Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


man. frame, prewar, exc. condRE0786 DAVENPORT A chair, good mo Minneapolis Sunday Tribune 2 July 1,1945 jmCILU8E 0JJST OB ALE 4 FORD wheels. 2 house, trailer with axles, also 3-hwl trailer. Copper tub-leg, etc.

1406 4th av s. LUM3ER EUJLDlNqMATERIAL THE BEST AT LEAST FOR CASH Newspaper insula lion. Best Cell $12; Vermicullte pouring insulation 85o per sack: granulated rock wool 40 iba. ack $1.00: Multi Cell $16; Flrtex insulation board S26. Sheet Rock olaster board $32.

Rock wool batts $33; special white cedrtr fence post. 15c, and many other items at correspondingly low prices. POCK RAN I.BR. A FUEL CO, WHittler 1891 NEW A used hnuseTvold A commerrlaT stokers $50 A up. size 20 to 1.000 lbs.

per hour. Loads of 1 to 250 boiler H. P. Annual fuel consumption 5 to 2 5PO tons. Automatic models eliminate mel shoveling.

Install now A pay nothing until November. Easy terms anywhere In northwest. Write or phone for our deal before you buy. Dealers notice. A few good territories (till open.

Hoiver-son 209 E.Lake. HOT AIR FURNACES Brand new self feeding hot air fu. naces. Complete with square Jacke. Arranged for blower Installation.


KE 47T OIL BURNERS, furnaces, boilers avail-'" able. Glasawool Insulation. No down payments. Maximum time payment. General Heating Products Co.

GL59fi. "DELCO Oil burning heating plant, complete with controls, blow humldlfler A tank. WA 7170. OIL ELECTRIC oil burner. Perfect eorvT ditlon, 265 gal.

tank. Complete with controls, etc. $150. CO 1552. BRAND new high grade atrip boats.

rowboats. 16'xss" deluxe aecaea outboard runabouts. 18' heavy duty open boats. All of the above equipment with full length spray rails. IB' A 17 Old Town Canoes.

Oars, paddles, oarlocks, canoe repair kits, custom made boat covers, sails and sailklts. trolling plates, anchor rope locks and rope. Limited number of 44 oz. lightweight fly reels $7.95 postpaid. New sheepskin lined gun cases for both rifles and shotgun, ex cellent material and workmanship, $6.75 postpaid.

Give overall length of gun. Schafer' Boat Annex P. O. Box 482, Duluth "ARMY MESH TENTS $1.79 Protection from mosquitoes and other insects. For camping out, sleeping porches.

Heavy marquisette curtaining. NEW PRE-WAR WALL TENTS ea. Size 10x12 $27.98 ea. Size 12x14 36.88 ea. Size 16x20 64 95 ea.

Size 18x24 79 95 Poles are included with above 5 tent. BAMBOO CANE FISHING POLES Sizes 12, 14. 16 ft. Ideal for unftsh crappie fishing. While they last, 25c each.

SEARS, ROEBUCK 900 E. Lake. CHRIS-CRAFT TWIN CITY DISTRIBUTORS Chris-Craft has announced limited resumption of civilian production with delivery on certain models to start late in August of this year. Come in now A choose your postwar Chris-Craft A assure yourself earliest possible delivery date. USED BOATS 25 ft.

Dart runabout with Chrysler motor. 18 ft. Larson runabout with Grav motor. MINNETONK A BOAT WORKS WAYZATA, MINN ELTO outboard motor. 2 Pfleuger cast ing reels, casting rod.

South Bend fly rod A auto, reel; men's tube skate A nip poots. size 9. piywooa pingpong table, tennis rackets. Dnstrs. 4653 Bry ant s.



SHOW CASES. GAS TOASTERS, WALK-IN COOLERS. BAKE OVENS, ETC. Also large stock of SYRACUSE HOTEL CHINA and other makes in three pat ternsGood quality sllverplated and solid stainless flatware in 3 patterns. Glassware, cutlery and utensils.

BOUTELLS HOTEL A RESTAUR AN' SUPPLY STORE NEW LOCATION 27 N. 2ND ST. MAln 5421. VULCAN range, bake ovens, fryers griddles steam tables, gas water heat ers. combination griddles, canopie, ex- fans, blowers, deep freezers, heat- in ST.

LOUIS PARK. MINN REMODEL FOR LESS MONEY Largest stock new and used lumber, doors, windows, cabinet, plumbing fixtures. Save to S0'. HOSE BROTHERS LBR. A SUP.

CO. 1221 Olson Highway. MAln 8373. MACHINERYENGINES AND TOOLS 54" AMERICAN band "re-saw. completely" rebuilt A guar.

Carries 8" blade. Brown A Sharp No. 3 A No. 4 Universal Millers. Garvin No.

3 duplex Miller. Webster Parks cyl. grinder. in. Hcald cyl.

surface grinder. 42" Bullard boring mill 2 heads. metal planer. Porter L. C.

lathe. ft. sheet metal brake. Pratt A Whitney turret lathe 21i In. hole In spindle, motorized.

