Tumblr Writing Collection - Chapter 1 - Wooitsmee (2024)

Chapter Text

Name: Hilde Svalksdottir

Race: Musetouched Aasimar

Class: Battle Singer Skald

Appearance: Hilde is a rugged warrior from the north, athletic and well muscled yet oddly short at only 5’2”. She is 24 years old. She has slightly tan skin and messy peach-colored hair owing to her aasimar heritage, with glowing pinkish eyes to match. A deep, old scar runs along the bridge of her round nose just below her eyes, and the rest of her body is dotted with more sparse scars. She paints her face red or pink with small decorations, swirls and lines significant only to her own people, and on some days she paints a butterfly on her forehead. Hilde usually wears thick furs or leather clothes, and accessorizes with a necklace of animal fangs and a few talismans.

Favored Weapon/Equipment: Greataxe and medium armor.

Top Skills: Persuasion, Lore (Nature), Athletics, Knowledge (World)

Alignment: Chaotic neutral.

General Personality: Hilde is curious, friendly, and inquisitive. She loves to talk about stories and history and will remark about how she intends to write a saga detailing the Commander’s adventures. She views herself as a warrior-poet, mastering the art of war for the purpose of gaining knowledge. She’s eager to fight or spar and values honor and honesty. While quite charming and social, she is blunt to the point of rudeness and always speaks from the heart. She will not hesitate to tell the Commander (or anyone else) when she thinks they’re wrong, and appreciates when others treat her the same way. She also tends to get defensive when her strength or usefulness is called into question.

What traits/values do they admire? Honor, Honesty, Freedom, Strength, Curiosity

What traits/values do they disapprove of? Deception, Cruelty, Indifference, Authoritarianism

Are they affiliated with any deities? Hilde is chiefly a worshipper of Desna, primarily revering her as a goddess of travel and luck. She values freedom and creativity and frequently visits Desna’s shrines as she travels. She also worships Gorum, though disagrees with his philosophy of focusing on battle above else. She will bond with the Commander over either shared faith and with Arueshalae over Desna.

What do they think of their role in the Crusades, and of sharing the Commander’s Mythic powers? What are their reasons for joining the commander’s party? She’s excited right from the bat to take part in the crusades, as it affords her the opportunity to gather stories, improve her own strength, and explore old Sarkoris. She has a hidden motivation of proving herself to her tribe and father, as the Commander will eventually learn about.

She is initially very curious about the Commander’s mythic powers and sees it as proof that she chose a good fight to join, one that will be sung about for centuries. She’s surprised that the powers spread to her, and views the power it gives as an unfair advantage she didn’t earn herself, something she describes as “strength that is not my own”.

Who are their friends among the other party members? Hilde is fascinated by Arueshalae and her journey and becomes fast friends with her. She takes it upon herself to help Arueshalae to acclimate to life among mortals and bonds with her over them both being rather out of place among Mendevian crusaders. She also does all she can to help Arueshalae change and redeem herself and is quick to defend her, initially under the excuse that a demon redeeming themselves is a remarkable and rare story, but eventually admitting she personally likes Arueshalae and wants her to succeed. If neither is romanced and both achieve good endings, they’ll get together after the story.

Hilde also gets along well with Nenio, both interested in learning knowledge. Nenio’s focus on experimentation and science is less shared by Hilde, but they both enjoy getting to nerd out together over history and become something approximating friends. She gets extremely upset by Nenio’s Act 5 quest and jumps to hug her once Nenio remembers herself.

Hilde also gets along with Seelah. They have fairly similar personalities and make fast friends, able to joke and drink and kill demons together. They’re supportive of each other and overall very wholesome, though the friendship sours a little if Seelah becomes more lawful.

Hilde makes quick friends with Greybor, appreciating his casual attitude, competence, and bluntness. She tries to help him find hobbies other than killing and hangs out with him in the tavern often.

Hilde gets along well with Lann, having both come from a tribe. They joke and banter together, though he displays occasional disdain for her leaving her tribe.

Hilde feels for Ember, having lost her own mother when she was young. She tries to take care of and protect her.

