaten up quite badly on Friday. He’s been to A&E and has rib fractures. I’ve come here today and he’s been up all night and paranoid thinking he’s talking to people … He’s sweaty, shaking, and his breathing is shallow." She said she was worried about her son "hearing and seeing things". The call was then escalated to 999.

After a four-hour wait for an ambulance Ms Rees called 999 again. She said: “We asked for an ambulance four hours ago and he’s getting worse. He thinks he’s been talking to the ambulance man… His lips are tinged blue… He’s responding but he’s really confused.” During the call she could be heard speaking to her son.

“I know you’re worn out but keep your eyes open for me. Just try and concentrate on your breathing,” she told him. “Dan I know you’re tired but keep your eyes open… He knows who I am but every couple of seconds he’s talking to someone. He was talking to paramedics 10 minutes ago according to him.” Mr Bradley could be heard talking in the background and then his mother said: “There’s no-one talking. There’s no-one here, only me here.” Mr Bradley was subsequently wheeled into an ambulance wearing an oxygen mask.

Paramedic Jessica Torkington gave evidence to the trial at Cardiff Crown Court on Monday and said when she arrived at Mr Bradley's property in Willow Close his mother guided them inside. “He was sat on the sofa and just from looking at him I knew he was critically unwell because of his colour and how fast his breathing was. I knew he was very high priority… He was a very, very horrible colour is what I can say really.”

Ms Tornkington was asked to describe her involvement with Mr Bradley’s care. She said: “He said when he was out on Friday night around 10pm a member of the public assaulted him, somebody he didn’t know. He said he was hit from behind and then his head, abdomen, and chest were stamped on several times… He didn’t seek medical advice… He just wanted to see how he’d get on… He said he went to his girlfriend’s house… He couldn’t get out of bed… Because he was in so much pain…

“On the Monday that’s when his mum came over and had to really try to persuade him to go to A&E and he went to the hospital on the Monday. His mum told me they did a chest X-ray. Dan’s mum believes he had fractures one side but Dan said it was both sides….

“He said he couldn’t eat because five minutes later his abdomen was really painful… That morning Dan’s mum stated Dan had text her saying people were outside his house, they had a hammer and were trying to get in. He was extremely paranoid.

“She went to the house, found him upstairs, was blue in colour, was breathing rapidly. They phoned 111 and transferred call to 999 but she had been waiting quite a few hours….

“My main working diagnosis was septic pneumonia… He was showing signs of sepsis, high heart rate, high respiratory rate and raised chest on left side. My diagnosis was he was septic and possibly in septic shock.”

The court heard Mr Bradley was treated at the intensive trauma unit at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend where an EEG showed pronounced generalised brain dysfunction. Mr Bradley remained unresponsive and unable to move any limbs. He was not responsive to voice or to pain when sedation was discontinued and his pupils were unequal.

The clinical picture was indicative of brain damage, the trial heard. Mr Bradley’s family was informed of this and staff were told Mr Bradley would not want to survive with profound neurological dysfunction.

Mr Bradley was getting sicker despite maximum treatment. His condition rapidly deteriorated and a decision was made to start end-of-life care and keep him comfortable by the administering of painkillers. Mr Bradley contracted sepsis as a result of his injuries and later died in hospital on September 23 with his family at his bedside.

Chappell, of Beechwood Avenue, Cwmdare, Aberdare, denies the murder of Mr Bradley and an alternative count of manslaughter. The court heard he does accept he was involved in beating Mr Bradley on September 9, 2023, and he will also accept acting unlawfully in doing so. The trial continues.

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Philip Dewey

Trial adjourns until tomorrow

The next witness to give evidence is Dr Christopher Hingston.

He said: “[The] impression was [Daniel Bradley] had an infection from somewhere… The most likely diagnosis would have been pneumonia based on the limited information we had…

"The main crux of the discussion was which hospital to take the patient to… The Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend was the nearest place he could have anaesthetic."

Defence barrister Peter Rouch KC said two to three litres of pus was drained from Mr Bradley’s body.

Dr Hingston said he was unable to say at what point intervention would have made a difference on Mr Bradley’s outcome.

The trial adjourns for the day and will resume at 10.30am tomorrow.