Becker No. 6 Vertical mill motorized. Several small lathes. Atlas, etc. 200 Grinding Wheels.

Norton A Car borundum. Various sizes. 16 Spindle multiple, drill No. Fox with No. 3 taper.

25 P. motor. American double Arbor cut on saw, oan bearing, 4 saws. Westinghouse 300 amp. DC electric welder guaranteed.

200 amp. Hooart welder, gas driven. trailer mounted. No. 25 Excelsior kick press.

No. 118 circle sheer motnriea. 12' 10" sheet metal roll motorizea. Marquette AC welders. Motors of ail sizes.

Miscellaneous machine shop and woodwork equipment We buy. sell or trade. MACHINERY CXL'HAiSUS ivmnrvr.r. 254 1st av N. GE 63W.

WELDING EQUIP. A SUPPLIES NEW OVER A LL WELDING GOGGLES COMPLETE PROTECTION ONE HAND LIFT MODEL, si.ou per pair. New coverall chipper goggle, clear lens. $1 80 per pair. Shade 10 class for welding helmet, 90 cents each.



GR 1776. ENGINES? TOOLS FOR SALE NEW AIR COMPRESSORS In stock. Wayne air all size. Immediate del. LODGE A SHIPLEY Quick Change, exc, condition.

K. O. LEE TOOL A CUTTER GRINDERS. Used 2 month, like new. Model 350 BB Marquette elec.

welders. 275 complete with arc. 6 mo. old. For quality machinery to buy or sell, call CONSOLIDATED MACH AT 1770 JI9WASIA N.

NEW 250 amp. Allen arc welder $154.50. King fast battery charger. Bennett barrel pumps. $4 35.

Farm type high pressure lubricator with hydraulic coupler, $20. Farm type grease gun. $3 50. Machinists' vises. 24x24x6 Pond heavy duty planer.

125 amp. Trindl uper Industrial arc welder. $58. AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CO. 122-124 Washinjtonav EQUIPMENT IN" STOCK.

Ventilating Fan Chucks Vises Dividing Head Hack Saws Drill Presses Grinder Spot Welders Arbor and Kirk Piesse Chain Hoists Trolleys Inches Air Compressors Welding Outfits Iron and sheet metal working machine MOTORS. NEW AND USED HARRIS MACHINERY CO. 501 30th av SK. GL 1820. DELTA "lathe '48-lti bed.

complete with several chucks, a dozen wood turning rhtsi'ls. din. Sander. also adlustable bevel sander and edger. many other at-iachments.

Bench its, Jigsaw 24-ln. P. motor that ran be attached quickly ut all above tools. 6-ft. solid maple woodworker bench with vises.

Will sell all for $80 O. J. Mees, Wllmot. D. EXTRA! EXTRA! GOVERNMENT SURPLUS Black enamel paint, non 79c qt.

Aluminum sheets, In. 132 In. Bras i 5 In. 6 ft. ft.

Zinc chromate primer $2 98 gal. White outside paint S2 98 gal. DAVIS MOTOR CO. 927 HENNEPIN AV. NEW I MEDIATE 1.1 Alrco welding A cutting torches.

Atrco 50 lb. 2 stage acetylene generator. Airro 30 lb. 2 stage acetylene generator. Alrco 15 lb.

2 stage acetylene generator. Aircn arc A gas rods A supplies. 200 amp. Wilson DC are welder. 275 amp.

Wilson AC arc welder. AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CO. Washington av Mpls. I. MAGIC electric welder! 110 volts.

ACi DS: welds, brazes, solders, cuts all metals: easy to use; full directions. Complete with power unit, flame and metallic arc attachments. carbons, fluxes, rods, masks. Only $19 95. Used by ttie Navv.

Guaranleed one year. Magic Welder Mlg. 241 KM Canal New York It y. FOR SALE. In operation now.

7 model A and 5 Cleveland Automatic Screw Machines. Size 13 to 23 inch. Fine condition. Motorized. Price reasonable.

Dearborn Stove. 3256 Milwaukee av. Chicago 18, 111. EXHAUST fans from 12" to 30" fur nace blowers, also other types; 3 P. irrigation pressure pump: large A small ventilating fans.

Paint spray outfit for rent; also floor sander. Heltne, 1405 E. I akestDR7028 CO 9958. FOR SALE 36x14 ft David A Egan metal planer. 2 heads, variable speed, motor driven: reconditioned.

2S-inx26-ft. Putnam lathe, belt drive, will swing up to 40 in. Reconditioned. Write Wm. R.

Carlton, oudcray. Is. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS 10-ton Weaver Giant Lo-Hi-Draullc Jacks. 24 "x30" new steel Champion forges with 12" geared blowers B. W.

A Leo Harris Co. 2429 Univ. SE GL 1317 6 NEW tables, maple flooring tops. 5 ft. by 12 ft.

by 37 in. hPleht. 4x4 legs, 2x4 reinforcements under top Cost to build. For appt. to see call GE 6347.