Hilde gets along well with Sosiel and enjoys that he appreciates art and music. She gets along fine enough with Trever, though she doesn’t understand why he doesn’t embrace his rage more.

Haven’t played the Sarkorian DLC, but Hilde and Ulbrig definitely get along very well despite their differing views on magic.

What about rivals?

Hilde views Daeran as everything wrong with cushy civilized people, and Daeran agreeing with her does not help her opinion on him. She holds a disdain for him and they frequently snipe and argue with each other. Ultimately, she does still care about him and will stand up for him during his Act 5 questline.

Hilde values loyalty and honor, and sees none of it in Wenduag. Wenduag seems to rather like Hilde, though she sees Hilde’s focus on learning as a weakness. Hilde is rude and blunt to Wenduag, and will warn the Commander to be wary of her.

Hilde dislikes Camellia for all the same reasons she dislikes Daeran and is very vocal about her dislike. She warms up to her slightly upon learning about Camellia’s spirit, though if she comes to learn of Camellia’s ‘hobbies’ she’ll warn the Commander that her rituals are very abnormal even for the type of magic she’s practicing.

Hilde and Regill don’t particularly get along, but they have some respect for each other. Hilde views Regill as stiff and insufferable but capable while Regill views her as undisciplined and wild but effective and pragmatic.

Hilde initially gets along very poorly with Woljif, as she doesn’t hide her disdain for thieves. She eventually warms up to him and sympathizes with him not fitting in well. Woljif comes to like her more as he learns she’s a bit of a misfit too, and they end as pretty good friends.

Are they on any councils? If so, what sort of advice do they give? Staff and Military. She generally focuses on inspiring the soldiers and being honest to them in the staff councils, and offers barbarian and support-focused choices with the military council.

Where do they hang out in Drezen? In the Abyss? In Drezen she hangs out near Storyteller, and in the Abyss she sits near a ledge at the very bottom of the outside area.

What are their idle animations? She cracks her neck and knuckles then throws a few practice punches.

She pulls out a book and writes some lyrics down, then taps her chin in thought and writes a few more.

She pulls off her fur cloak, shakes it out, and puts it back on.

If they’re taken to Areelu’s lab, what is their dream? She’s sitting in a chair surrounded by children and one shadowy figure to her left. The children are all calling her Chieftain and asking her to tell them another story, which she is about to oblige before the illusion fades. The Commander will be able to comment.

Hilde: “Oh, that was… I see. Hello, I assume you saw that?”

KC: “That was a sweet dream.”

Hilde: “Thank you, but it’s far out of reach. Ugh, now I feel miserable. I guess that’s the point though, like everything demons do... Let’s get a move on.”


KC: “Your dreams are rather… Small.”

Hilde: “Maybe. But I think every warrior really just fights for something like that, so you can put the axe down and live simply in peace. At least, I do. Anyways, let’s go.”

The Commander can also ask “So, who was that person next to you?”

If KC is female and has not rejected Hilde’s romance: Hilde’s cheeks flush scarlet and she coughs in surprise. “That? Ah… Don’t worry about it. Just silly dreams.”

Otherwise: Hilde smiles wistfully and shrugs. “My nonexistent future wife. That sounded a lot less depressing in my head, but I’m sure you understand the idea.”

Do they advise the commander to abandon or keep their mythic powers?

Angel: “I’m an advocate that how something is used is more important than where it comes from. You took powers from a demon and used them as an instrument of good and justice. I think that’s a good reason to keep doing things as you are.”

Azata: “I’m an advocate that how something is used is more important than where it comes from. You took powers from a demon and used them as an instrument of freedom, hope, and beauty. I think that’s a good reason to keep doing things as you are.”

Aeon: “It’s your decision, but I’d hold on tight to your mortality. Abandoning it means giving up your freedom. Is the power worth it if you become a slave to the will of the universe? I don’t know, that’s up to you.”

Trickster: “I’m an advocate that how something is used is more important than where it comes from. You took powers from a demon and used them as an instrument of freedom and creativity. I think that’s a good reason to keep doing things as you are.”