Philip Dewey

'Pale, mottled, and very, very ill'

The next witness to give evidence is paramedic Luke Jones, who also assisted in transporting Daniel Bradley to hospital.

He described Mr Bradley as “pale, mottled, and very, very ill”.

Mr Jones said: “I stepped back, Mr Bradley began to deteriorate and eventually went into cardiac arrest.”

Mr Bradley was incubated and received a thoracotom, to help drain the pus that was inside the chest cavity.

Philip Dewey

'Just from looking at him I knew he was critically unwell'

The trial resumes.

The next witness to give evidence is paramedic Jessica Torkington.

She attended Willow Close, in North Cornelly, Bridgend, where Daniel Bradley lived.

The witness said: “We came in and the patient was sat on the sofa. His mother guided me into the property. He was sat in the sofa and just from looking at him I knew he was critically unwell because of his colour and how fast his breathing was. I knew he was very high priority…

“He was a very, very horrible colour is what I can say really.”

Ms Tornkington was asked to describe her involvement with Mr Bradley’s care.

She said: “He said when he was out on Friday night around 10pm a member of the public assaulted him, somebody he didn’t know. He said he was hit from behind and then his head, abdomen, and chest were stamped on several times…

“He didn’t seek medical advice… He just wanted to see how he’d get on… He said he went to his girlfriend’s house… He couldn’t get out of bed… Because he was in so much pain…

“On the Monday that’s when his mum came over and had to really try to persuade him to go to A&E and he went to the hospital on the Monday. His mum told me they did a chest X-ray. Dan’s mum believes he had fractures one side but Dan said it was both sides….

“He said he couldn’t eat because five minutes later his abdomen was really painful… That morning Dan’s mum stated Dan had text her saying people were outside his house, they had a hammer and were trying to get in. He was extremely paranoid.

“She went to the house, found him upstairs, was blue in colour, was breathing rapidly. They phoned 111 and transferred call to 999 but she had been waiting quite a few hours….

“My main working diagnosis was septic pneumonia… He was showing signs of sepsis, high heart rate, high respiratory rate and raised chest on left side. My diagnosis was he was septic and possibly in septic shock.”

Ms Torkington said Mr Bradley became unconscious once he was moved to the ambulance, which lasted for five minutes.

Before that he had capacity, was aware of his surroundings, and was able to answer questions.

Afterwards his consciousness level was intermittent, she said.

Philip Dewey

'There are lots of factors'

Defence barrister Pete Rouch KC asks witness Dr Huw Brown who he would have sought advice from if there was something he didn’t like about the X-ray. The doctor said he would have spoken to the registrar in the A&E department. He said there was an on-call consultant but they may not have necessarily been in the building.

Mr Rouch asks if rib fractures can be both complicated and uncomplicated. He said: “In those three days an infection could have set in?”

Dr Brown said: “That could have been enough time for an infection to start.”

Mr Rouch: “We had a three-day delay in reporting, secondly the fracture was displaced that could have damaged the artery and the vein, and someone suffering from tachycardia. Can tachycardia be symptomatic of an underlying infection?”

Dr Brown said: “It could be one of many reasons.” The witness confirmed he did not believe any blood tests were taken of Mr Bradley. He said the patient did not have a high respiratory rate.

Mr Rouch said: “If blood tests had been taken and they had identified there was an underlying infection, that infection could have been dealt with?”

Dr Brown said: “I don’t know… the patient did not have blood tests taken… There are lots of factors. I can’t comment on that”

The trial adjourns for lunch until 2pm.

Philip Dewey

Mr Bradley told doctor he had been 'jumped'

The next witness is Dr Huw Brown.

He was on duty on September 11 at A&E at the Princess of Wales Hospital.

Dr Huw Brown said Mr Bradley told him he had been “jumped” while leaving the pub, had been kicked in the head, and had lost consciousness.

The doctor’s note said Mr Bradley was in pain but he could not expand upon this.

It appeared the patient’s lungs were clear when examined. His heart rate was faster than usual and there was bruising around left eye and there was evidence of a haemorrhage.

There was no swelling or abnormality to his limbs. Dr Brown said Mr Bradley said he felt well before the assault.

He was diagnosed with chest and rib injuries and Mr Bradley was prescribed Oramorph, a painkiller.