BRIGGS SHATTON motors. WMB A model Y. Maytag, twins A singles $22 50 to $35. overhauled, like new. une tor lawn mowers, bicycles, etc.

Sunday only. 26C0 Dupont av S. "5 175" steam air compressor. No. 60 air hammers, gas driven saw rig complete with 36-ln.

saw. 75 H.P. elect motor. Hlllman 19 Wash, av TOOLS FOR MECHANICS Hand A electric, of all kinds. Mechanical A Indust.

rubber gooda. AEROMOTIVE INDUSTRIES 510 N. Prior. SL Paul NE 7431 WANTErS to "buv, clover huTler. Blrdsell preferred.

Grain binder. 8-ft. cut trac- tor onlv. Tandem disk. State price A particulars, Frank Kullg.

St. Joseph, Minn. Rt. 1. NEW LIGHTING PLANTS 3 K.W.

110-V C. Master-Wisconsin govt, ordered Only a few $250 00 HARRIS MCHY. 501 30th av SE. ELECTRIC WELDERS 300 amp. Westinghouse, motor driven $-00 200 amp.

Hobart. ga eng. driven. Welding rod. 50 lb.

box $4 HARRIS MCHY. CO 501 30th avSE. WANTEt-Portable dirt and gravelcon-veyor. atiout 20' or 2V long, with or without motor. C.

W. Hecker, De Graff, Minn. CATERPILLAR wide ga. 35 gatrrtort" 20 In irack shoes, guaranteed cond. Cot.

30 wide ga, Jensen Co, 3001 4th st SE. Mpls. 14. NEW "MOTORS IN STOCK. H.

P. B. $29 50. H.P. $32.

1 H. $37. single phase HARRIS MCHY 501 30thavSE. AIR compressor, new Westinghouse l1. H.P.

motor. 30 gal. tank witn air nose. Ideal for farm use. Rettlnger Motor, Wayzata.

Minn, i'UMPS in. rotary $8 50. 1 in. rotary, motor driven. $.12.

Ml auto, cellar draining sump pump $38 50 Other sues. HARRIS MCHY. 501 30th avSE. RUMSEY Triplex pump, "250 gal. per min very economical for golf course, vegetable farm.

etc. Good condition, $200. 1522 Henn. av. Mpls.

WTD. "motor driven paint sprayer, ga motor pref. Devillbls or binks. Motor 1 cap. 9 to 12 CU.

Tt. air per mm. write at once C. Hiair. rtennem, fan.

REFRIGERATION blower unit. Floor model. 3-ton capacltv. for ammonia. Mullln Bn.

A MA 70R3. FOR SALE. Delco decn well working i for JS0O er. a ir 8 i 1 I USED FURNITURE A RUGS CASH OR EASY TERMS Straight Leather Covered Couch OS. Velour Davenport A Chair 59.00.

Mohair Davenport A Chair $75. Breakfast Set 10.95. "Travel-eez" Baby Bug- 13.95, Large Benches, with Backs 95. Large Wardrobe Trunk 14 95, Ready-Made Velour Drapes 6.95 a pair. Roll-top Desk 29 75.

Kitchen Cupboard 95. Playpen 6 95, Walnut Wardrobe 75. Walnut Vanity 29.75. Dressers 95 up. Wal.

Dining Room Set 37.50. High Chairs 3 98. Sectional Book case 95. China Closet 16 95, Folding Chair 2 79. Studio Davenport 19.75.

Desk 7 95. USED RUGS (ALL CLEANED! 9x12 RUGS. ALL 8 95 VP 8x10 RUGS 6 95. 6x9 RUGS 4 95 All kinds of Odd sizes in rues. MINNEAPOLIS SUPPLY HOUSE 23 SO.

6T1I ST. Between Hennepin A Nicollet) USED AND NEW FURNITURE BARGAINS BUY HERE AND SAVE Wardrobes 5 95 Dressers from 9.75 Wardrobe trunk Combination gas range Oak dining room set, 7-pc. Oak desk, dropleaf $14 95 Kitchen cabinet 50 Gas range 50 Day bed and pad 2-pc. living room set as i ........115 00 Metal bed, complete $19.75 EASY TERMS MTTBY-SATHER ANNEX 3009 16th av S. DTT 7391 9x18 AXMLNSTER.

rose color floral $145; broa'ifelt carpets, ail colors, $2.50 sq. yd 9x12 Gold Seal A Armstrong Congoleum, 12x12 A 12x15 Cr-ngoleum. reasonable price; Inlaid linoleum. $1 75 vard. MAY FURNITURE A CARPET CO.

307 Nicollet av. LUMBER BUILDING MATERIAL FEDERAL LUMBER A WRECKING CO. NOW DISMANTLING Large building at military reservation. Savage, Minn. Buildings only 3 years old.