Demon: “I think rage can be good and useful, but even the best-intentioned anger can enslave you if you let it. Whatever you choose, please be careful. Don’t lose yourself for the sake of power, it’s never worth it.”

Lich: "I understand that you need power for your goal, but power will control and corrupt you. Whatever you choose, please be careful. Don't lose yourself for the sake of power, it's never worth it."

How/when do they join the Commander’s party? Hilde will join early in Act 2. While on the road, the Commander will receive word of a traveler that wants to meet with them. Hilde will be shown in and warn the Commander of the swarm of vescavors they are on the way to encounter, and explain she was traveling along the road when she nearly encountered them and was forced to turn back. She’ll also mention that she saw a caravan from Kenabres moving towards the swarm and will give some tips on dealing with them. The Commander can ask some basic questions about her and invite her to accompany them and provide aid. After the battle she’ll say the Commander is something special and she’d like to tag along more permanently.

Describe their companion quest: Not present in Act 1.

Act 2: Aside from initially meeting her, Hilde has little further story. When the gargoyles attack, she’s carried off and rejoins fighting alongside Regill, ignoring his orders to pull back. She’ll also come to talk to the Commander on the night before Drezen. She claims she’s come to ask their opinion on the saga she intends to write of the upcoming battle, but a little prodding reveals her goal is to reassure the Commander and herself that the battle will go well.

Act 3: The Commander will receive visitors from the Land of Linnorm Kings, a grizzled elderly chieftain named Svalk who wishes to pledge his clan to the crusade. The Commander can accept his help, and he is somewhat evasive if asked why he has decided to join the war effort. After he leaves, Anevia will mention that Hilde is also from the Land of Linnorm Kings and she might no more. Regardless of whether the clan’s aid was accepted, Hilde will react with rage when told. She’ll explain that Svalk is her father, and she doesn’t get along with him. If they were dismissed, she’ll thank the Commander. If their help was accepted, she’ll mention she’s going to try to avoid him. A few days later, the Commander will encounter Hilde and the chieftain having a shouting match in the middle of Drezen. They only catch the tail end of the argument, but the chieftain accuses Hilde of allying with weaklings and getting soft before Hilde draws her axe and snarls at him to come see how ‘soft’ she’s gotten. The commander can interrupt the impending fight by having guards separate them, reproaching Svalk for not being a good guest, reproaching Hilde for threatening an ally, or trying to de-escalate with diplomacy. Either way, they’ll stow their weapons and Svalk will insult Hilde before stomping off. Hilde will apologize to the Commander and explain that her father wanted a son and her attempts to prove her strength have never been good enough. The Commander will be able to suggest she fight him properly over it (evil, Hilde will say she doesn’t want to fight her own father), slay a powerful demon to impress her father (lawful, contributes to her chieftain ending), or say she’s impressive on her own and doesn’t need his approval (chaotic, contributes to her poet ending and improves relationship). If she’s recommended to slay a demon, she’ll say she’ll need to ask the Commander’s help and she’ll look for a suitable opponent. If she’s told she doesn’t need to impress him, she’ll say she still wants to do something truly impressive for herself and thank the Commander for their support.

Act 4: Hilde will have a brief conversation near the Battlebliss arena where she discusses her thoughts on the Abyss. Her aasimar heritage hates being in the Abyss and makes her sick, but she’s also felt it stoking her rage. She’ll also reveal she’s already killed several demons that tried to enslave her and is disgusted by how demons are ‘enamored’ with aasimar women. Later, Hilde will approach the Commander in the Nexus and ask if they remember her fight with her father. They’ll be able to talk with her a little and further encourage her to either become the powerful warrior he wants or forge her own identity. Either way, she’ll explain she learned about a powerful slaver in the Fleshmarkets who prides himself on capturing gladiators. She’ll ask if the Commander will help her kill them, either to impress her father or for her own sake. After killing him, Hilde will cut off his head as a trophy, thank the Commander, and joke that she’ll include a part for them in her saga (if their romance is progressing, she’ll also half-joke she might turn it into a love poem instead).