Philip Dewey

Nurse called to give evidence

The next live witness to give evidence is Mrs Wilmott, a nurse at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend who saw Daniel Bradley on September 11.

She said Mr Bradley had told her he had been assaulted and had been kicked in the head. He had a black eye and said he had been stamped in the chest and was complaining about pain to his ribs.

The witness said she couldn’t find bruising but Mr Bradley was finding it hard to cough or take a deep breath.

The witness has finished her evidence.

Philip Dewey

Clinical picture 'indicative of brain damage'

The court hears Daniel Bradley was treated at the intensive trauma Unit at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend.

An EEG showed pronounced generalised brain dysfunction.

Mr Bradley remained unresponsive and unable to move any limbs. He was not responsive to voice or to pain when sedation was discontinued and his pupils were unequal.

The clinical picture was indicative of brain damage. Mr Bradley’s family was informed of this and staff were told Mr Bradley would not want to survive with profound neurological dysfunction.

Mr Bradley was getting sicker despite maximum treatment. His condition rapidly deteriorated and a decision was made to start end-of-life care and keep him comfortable by the administering of painkillers.

Mr Bradley died at 5.53pm with his family present at his bedside.

Philip Dewey

Defendant found in shower

The court heard Steven Chappell was arrested at the home of Carley Chappell on September 16, 2023.

Ms Chappell told police he was not at the address but he was located in the shower.

The clothing he was wearing including a blue long-sleeved top and blue shorts was recovered.

A black trainer and a black medical boot was found to contain the DNA of Steven Chappell and Daniel Bradley.

Blood-stained clothes and a pillow case belonging to Daniel Bradley were also recovered.

Chappell was arrested on suspicion of section 18 wounding with intent.

Philip Dewey

'His lips are tinged blue… He’s responding but he’s really confused'

A further 111 call was made by Daniel Bradley’s mother Sheila Rees on September 14 last year after Mr Bradley took a turn for the worse.

She told the call handler: “He got beaten up quite badly on Friday. He’s been to A&E and has rib fractures. I’ve come here today and he’s been up all night and paranoid thinking he’s talking to people … He’s sweaty, shaking, and his breathing is shallow…. I found him with a hammer next to his head and he’s been seeing people… He thinks he’s been talking to his sister who is in work.”

Mr Bradley speaks briefly to the call handler. He said: “Hiya…. Not just in my ribs really, really and my nose…. [Confused] and tired.”

The handler said: “How’s your breathing?”

Mr Bradley said: “Hard.”

The call continues.

Ms Rees added: “He’s catching himself every time he breathes…. He hasn’t eaten for three days, he can’t have anything…. His breathing I just don’t think it’s right anyway… My concern is with him hearing and seeing things…. I can’t get him to eat anything and he can’t take any pain meds.”

The call handler asks: “Is he seriously unwell?” They add there may be a concern Mr Bradley has sepsis.

Ms Rees said: “More so this morning when I got here. He doesn’t look well. He’s got a black eye and he’s pale. It’s a hard one to call.”

The call handler asks: “Is he confused or behaving oddly?”

Ms Rees said: “100%. He said to me ‘Can you come here please? Can you stop the kids they’re all kicking off?’. I thought: ‘What’s he on about?’. He messaged me again saying: ‘Make sure you lock the door when you get in’. He said ‘Just do it, the kids are all kicking off’.... He said he’s been speaking to my daughter and she’s in work…

“He’s making noises while he’s catching himself. He said: ‘Is there anybody in the house now? Are you sure no-one else is in the house?’. He was in severe pain….

“Looking at his legs, they look mottled. I’m feeling his legs and they don’t feel cold. The one hand near the fan is warm and the other is cold.”

At this point the call handler escalates the call to 999.

Ms Rees said: “I’d be happy about that. I am becoming quite stressed with that to be honest.”

After a four-hour wait for an ambulance Sheila Rees contacts 999.

She said: “We asked for an ambulance four hours ago and he’s getting worse. He thinks he’s been talking to the ambulance man…

“His lips are tinged blue… He’s responding but he’s really confused.”

She is told not to give Mr Bradley any food or water.

Ms Rees can be heard speaking to Mr Bradley.