Lumber A materials practically new. Materials to be sold at our yards. Lumber, Including 2x4's, 2x65, 2x8's A boards: 4" fir flooring; plasterboard. Insulation, slate surfaced sheathing, windows, doors, plumbing, etc. An opportunity to purchase first grade materials at a substantial saving.

ATTENTION Hobbyists, cabinet makers, toy etc. Large stock of plywood A veneering thickness 1-16" to Various lze. Priced to ell. ALSO Plywood panels Reinforced with 1x3 strips. 4 ft.

12 ft ea $2 25 4 ft. 10 ea $1-95 ea 49c ea ROOF COATING Special shipment 5 gaL can. $3 value. Our price $1.95 NEW SCREENS SCREEN DOORS Made with bronze A galvanized wire. 1 lite screens as low as 95c 2 lite screens as low as Screen doors, reinforced ALSO Complete stock of millwor Including doors, windows, frames, trim, moulding.

etc. new A used. Special sizes made to order. Our prices will save you money. ROOFING A SIDING Shingles Assortment of colors A designs.

Values to $5.50. Our special price per square J.50 ROLL ROOKING Mica rf'g. as low as per 100 q. ft roll 8 Slate iirfaced 90 lh. roll Diamond point rf'g.

105 lh, roll 95 Insulated brick A atone aiding over fa thick. Reg. $14.50 value. Spec. lot.

rer square $7.45 Roll brick or stone siding. Choice of color. 100 q. ft. to roll.

Spec. PAINT Superwear outside house paint, guar anteed satisfaction, pet gallon Armatone wall finish, 1 gallon make up to 2 gallon, choice ot colors, per gal $2.40 Gloss enamel. Superwear, per Special lot of paint Close out prices, as low as, per gal. BOILERS 2 practically new sectional boilers rated 2.300 ft. steam or 3.600 ft.

hot water. complete with breeching, gauges, elec tric oooster pumps. 125 gal. hot water tanks and coal hot water heaters. All used less than 1 year.

Good deal for quick sale. PRE-WAR GOVERNMENT TOOLS Shovels, rd. pt No. 2 long or short handle. Spec.

$1 25 Picks, long lengths, perfect condition. ea Sf Mattox, while they last, ea 59c Saws. 2 man crosscut, good condition $1.98 New rip saws Special $1.95 Crow bars, from $1 50 Sledges. 8 lb. to 16 per lb.

Stone tools, from Bull points, from Many other tools all specially priced. OFFICE A STOKE EQUIPMENT Large stock of tables, desks, shelving, metal cabinets, slightly used. Can be purchased at fraction of original cost. Thousand of Items to choose front. Come In and look around.

Inquiries promptly answered. No priorities required on used lumber A building material. Ask about our monthly payment plan. FEDERAL LUMBER A WRECK1NU 1220 South Fourth Street Minneapolis. Minn.

BR 7878. St. Paul Yard 402 S. Robert St. "ROSE BROTHERS LUMBER AND SUPPLY CO.

now wreck lng Buildings AT CAMP SAVAGE All Materials From Wrecking of Building FOR SALE AT OUR MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL YARDS Also. Buildings to Be Removed 2 Storv Barracks to DAM Flooring. Insul. tlon and Plaster Board.

Brlrn Siding, Windows. Frames. Storm Sash. Screens. Doors.

Door Frames, Water Tanks. Pollers, Pipe. etc. BENCHES To Seat 3 to 9 Persons. Fine for Lawns, Picnics, Auditoriums.

Park, etc. PLUMBING Toilets. Lavatories. Showers. Shower Cabinets.

Pipe and Fittings, Stoves, Gas Hot Water Boiler. Ask about ROSE BROTHERS' EASY PAYMENT PLAN Government Surplus 5 Gal. Jeep Cans Heavy 20 Ga. feteel, Special Cap and Handle Each $1.50 New 7'4 Gal. Cans, fine for oil, gas.

anti-freeze, motorboat fuel. ea. $1 50 6 Gal. Trash Cans Each 26c Garbage Cans, several ilzes, clean, priced according condition. No.

14 Electrir Wire, new, per ft Heavy Road Rakes J1 75 ELECTRIC BLASTING MACHINES Worth $37 50 Special S19.5A OIL BURNING SALAMANDERS Good as new. reg. $12,50. only. Grub Hoes and Mattocks, only.

Iron Wedges, only 5c pound Round Point Shov Is, like new. Square Point Shovels, good as new. $1.25 Approx. 15 lb. Wooden Mauls 45 Wooden Too.

Boxes, worth $25. only $10 1 Fairbanks Platform Scale, weighs to 1.400 like new. worth $195, only $75 Sprinkler Heads, worth 75c. Freight Elevators, used Pipe Threading Machines. Shoe Finishers.

Cable. Machinery and parts. Grind Stone on stands, Pick Handles, etc. Many Electric ight shades and Fixtures. h.ce "he items to numerous to mention on our Twin Cltv display floor PRICK SIDING Insulated Brick Siding Regular Price $10 00 Special $7.25 l.f.VELAND WRECKING COMPANY is affiliated with us.