Act 5: Soon after returning to Drezen, Hilde will ask the Commander to come with her to show off her trophy to her father. Unable to find him in Drezen, she’s told that he and his clan are out fighting. She’ll ask the Commander to come along with her. Once they arrive, they have to save Svalk and a host of warriors from demons. After making sure he’s alright, the two quickly fall back into their pattern of mocking each other. Depending on past and current dialogue choices, Hilde will either manage to impress her father with her trophy and combat prowess and he’ll abdicate her position to him (chieftain ending), or Hilde will give a speech about how she’s realized she’ll never be the warrior he wanted and that’s fine. She’ll perform what she has of the saga she’s been writing, and her father will reconcile with her (poet ending). Either way, she’ll thank the Commander for their help and remark that no matter what she’s not leaving until their story is done.

Are they romanceable? Describe their romance quest/scenes if you want! Hilde is romanceable only by female Commanders. There will be some options to flirt with her when she’s first met and the night before the battle for Drezen, which she seems shy but receptive to. While camping in the field in Act 3, she can be found early in the morning writing poetry. The Commander will ask what she‘s writing, to which she gets embarrassed and shyly confesses she’s trying her hand at love poetry, but she’s used only to more epic poems and it’s no good. Some pressing will get her to admit she’s writing about the Commander, but it means nothing and she’s just experimenting. The Commander can accept her explanation (ends the romance), flirt brazenly (continues the romance, but she seems a bit upset and remarks she’s not just some easy lay), or say she would prefer if Hilde did mean something by the poetry (flusters her and advances the romance). If it goes well, she’ll offer to let the Commander read her poetry once it’s finished.

After her argument with her father, she’ll barge into the Commander’s study to vent if their relationship is going well. She’ll give more detail into her backstory, how she was raised as a boy and could never get approval from her father, and how she’s always been fascinated by storytelling and eventually left to travel. She’ll remark that she’s probably being childish, but the conversation progresses to the Commander. She’ll admit that she feels more comfortable around them than she’s felt around anyone in a long time, but will shy away again, remarking the Commander probably wants nothing to do with a backwater barbarian like her. The Commander can protest and kiss her, and take her to bed if they want.

She’ll have a few extra dialogue options during her Act 4 conversations if in a relationship.

During Act 5, Hilde will invite the Commander up to the ramparts for a date. She’ll confess that the Commander is her first love and she’s scared of losing her. She’ll ask the Commander to promise her that she won’t sacrifice herself and will talk about their plans for after the war. She’ll end it by shyly asking if the Commander would like to go traveling together and visit both their homelands after the war. There will also be an option to propose to her, which she’ll accept if the relationship is going very well, and they’ll spend the night again.

After she reconciles with her father, Hilde will shyly introduce the Commander as her muse. Her father will either eagerly accept the Commander, or seem rather reluctant depending on how they’ve treated him and Hilde.

What would their ending slides be like?

Chieftain ending: After the war, Hilde returned to the Land of Linnorm Kings as a hero of legendary strength and equal wisdom. She led her tribe to prosperity and glory, but a kernel of her always missed the open road and freedom of travel. (If she is romanced) While she and the Commander could not spend every moment together, they met often and Hilde occasionally entrusted the tribe to her aging father to go travel with her beloved. (If neither she nor Arueshalae are romanced) She was joined by an unusual companion in Arueshalae, and the two eventually fell in love.

Poet ending: After the war, Hilde traveled where her wandering soul guided her and refused to be tied down. Wherever she went, she spread the song of her and the Commander and their heroic war against the demons. (If she is romanced) She was accompanied by the Commander, and her songs were just as often devoted to her beloved’s beauty as they were her heroics. (If neither she nor Arueshalae are romanced) She also made good on a promise to show Arueshalae around the world of mortals, and she was never far from the redeemed succubus.

Ascension ending: Ascending to divinity was an odd challenge for Hilde. Neither leading her tribe nor traveling the world held much interest for her anymore, so she dedicated herself to patroning the arts and inspiring warriors like her whose souls had been touched by knowledge and beauty.