She said: “I know you’re worn out but keep your eyes open for me. Just try and concentrate on your breathing.”

Mr Bradley said: “I can’t.” He asks for a drink.

Ms Rees said: “You can’t have a drink Dan, you’ll have to wait…

“Dan I know you’re tired but keep your eyes open… He knows who I am but every couple of seconds he’s talking to someone. He was talking to paramedics 10 minutes ago according to him.”

Mr Bradley can be heard talking in the background.

Ms Rees said: “There’s no-one talking. There’s no-one here, only me here.”

The call ends when the paramedics arrive and Mr Wilson plays CCTV footage of Mr Bradley being wheeled into the ambulance on a wheelchair and an oxygen mask.

Philip Dewey

Trial resumes

The trial resumes. Junior prosecutor James Wilson plays a call made to 111 by Daniel Bradley’s sister Jodie Rees. Daniel Bradley also speaks on the call.

Jodies Rees said: “He was beaten up quite badly, he’s having chest pains, and his nose has been bleeding since Friday. Restricted movement.”

Responding to questions Mr Bradley said: “Not severe, just a chest pain and I can’t breathe through my nose… No just hurting… He kicked me and stamped on me… Kicked in the face… It’s sore on my side and up my arm.”

Daniel Bradley was seen at the Princess of Wales Hospital on September 11 where he was given an X-ray and prescribed painkillers for a rib fracture. He was discharged from hospital that night

The jury is shown images of Daniel Bradley lying in bed injured at his home.

Philip Dewey

Trial adjourns until Monday

The trial adjourns for the week and will resume at 10.30am on Monday.

Philip Dewey

The trial resumes

The trial resumes. The next witness to give evidence is Holly Meredith, who will be dealing with the sequence of events.

The document contains storyboards of the movements of Daniel Bradley, Steven Chappell, Cherelle McKay and Carley Chappell on late September 8 and early September 9.

Philip Dewey

Trial adjourns for a break

The trial has adjourned for a short break.

Philip Dewey

'If I come back up there, you’re f****** all having it'

Footage is replayed of the first alleged assault on Daniel Bradley by Steven Chappell in a lane next to the New Brogden pub.

Afterwards Daniel Bradley can be seen lying on the floor as Cherelle McKay pursues Chappell as he walks away.

Chappell can be seen walking away carrying his crutches and pointing at Mr Bradley and Ms McKay.

He can be heard saying: “If I come back up there, you’re f****** all having it.”

Chappell is seen to return a second time and punches Mr Bradley to the floor before continuing to punch him and kicking him in the head.

They grapple on the floor as Ms McKay attempts to protect Mr Bradley before Chappell is seen to deliver a second kick before walking off.

Philip Dewey

The trial has resumed

The trial has resumed on Friday. Junior barrister James Wilson takes the jury through the full electronic evidence in the case.

Video footage is being played from The New Brogden pub in Porthcawl on the night of September 8 and morning of September 9, 2023.

Daniel Bradley is shown outside the pub with Cherelle McKay, Steven Chappell and Carley Chappell. Steven Chappell is seen taking his top off.

Daniel Bradley and Cherelle McKay are then seen dancing inside the pub before going back outside to talk to Steven Chappell and Cherelle McKay.

Sion Morgan

The trial adjourns for the day

Jodie Rees said Mr Bradley was taking to hospital and she sent a message to Jordan Bellamy, who she knew lived by the New Brogden pub, and asked him to look for her brother’s phone which had been lost.

On September 15, 2023, Ms Rees was contacted to say she needed to attend the hospital where Mr Bradley was.

She said: “I arrived and everyone was in the family room. I never had the chance to have a conversation with Dan again.”

The trial adjourns for the day and will resume at 10.30am tomorrow.

Sion Morgan

Statement is from Mr Bradley’s sister

The next statement is from Mr Bradley’s sister Jodie Rees.

She said: “On September 11, 2023, I first became aware Daniel had been assaulted. Mum had been trying to get hold of him over the weekend but had not managed to speak to him.

“At 8.22am, mum text me saying she was still not hearing off Dan and this was unusual. The next message was a text at 9.34am from mum saying his face was black and blue.