Loads of fine material from several dismantling Jobs, now arriving in our Twin Cities yards. WINONA JOB Rose Brothers now wrecking the beautiful Norton man-ion in Winona. Salesman on the Job will show the fine building material that Is now offered for sale there CLEVELAND WRECKING CO. Now Wrecking Larue Buildlnir At HUDSON. WIS.

All material from this Job for sale at our St. Paul office. POULTRY AND BROODER HOUSES BARNS SHEDS GARAGES let us deslRn one for you. Save money Bring In or mall your material list for free estimate PLYWOOD SPEIALS Large lot of fine plywood pieces In sires up to 2VX29" hardwood and softwood '-a' thick. Come in.

Pick out your needs. INSULATION BOARD Special per 100 sq. NEW AND USED Screens, Windows, Doors. We manufacture mtllwork. Get our low prices! New Casem*nt Sash.

8 It. Special, each $2.45 ROSE BROTHERS LUMBKR A SUPPLY CO. 1221 Olson Hlghwav. Minneapolis 187 So. Wabasha.

St. Paul PHONE ALL DEPTS MA 8373 FREE KINDLING WOOD We have a surplus of rrattng lumber that is your simply for the hauling away. Bring car or truck to BOUTELLS WAREHOUSE 620 1st st N. USED LUMBER 2x6. 2x8, 6x6, A roof boards.

$10 per thousand. NE 9549 cor. Silver Lake A Cty Rd. E. Dr.

A. S. Mlchelson. FOR SALE 60.000 ft. of" white pine lumber, 2 000 seasoned white oak fence post.

Write V. C. Rick or phone 162J Mora. Minn. 10 RM.

house to be wrecked at Pillsbury A Lake. Call Mon. at 55 S. 12th St. GE 436.


STOCK new and used lumber. Walker Wrecking Co 137 l.owrv N. IIY 1257. SHEET METAL surplus stock: 4" eave trough. 3" conductor pipe, valley tin, galvanized steel sheets.

I.O 4432. NEW AND USED LUMBER Roofing. Insulation. Mlllwork. Pipe.

etc. American Lbr. A Wrecking Co. CH 3381. SECOND HAND FACE BRICK CH 9848.

7 USED doors A 6 sets of 24x30 sasHt Call CH 8181. 11 CAsem*nT windows A screens. 1 dble window A misc. DU 7 SCREENS A storm windows, comb door. 3825 Buchanan, GR 3416.

2 8 5 LATEST? STYLES FOR LESS AT 1502 THOMAS AV J. MEN'S SUITS A SUMMER SUITS LATEST STYLES 100 PER CENT WOOL At $15.50. $18.50, $22.50 and $24 50 Sport Coats and Slacks. $3.50 up. Army elect Jackets.

$2.45 Slightly Used Suits A Summer Suits prewar, good quality. 5-: up. Tuxedos. Single or Double BOYS' A STUDENTS' SUITS. SPORT A LOAFER COATS.

S7.95 UP At Residence: 1502 Thosnas av N. RKilfCED PRICES ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS, $12 95 A UP. Irge Selection of New and Used SUITS A SUMMER SUITS IN ALL SIZES TUXEDOS. ALL SIZES A STYLES. Washable white slacks A golf knickers In all sizes.

306 MARQUETTE LADY' black Lacke shoe. 8 AA. men's safety shoes 7.. Reach baseball shoes 6. man's brown felt hat 71 4.

men's hlrt 15lA-33. All In perfect cond. HY 0523. TWO winter coats, suits, dresses, size 12 A 14. Shoes, sz.

3B. reas. Also port, phono. In case, like new. RE 8000 Sat.

A Sun. or eves. WHY sell your old clothe for a ong? We pay up to $10 for suits. Bring to 306 Marquette av or call MA 9913 YOUNG lady going Into service, selling compl. wardrobe of clothing sz.

12-16 some furn. CO 8780. BABY kimotios, dresses, booties, sweaters, quilts, bonnets, rompers. Like new. GR 3879.

GRAY Krlmmer fur coat. 16. Fur A lining in excellent cond. Call Sun. 13 n.m.

GR 8311 MEN'S riding boots, size 9. Breeches. size 30. Good cond. 1224 La Salle av.

Rm. 311. FUR COAT SAMPLES. Scarfs. Big disc.

1945 styles. All type fur. Term. LOUIS FURS, 1409 W. Lake.

RE 1165. 32-IN. all rhlnestone belt. $25. LO 9790.

2 HIGH quality men' suits, tropical worsted, lze 36. Cheap. KE 7334. RED FOX CHUBBY, like new, size 14. CH 9105.

MAN'S "coats. 1 winter, 1 prlng, x. 44 tall. RE 8946 BEAUT, pale blue satin net. bridal dress, worn once, sz.

14. GE 2187. MOST varied stock In town. Children's Garment Exchange, 106 Loeb Arcade, BOY'S military coat outfit, size other garments, KE 8552. co*kE.