Aeon time travel ending: Hilde became a famous skald at a remarkably young age for a masterpiece she composed, a great saga of a war that never occurred between mortals and demons. So rich was the detail and emotion in her saga that one could swear she experienced it herself. When asked how she came up with such a fantastic story, she’d only wink and say she was inspired by a dear friend.

Any other fun facts? After Arueshalae joins, some prodding will reveal Hilde offered to travel with her after the war was over.

Hilde completes more of her saga as the game goes on, and sometimes she’ll begin conversations by giving a few lines and asking the Commander what they think.

Provide some dialogue/bark examples!

Conversation start: Hilde claps her book shut, brushes some hair out of her face, and turns to you with a slight smile. “Hello there. Is there something I can help you with?”

Conversation end: “Of course, a pleasure as always.” She pulls her book back out and turns away.

Selection: “What can this barbarian do for you, hm?” / “Oh, I lost my train of thought. What is it?” / “My axe is sharp and my wits are sharper!”

Skill success: “Hah, barely even a challenge!” / “Seems I’m just that good.” / “Not saga-worthy, but still impressive I think!”

Skill failure: “O-oh, that’s embarrassing…” / “Maybe I need to do some more reading.” / “Listen, everyone has bad performances sometimes.”

Noticed something: "Hold a moment, what's that?" / "If my eyes don't deceive me..." / "Hey, do you see that? Right there."

Combat start: “Gorum, guide our blades!” / “Desna, give us luck!” / “I’ll carve them to pieces!”

Critical hit/killing blow: “That will make a fine song!” / “The world is watching me!” / *Roars in rage*

Low health: “Gah, that actually hurts…” / “You’ll pay for that with your life!” / “Regrettably, I’m not invincible…”

Knocked unconscious: “O-oh, n-not again…” / “I’m s-so sorry, I’m weak…” / “Damn it, I’m stronger than this…”

Unable to use/equip something: "What am I supposed to do with this?" / "I... Don't think that's how that works." / "Well. This is useless."

After taking her to bed: "Please, stay a while longer... Let me keep you warm." / "Ah, that was... T-that was very nice. You're so soft..." / "I could stay here forever, but we have work to do. I'll be thinking of you..."

Provide some examples of companion banters!

Hilde: “So, Arueshalae, how are you liking the road? Travel is one of Desna’s greatest blessings! The long days, the endless sights… In my opinion, it’s even better than dreams!”
Arueshalae: “I am used to traveling, though the company does improve it. I guess I’ve never really thought of that as a blessing from Desna… But still… I wish I could have a dream. Even if only to compare the two.”

Hilde: “I’ve always been curious if there’s a deeper culture to demons. Do you have songs, poems, stories? Could you share some, maybe?”
Arueshalae: “I think there are some, but they’re all ugly, glorifying death and slaughter. You wouldn’t enjoy them.”

Arueshalae: “How is it that you can trust me after seeing all the pain and death demons bring. Are you not afraid of me and my past?”
Hilde: “I trust a sinner trying to reform herself far more than I trust someone so drunk on self-righteousness they don’t realize they’re doing wrong. I know you won’t mess your redemption up.”

Arueshalae: “You tell such lovely stories. I’d like to see the places you talk about someday…”
Hilde: “How about we go see them, then? After the war is over, I promise I’ll show you around this beautiful mortal world.”

(If Arueshalae is being romanced) Hilde: "I know you'll break free someday, Arueshalae. The prison around one's heart is the worst one of all, but love is the perfect key to release you."
Arueshalae: "Love... I... I hope someday I'm worthy of feeling that. Maybe then I'll be free from this. Until then, I can only try to learn what it is to love. Could you maybe tell me another mortal love story?"

(If neither Hilde nor Arue are being romanced) Arueshalae: "I just wish I could too love someone and be loved in return... To spend long nights together, holding each other... It would be so wonderful."
Hilde: "Arueshalae, you're beautiful, kind, strong, wonderful in every way! Anyone would be lucky to be able to love you. I, ah... I would be happy to try to help you learn how to love..."