“I went to Dan’s house later that day to take him to hospital. I saw Dan upstairs in bed and he had drying blood on his nose, nostrils, upper lip and beard. He was bleeding and had a pillow next to him he was using to wipe away blood. The pillow was absolutely covered in blood.

“I saw bruising around his left eye which looked black to me, and had bruising to his left arm. He complained of pain to his rib and chest. Dan was struggling to breathe.

“He tried to get himself up off the bed but couldn’t physically manage it. I moved his legs and got him to sit up, and put a large fleece on him. Dan wouldn’t let go of his left hand side and said it was hurting. Dan kept trying to catch his breath…

“Dan said he had been assaulted and said he was mistaken by someone else and tried to show someone his ID to prove who he was.”

Philip Dewey

'It was hurting him to hold a conversation' - mum

In a second statement, Ms Rees said on her son’s first visit to hospital he had been given a leaflet on how to look after himself and aleve pain.

The week before September 8, 2023, he was not complaining of any pain. Ms Rees said: “The week he had been assaulted Dan swore at me because he was in so much pain. He couldn’t do anything physically for himself and I had to do it for him.”

The witness said she and her son worked together at the amusem*nt park in Porthcawl and she would see him most days.

Ms Rees referred again to the identity of Mr Bradley’s attacker.

She said he had told her he didn’t know him and he had kicked him on the floor.

She added: “(Dan) said ‘He said he owed me and I went to get ID to show him I wasn’t who he thought I was’.

“He later mentioned he was with Cherelle McKay and her hand was hurt during the assault. I noticed his breathing wasn’t right. He had difficulty breathing and catching his breath.

“Dan kept telling me to shut up as it was hurting him to hold a conversation. Not until later he would finally go to hospital after his sister and I kept asking him.

“I took a photograph of his injuries as he said he was going to call the police but he never did.”

Philip Dewey

Mum called 999

Ms Rees attempted to get Mr Bradley to eat something but he couldn’t eat an orange.

She called NHS Direct and dressed him up so he was ready for the ambulance. She noticed his legs were mottled and his lips were turning blue.

The witness called 999 and stayed on the phone until help arrived.

Mr Bradley was examined by a paramedic who escalated the call, and he was taken to the Princess of Wales Hospital.

Ms Rees said: “I had no idea how ill Dan was until the A&E doctor came and told me they were performing CPR for 20 to 30 minutes.

“We were updated they had managed to get his heart going again but he was very very sick and we could lose him. Since then Dan moved to critical care and remains on a ventilator. Apart from his anxiety, recently his health has been fine.”

Philip Dewey

'He was frightened' - mother

On September 14, 2023, Ms Rees said Mr Bradley was too unwell to come downstairs

His children were at the house and he hid his eye in his pillow so they would not be able to see his bruises. The children gave him a hug and were taken home by Ms Rees before she returned.

She said: “(Dan) had hardly eaten anything and every time he ate something he got heartburn pain, he told me he wanted to go to sleep.”

On September 15, Ms Rees received a text from Mr Bradley saying he had a “nightmare night”. He asked her to lock the door when she came in, which Ms Rees thought was strange, and he later text her to ask her to come over “ASAP” as it was “all going off again with the kids and I can’t physically get up”.

When she arrived at his home, he shouted down for her to “Lock it now”. She said: “It seemed as if there was something wrong and he was frightened. I went straight upstairs, he was lying in bed and I could see a hammer next to him on his right hand side.

“He said there were people outside his bedroom who were talking about him and they had a machete. He was frantic and believed what he was saying. I calmed him down and said there was nobody outside in the street.”

Philip Dewey

Alleged victim's 'breathing was shallow'

The next time Ms Rees saw her son was when she attended his flat with her daughter and his sister Jodie Rees, and they insisted he needed to attend hospital and get checked out.

They had to help him out of bed and get him dressed as Mr Bradley could hardly move. He was holding his right arm across his body and his breathing was shallow.

Ms Rees said: “When he tried to talk his breathing was worse. He told us he was in a lot of pain, especially when breathing and talking. Jodie and I took Dan downstairs and put him in my car and drove straight to the Princess of Wales Hospital.”

She said her son was discharged with painkillers, and they took him back back home where he went back to bed.