WOOD AND OIL CCiRb fireplace length, not spIiC About 5 ton. LO 5027. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY CASH FOR DIAMONDS HIGHEST PRICES paid for diamonds and old gold also quality diamonds A wedding rings for the thrifty buyer. BADINER JEW-LKZ CO. 610 HENNEPIN AV.

AT 34R5 PLATINUM engagement ring. T42 carat center diamond, 2 baguette diamonds mounting. Appraised value $275. Will sell $160. Size 4.

Write 5286 Star-Jnl Trlb. $750 D1AMONI) aria pTiTtinum wristwatch. Will Racrlflce for cash. Phone Midway 5403 for appointment between 12 A 3 p.m. PLATINUM wedding ring 24 full cut diamonds appx.

.05 carats each. Ap praised value $640. Will sell $350. Size 6. 5287 Star-Jnl.

Trlb. TOP PRICES paid for diamonds. Old gold A watches. AT 0884 NICOLLET WATCH CO. 400 Andrus Bldg.

DIAMONDS A watche at price In terms to fit any budget. O. Hindnhl. 1 4th st CASK for diamonds, old gold and silver. Open eves, i p.m.

Serena, 2039 NIC, PATEK PHILIPPE, men's wristwatch. bargain. $400. WA 2588 after 8 p.m. 300 Pawned wrist watchrpockct watches.

all makes, reasonable. 206 2d av s. WMm AN'S diamond "TrUig Write 3758 Star-Jnl Trtb. LADIES' brand new" BtrfoVar'wBtrh. "$50 value for 1725 8th av N.

Up. 50 MORE $'s paid tor diamonds 1 liini.jM'iL 28 Wash. AT 8882. HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUE Victorian davenrTTegg slu-Vl uiocaieie iiresiae cnans, co*cktail table flrepl. shadow box, Chinese tree, cigarets.

lamps, bedrm. set. 9x12 rug. lawn equipment, mlscl. pieces.

4009 monterey, wh7174. AiNiiuur, soia. snooi anvnen imon, piauu, war. crauie, wasnstana. spin wheels, tilt table, china, etc ma 3ii 3403 Lyndale S.

Mon. throuuh FM i in AN i IQUE walnut soia A 2 chairs, perf. $275; Wurlltzer Spinet piano, $450; good violin, bow A case. $35: olc-tures; vacuum cleaner. $15.

4521 J'Aing ANTIQUE bl. wal. chair with needle point, $35; table lamp A shade, an tique base. $10; 2i yd. Italian linen cut work dinner cloth, 130.

LO 3722. BABY carriage, baby crib A matt. shoe ice skates A misc. hld. articles 3'J N.

Washburn. BEDS (twlni rock "maple; dVesaers. chrs. gateleg man. table, radio, fruit Jars, end tables, 9x18 rug.

quilts, goose feather pillows. HY 6617. BED, "coll iim. sprg. matt.

Ooz. ea. goblets, sherbets A wine glasses 1425 N. Vincent. CH 3528.

BED. comp. $10. 3 pceT feather llv. rm.

set. $8. RnB. oak din. table $2.

3339 24th av S. PA 6733. BED, Simmons iron lge. easy chair with leather seat. AT 4887.

BED. spring, mattress, dresser, table gas stove. R.H. oven. AU $18.

AT 3682. BEDS 3 A mattresses, 2 sgle. A 1 dble." 3U29 Grand av S. BEDS, metal, comp. chairs, rockers, dresser, desk.

3216 1st av S. BED, dresser, rug. gas stove. Ice box, table, 1018 Fremont N. BEDS, maple bunk, spring a mat- tresses.

GR 7494. "BED NEW, AND MATT DU 6782 BED, twin size, spring A new mattress. 3803 Grand av Shoe Shop. BED, sgl solid maple; King coil box spr. A $65.

CO 4205. BEDRM. set. beaut. 3 refect, wal din.

table A Dad. Plate glass mirror oak bookcase, mah. gateleg table, end table, organ, magazine rack A books, card table. 4829 France S. WA 8121.

BF3ROOM set. 4 pc. sprg. A mattress. Davenport A 2 chairs.

Coffee table. Pictures; practically all new. LO 1751 4748 Lyndale S. betw. 10 A.

4:30. BEDROOM living rm. furniture, bedding, dishes, rugs, ladder, tables, hose, elec. curling iron, gas cans A 38th av S. PA 2974.

BEDRM. set. Private party "selling lovely walnut bed with coll spring. Inner spring mattress, excell. condition, also dresser to match.

PA 5093. set! lined oak: King Roll "mattress A Simmons box spring. $125. RE 0743. BEDRM.

SET. maple, poster rug. Golf clubs A bag, elec. Iron. CO 5617.

BEDROOM set, 3 piece, 2710 Arthur st NE. B.R. set, 3 pc. waterfall design, used 8 reas. 5143 28th av S.

BEDROOM suite. blond A chromium chair. RE 8858. BEDRM. set.

chast. pore, top chair $5. Misc. Items. HY 3412.