Camellia: “Oh, my pack is so heavy. If only some big, strong lady would carry it for me, I’d be so grateful! Oh, hello there Hilde!”
Hilde: “Carry it yourself, or find another fool who will do your work for you.”

Camellia: “I am sick and tired of being stuck out here in the woods with no amenities. Not even a proper washroom!”
Hilde: “And I’m sick of having to share a camp with a vapid, prissy noblewoman who’s never had to struggle in her life.”

(If Camellia is being romanced) Camellia: "My, what's with that glare? Perhaps our dear barbarian is jealous of me being on the Commander's arm instead of her?"
Hilde: "Jealous? Ha, hardly. I was just contemplating how men all have horrible taste in women. If you need proof, just look at our Commander, for all his positive traits!"

Daeran: “My, who would have guessed the cold north would produce such a holy, amazonian beauty…”
Hilde: “Clearly you’ve never been to the north. And I do apologize, but you’re too masculine for my tastes.”

Hilde: “I am curious as to how someone so cruel and uncaring came to be such a skilled healer.”
Daeran: “Oh, I’m afraid it’s not a story fit for your glorious sagas. And not a story I enjoy recalling.”

(If Daeran is being romanced) Hilde: "Answer something for me, Count. Did you charm the Commander by showing your hidden soft side, or do they just enjoy being belittled by a vapid nobleman?"
Daeran: "I like to think it's a little bit of both. Let's just say I have a silver tongue in more ways than one..."

Ember: “You’re so strange. I know you don’t like hurting people, but then you look so happy when you’re in the middle of battle.”
Hilde: “I’m not happy when I’m fighting, but it is satisfying to crush your enemies underfoot. But I still prefer to just be a humble poet telling her stories.”

Hilde: “I… Lost my mother in a bad winter. I don’t remember her, but Father raised me. For better or for worse…”
Ember: “Even if you resent him and he wasn’t always perfect, I think he still really cares about you. And you care about him.”

(If Hilde is being romanced) Ember: "Your songs have changed lately. You're always singing about love now, it's so sweet!"
Hilde: "A-ah, I... I suppose I have. Well, I... I am in love. It feels nice to say that out loud."

Hilde: “You’ve traveled all over the world and the only stories you can share is who you’ve killed and how? That’s boring, killing tells me nothing about the places you’ve been! Tell me about the food, the people, the sights!”
Greybor: “I’m really not that interested in the food or sights, just the jobs. Are only some murders good enough for your grand sagas?”

Greybor: “You’re a damn good fighter, how come you’re so good at it if you’d rather live as a cushy poet?”
Hilde: “Fighting is nothing more than a means to an end for everyone. For me, it’s a means to find inspiration for my poetry.”

Hilde: “It’s probably best for your daughter that you don’t return home. An absent father is better than a bad one, take it from me.”
Greybor: “That managed to hurt a lot more than everyone saying I should go back to her. Kudos to you.”

Lann: “So, you’re the chieftain’s daughter, next in line to lead? And you just abandoned your tribe to go wandering? I don’t understand you.”
Hilde: “I didn’t abandon my tribe, I left because I wasn’t wanted. Father made that quite clear from the day I was born. I don’t see how it’s different from you leaving to join the Crusade.”

Hilde: “It’s nice to meet someone else that knows what it’s like to rough it. Some winters, it felt like I was providing half my tribe’s food.”
Lann: “Only half? Joking, of course. Never really had to deal with winters underground, it was just always hard to find food. Out here feels like a bounty in comparison.”

(If Lann is being romanced) Hilde: "A date that's also sparring... Ha, thanks for the idea, Lann! That would fit right in back home."
Lann: "See, I knew it wasn't that strange of an idea! I'm just surprised it actually worked."

Nenio: “Aasimar girl, did you know that the Land of Linnorm Kings is only ever united under a single leader by one who slays a true linnorm?”
Hilde: “Of course I know the laws of my home. Say, Nenio, do you want to help me find a linnorm so you can get an interview with the new Linnorm Queen?”