Philip Dewey

Mother describes son's injuries

Ms Rees describes the first time she saw Mr Bradley after the alleged assaults.

She said: “I thought Dan would be in bed as usual. I walked up the stairs and his bedroom door was open which was unusual. I walked him and saw him lying in bed…

“He was awake. I saw his left eye was black and yellow and there were bruises around his right eye. His eyes were bloodshot, he was lying on his back with blood coming down his face from his cheek. I could see blood on his pillow.

“I noticed ice packs over the bed. I asked him what had happened and Dan said ‘I got beaten up’. I asked him who done it and he said ‘I don’t know, I don’t know who it was.

“I told him he needed to get it checked out and at first he refused. He said ‘He hit me from the side, I just went down and he started kicking me in the head and stamping on my chest’.

“I asked him if anyone seen it, he said no and then he said Cherelle McKay was there and had tried to stop it. I asked Dan if he knew whether he had lost consciousness. He said Cherelle said his eyes had rolled in his head and he remembered coming round on grass and had to get up and go.

“I asked him what he had been doing and he said he had been in the Brogden and an outside lane by a grass verge. He said he went to Cherelle’s house and didn’t remember how he got there.”

Philip Dewey

Statement from Daniel Bradley's mother

The next witness statement is from Daniel Bradley’s mother Sheila Rees. This statement was made before her son’s death.

She said: “Dan is the victim of an attack and at this moment in time is critically ill in the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend.

“On Thursday, September 7, 2023, I had a What’s App message from Dan asking me to pick up some food and drinks for his daughter who was visiting him that day. He does not drive so I went to pick up his daughter from the Porthcawl area and drove her to Dan’s home. I went in and he seemed fine, his usual grumpy self in the morning.

“I did not see him until September 11, 2023. I sent a What’s App message to Dan over the weekend but had no reply. I could see the messages were delivered but not read. I didn’t think anything of this as his phone has a basic SIM card.”

Philip Dewey

Taxi driver gives his account

The next witness to give evidence is Dennis Dladla, a taxi driver who picked up Daniel Bradley on the evening of September 9.

The witness said: “He told me about something that befell him the previous night, he was not feeling well…

“Physically getting in I did not notice something, he was walking slowly… When he told me what happened to him he said he had a swelling around the cheek and the eyes…

“He was talking slower saying he was having a pain while he was breathing, especially when he coughs. Coughing it was very very painful…

“He said the previous night he was in a local pub, the Brogden, he said he was with his girlfriend. As they were sitting inside the pub, there was a time the girlfriend wanted to go outside for a smoke.

“While outside smoking some people came from behind and asked for something for smoking…

“Next thing that happened was a punch from the right hand side. He went to the ground and people were trampling on him and kicking…

“I asked if he was fighting and he said it was an unprovoked attack… He said the girl who was with them tried to stop them but he was defenceless and left there before he walked home….

“He complained about pain while breathing, (it) was a concern to me being human. If the pain is in that area it sounds serious. What if you go to hospital just to be checked. He said ‘I think I’ll be ok, I’ll promise I’ll go tomorrow morning’…

“He said he had been sleeping throughout the day and that’s why he called me at night.”

The witness said he dropped Mr Bradley at his home in North Cornelly.

Mr Roach asked if Mr Dladla knew what Mr Bradley was saying was true.

The witness said: “I’m just saying what he told me.”

Philip Dewey

'No animosity in the pub that night' - witness

The next statement is from David Bishop.

He said: “I knew Dan and saw him socially out and about in the Porthcawl. We played pool together in the Picton, have a few drinks and occasionally see him in the Brogden pub.

“The last time I saw him was on September 8, 2023, in the Brogden. I walked in and saw Dan standing by the bar drinking a bottle of Bud. He bought me a drink and spoke for a bit. He was his usual happy go lucky self, always joking around…

“On the evening of September 8, 2023, Dan seemed his normal self, he didn’t appear to have any injuries. I know this because he was dancing around, laughing and joking the whole time.

“I’d never known him to get into a fight with anyone, he was a very well liked boy.

“I knew Steven Chappell and saw him drinking with a lady… I saw no interaction between Daniel Bradley and Steven Chappell, there didn’t seem to be animosity in the pub that night.”