"BEDRM. set, junior, upright piano. GE 3139. 623 Elwood av N. BDRM.

set. complete. 10.6x11 rug. 4821 Woodlawn Blvd. (27th av S.l.

BEDROOM set. walnut, coll lnner-spr. matt. Dresses. WA 3279.

BEDRM. set, 3-pc. mod. walnut, bed, chest A 6650Grand av s. tiKUKUujvi sot.

1 piece walnut. 2647 Harriet. LO 0C89 BIRD CAGES, lamp; genuine wicker set 14 pieces. $150; rocker, 1 armchair, $: each. WA 5123.

BOOKCASE 2 daven wal. lamp table, large white steel cabinet, perf. 2 Van. lamps, small rugs, pictures, dishes, tableclothes, misc. 42.1a 1st av s.

BOOKCASE A desk, youth size, chairs, dble. bed, box spring, bed, metal cot. din. table, KE 2421. BUFFET A CHINA CLOSET Fine mahogany piece, like new.

'Must be seen to be appreciated. Call CO 3936 BUFFET, SOLID OAK 66-Inch, good condition. $10, PL 40ia. BUFFET, 6 chairs A round table. Fum-" ed oak.

DU 6303. BUFFET, small $5, laundry stove $6, Vlo-trola 65 records S6. AL 3636. BUFFET 2 TONE WALNUT. HY 3221.

CHAIRS (2), lounge, reasonable. HY" 1856. CHAlRgMapte 75 lot fceboxt dressing table A tame. misc. WA fj4.

CHAIRS pr. fan back, cushman pull up chair. PA 21B8. 5150 40th av S. CHAISE lounge, Ivory bedrm.

set, 2 maple beds, innersprlng mattresses, davenport, studio couch, wicker chairs, stroller, toys, wine press, dishes, and cloth- 12. CHINA cabinet oak, dlnet table A 4 red leatherette chairs, floral print 3-part screen, occas. chair, golden oak 2-sect. bookcase, large mirror, dresser, Sit. table, 4 2 Iron porch chairs, roila- wa bed no mattress.

PA-4212. CHINA cabinet or bookcase, top half glass, three drawer bottom. Dustproof bone white mahog. 2955 Mar- shallstNE. CHEST of drawers, walnut.

2 beds. 2 spring. 1 mattress, ext. table, rocking chair. WA 9464.

2 COIL springs, twin bed size, reason able. GR 4893. COOLERATOR good condition. Central av NE. ST 2091.

3247 Coolerator, victory model. 75 lb. Prac. new. Cell, priced.

LO 1994. 911 43 st.up CRIB, large: mohair chair: Iron bed A sprlng duofold AL 2424. DA-BED A pad A single cot. Fruit Jars. Misc.1406 4thav So.

DAVENPORT, hair "back, down cushions, perf. for new home. Beaut, set Lenox china, also misc. Items 2913 Dean blvd. AptJ03.

or rail PR 1513. DAVENPORT" A chair. 18th century, rose quartz. Like new, $135. Mah.

drum table A end table. AL 1713 DAVENPORT A chair, blue mohair, coffee table, gold uphol. occas. chair, table lamp. mah.

table. GR .1879 prewar, perf. cond Chippendale co*cktail table, end tables, mirror. LO 2862. DAVENPORT A new drapes, silverware, Havlland china set for 12.

Simmons bed, spr. matt. HY 9410. DAVENPORT A CHAIR New, soft frieze. Other furn.

Br. davenport, $45. Fancy chairs. KE 6495. uavhi-uxi, use-1 ii prewar; electric fish howl, antiques.

CO 1608 DAVENPORT A chair, good cond Reas. Phonograph A record, $10. DR 1117. 5 NAVY LIFE BELTS "Drowning toll rise to 21 In Hennepin County" June 26th Mpls. Tribune.

Protect yourself with a Navy Life Belt. Fits flat around the waist. Wear It fishing, hunting or swimming. When you need life-saving, press a button, and It inflates Instantly. $5.95 LURES WIDE VARIETY RED BALL BAITS Assortment of sizes Pike.

Northerns, Crapples, Sunfish. Prewar quality. Complete with hook. leader, lure, all-in-one. special.

DARDEVLS. Genuine De Epplnger Red ana White spoons Mike Daredevils) 29c KLATFTSH. Wide variety. 95c $1.09 $1 25 BASS FLIES, hand made 19c BASS PLUGS, big assortment 59c Li-Cut Live Worms, hatchery raised, for fishing 75 for 75c Metal Leaders, with bras swivel Shannons, Whtrlaways, Eagle Claw, Juhnson. Red-Eyes, I Chrome Spoons.

Poppers, Injured Minnows, hundreds of lures. REELS. BOATS. KNIVES. ETC FLY REELS 19.