Hilde: “Nenio, please ask permission before you pluck my hair. It hurts. OW! What did I just say?”
Nenio: “Hold still, aasimar girl. I’ll need a few more strands if I want to both measure the luminosity of aasimar hair and discover what form of celestial you are descended from.”

(If Sosiel is being romanced) Nenio: "I am confused. In all my experiments, I have never seen an impromptu orchestra like that! Aasimar girl, could you shed some light onto this?"
Hilde: "Nenio, how have you not done any experiments on love and how it turns people into fools?"

Regill: “You nearly cut my head off with a swing in that last battle. Were this a Hellknight unit, I would have you court-martialed. Your lack of discipline is endangering us all.”
Hilde: “Good thing this isn’t a Hellknight unit, then. But if it were, death would be a relief. I really don’t see what you’re so upset about, I didn’t take your head off!”

Hilde: “One would think you’d like being in a group that appreciates the value of spontaneity. It’ll slow your Bleaching, that’s for sure!”
Regill: “That assessment would only be true if I wanted to stop the Bleaching. I am more concerned for the success of our mission.”

(If Hilde is being romanced) Regill: "While chronicling history is an important pursuit, it is absolute folly to waste time recording meaningless romantic notions."
Hilde: "I write what I feel. Normally, I feel like learning and recording what I see. Today, I feel in love! I only hope you find someone to warm that cold grey heart of yours."

Seelah: “Hey, sister! Today’s the day I drink you under the table!”
Hilde: “I doubt it! You’re always welcome to challenge me, but you’re a long way off from being able to outdrink an Ulfen.”

Hilde: “So, be honest with me. You’re not really a paladin, right? I’ve never met a follower of Iomedae that likes to laugh, and doesn’t insult a barbarian like me and her heathen magic.”
Seelah: “I guess I’m a bit of a rare breed, then! I’ll take it as a compliment.”

(If Arueshalae is being romanced) Hilde: "I'm so happy for her... But a small part of me feels sad. I suppose I wish I could have been the one to show her how to love... Ugh, what's wrong with me?"
Seelah: "Nothing's wrong with you! You just had a little crush, and got let down. Happens to all of us! Come on, let's get a drink."

Sosiel: “Your sagas and songs are lovely, but they all glorify war and battle. Do you truly see beauty in that?”
Hilde: “Of course I do. There’s beauty in everything, including war, heroism, and combat.”

Hilde: “I wish I could paint as well as you, Sosiel. My sketches are so rough by comparison.”
Sosiel: “And I wish I could write poetry as lovely as yours. We all have our own talents, and yours is no less beautiful than mine.”

(If Hilde is being romanced) Hilde, singing: “The color of my true love’s hair, her lips are like a rose so fair… She’s got the sweetest face and gentlest hands, I love the ground whereon she stands…”
Sosiel: “I’ve never heard you sing of such romantic affairs. It’s beautiful. My congratulations on your love.”

Wenduag: “You, aasimar girl, you know how harsh the world is. Why do you spend half your time on useless songs and stories and half on training, when you should be spending all of it becoming stronger!”
Hilde: “Stronger is relative. My ‘useless’ songs and stories give me another kind of strength, one I wouldn’t expect you to understand. And besides, my life would be dull if I spent all my time getting better at fighting.”

Hilde: “Here we go everyone, fresh boar meat! Killed it, purified it, and cooked it myself!”
Wenduag: “You killed this thing yourself? Hmm, maybe you’re stronger than I gave you credit for. But why would you cook it…?”

Woljif: “Being an aasimar must be nice. Everyone loves ya, thinks nice things about you and Heaven and beauty, you get a nice cushy childhood! Tieflings though, that’s another story!”
Hilde: “Back home, being an aasimar just means everyone expects twice as much as you. It doesn’t compare to what you’ve been through, but my childhood was far from cushy.”

Hilde: “Alright, you annoying little thief, where’s my poetry book? That’s private!”
Woljif: “How would I know! I think you’re just accusing - Ow, my arm! Oh, hey, what do you know, it was in my pocket! You can have it right back, buddy! I was just curious…”

Tumblr Writing Collection - Chapter 1 - Wooitsmee (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.