Sion Morgan

Witness statement

Junior barrister James Wilson reads out a statement from witness Amanda Lloyd.

She said: “I know Dan very well. He is a regular customer in the bar I manage, the Picton in Porthcawl. He is a daily regular in the pub and comes in most weekdays, buys a bottle of Bud and plays the machines. He is a friendly, chatty person who couldn’t keep still, well liked by everyone in the pub.

“The last time I seen him was on Wednesday, September 6, 2023. He walked in the same as usual, laughing and moving around as normal. He did not mention injuries or seemed injured in any way.

“On the evening of the assault I was told by regulars he was on his way to the pub. I did not see him again but was told by someone in the pub he was ill in the house.”

Sion Morgan

The trial resumes on Thursday

Good morning. We are back in court and proceedings are now underway.

The next witness to give evidence is Stacey Brown, a barmaid at The New Brogden pub in Porthcawl.

She said she knew Daniel Bradley as a regular customer of the pub.

On September 1, Ms Brown saw Mr Bradley in the pub. She had to restock on bottles of Budweiser and he helped her to carry boxes back from the local shop.

Describing Mr Bradley on that, she said: “He was his usual, hyper self.”

That evening, Mr Bradley was speaking to a woman but a man came over to them and seemed angry.

Ms Brown said: “(The man) Said to come outside… (He was) angry, annoyed, agitated…

“I said to Dan ‘Come on Dan, you’re my boyfriend’.”

Prosecutor Jonathan Rees KC said: “Is that true?”

Ms Brown said: “No, I just wanted to diffuse the situation.”

Mr Rees said: “Did that work?”

Ms Brown said: “The man said ‘Is he?’ and I said ‘Yeah’. The man went and sat on the other side and Dan was with us.”

The witness said she saw the man a week later in the pub with a medical boot on and crutches.

Defence barrister Peter Rouch KC asked Ms Brown if the pub was busy on the night she saw the man. She said it was busy because there was karaoke.

The witness has finished her evidence.

Philip Dewey

The trial adjourns for the day

The trial adjourns for the day and will resume at 10.30am tomorrow.

Philip Dewey

'You could hear people being pushed and thuds against the ground'

The next witness to give evidence is Toni Cosson. She says she was in bed asleep before being woken by shouting.

The witness went to the window and could see two men and a woman. She heard reference being made to money.

Mrs Cosson said: “I could hear the female pleading ‘Give him the money’, repeatedly…There was a lot of swearing and shouting, I could just hear ‘Give him the money’.

The witness went to bed thinking it was just an argument

She said: "I got out of bed when I realised it was escalating, I could see the two males and female in a tussle. I felt like it was a brawl between all three of them…

“I hate fighting so I just took myself back into bed so I wouldn’t have to see what was going on."

Ms Cosson said the window was open and she could "quite clearly" hear voices associated with a fight.

She said: "If somebody is fighting it’s not a silent action, you could hear people being pushed and thuds against the ground.

“I heard someone mention ‘I’m going to rip your eye out’... There was a lot of shouting and swearing.”

Ms Cosson said she saw a man and a woman sat on the grass, and the woman was telling a man in a dark top to “f*** off” repeatedly.

She said: “I watched him walk away towards Woodland Avenue area, I know he walked because my husband saw him walk from the front of the house.”

Philip Dewey

Witness says Mr Bradley was 'defenceless'

The next witness to give evidence is Jonathan Cosson. He confirmes he lives near The New Brogden pub in Porthcawl

The witness said he was woken by shouting at the front of the house but couldn’t make out what was being said. Mr Cosson said a woman was “hit, pushed over or fell” and a man in a black top had done it.

He described a man in a grey top as “not wanting to be there and wanting to get away from the scenario”.

He added: “The couple just wanted to remove themselves from the conversation."

Mr Cosson said he left the window and went back to the bed, but the shouting continued.

He went back to the window and said he saw the man in the black top kick the man in the grey clothing to the head or upper body. The witness said: “It was very forceful, (Mr Bradley) was on his hands and knees in a vulnerable position… He was defenceless.

“The male in grey was lying on the floor, the aggressor backed off and the females were shouting. The male backed off and the incident ended."

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.