$4.40, $6 60. $8.10 KNIV, lor hunting and nsning, in leather sheaths. Fine quality steel, attractive, durable $5 95 BRUSH KNIVES, Machettes. Govt, surplus $1.49 RUBBER BOATS, collapsible, compact carry, inflate to use. 5-man size.

Gov't, surplus. Ideal for hunting, for carrying in car, fishing, for a swimming platform, for floating down rivers, etc. Also a useful and novel addition to a summer resort. Very sate. Complete with aluminum oars, supplies and canvas carrying case.

TROLLING PLATES $1 00 STARTER ROPES, deluxe waterproof 29c OUTDOOR GRILLS, folding portable type, i.ov surplus CASTING LINES, big selection of famous makes. We spotlight this week the famous South Bend Oreno. 50-yard spools. 15-lb. test.

$1 39: T8-lb. test. $1.59 JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Commercial fishermen, we are expect ing a shipment any day now. The P. is $135.

The 8 P. Is $210. Send your order, giving your commer cial number, along with a small deposit. Then when they arrive, you will be sure oe coverea. OUTBOARD REPAIRING Johnson and Champion, $4.

75 Includes adjustment of carburetor, igni tion, lower end. greasing, by specialist. PLAYTIME Badminton sets, gS. 95: croquet sets. $5.95: baseball gloves, leather.

$2.98 and S3. 95; baseballs and softballs. up jrom 2c; tennis racquets, g.i.29 to So. 95. ARCHERY SALE Deluxe $8 95 set.

cut to $5 9B; Standard Archery cut to $3.98 Junior Archery. $1.95. Open Monday, 9 a m. to 9 m. JOHNSTON'S 3025-29 Nicollet av.

Specialized Washer Repairing RADIO REPAIRINGBYEXPERTS CHAMPION OUTBOARD MOTORS FACTORY SERVICE Although new Champion motor are not available because of war production we are aoie to make complete factory uvrrnaui joos ior unampinn owner. Bring or send your motor into our Ice department now so we can service ana nave it ready lor your vacation. CHAMPION OUTBOARD MOTOR CO. 2B3 27th av S. PA 6607.

VICTORY GARDENERS A FISHERMAN You may garden A fish In comfort with an Excelsior Mosquito Veil, Wire face permits safe smoking of clgarets or pipe, provide clear vision and good ventilation. Fits on brim of anv bat and folds for the pocket. Not nice ordinary veils. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sent for $1.50 postpaid.

Weekdays. H. Eckdahl. 1808 No. Washington av.

14 F'f ruuiid tot torn boat, cwfar 'oik'f Hound Oak heater, almost new gasoline range, wood saw with Ford motor, good cond. Small hand grinder. 2 small Jacks, car heater, Ford connecting rod. Johnson twin motor, 4 sell or trade for light twin. Wrenches A rtmmers.

L. Evans, 9 ml. No. of Csmdcn. on West River road 1 blk.

past Dixie cabins and 1 north. FOR SA LE or trad7ChriTCraf about, all equipped, radio, landing lights, spotlight, with trailer. New Mercury Marine motor. Hull In perfect condition, $1,500. Will take In on trade 18 ft.

lake boat or 20 ft. guiding boat A motors. Write or can be seen at Leech View Camp, Whlpholt, c0 A. L. Free-burg.

FOR SALE Clas sailboat. Amunf son built. Marconi rig. aluminum boards and trim. Excellent condition.

May be seen at Northome. Lake Min-netonka. by appointment. Call H. P.

Hill, peephaven 473 BOAT fittings, life preserver cushion. marine paints, caulking products. INLAND MARINE CORP. 3131 E. LAKE ST.

Hours: 12-5 p.m. 9.30-1:30 pm. CLASSY late model "Day" Cruiser with 10.3 HP. Phantom Gray motor. $1,600.

or trade for late model auto mobile C. w. Chrtstopherson, Brain- erd, Minn. K77 J. 31 "FT cabin cruiser wfth 180" p.

Kermath motor. Accommodations for 6. In excell. cond. Captain A.

B. Hargrave. co Duluth Yacht Basin, Duluth. Minn FREEZER cabinet EuTTd your own from our clear, easy plans. Simplified design.

Send $1 bill A your complete aoares to frozen Foods Engineering P. O. Box 286. Mpls. FULTON head room TenL 9x7 ft with floor, window, mosquito curtain A 6 ft.

awning, green drilL Used 1 week only. $20. CO 7586. CHRISCRAFT 19-ft. speedboat, 1941 model.

135 HP. Perf. cond. Only 50 hrs. running.

Docked at M'tonka Boat Works. EM 24 38 5 HORSEPOWER Llghtwin Evinrude outboard motor with automatic trolling plate and carrying case, $125. 1820 15th av S. PRIVATE party want Johnson 5 H.P. twin outboard motor.

Must be model, in fine condition. No dealer. BR 4556. WILL ell or trade 2 gd. repeating 97 A 22 Winchesters with shells for 16 gauge Rem.

or Winchester pump with shells. Mr. Arndt. RE 4459, MA 4684. 1 SET of 9 Spaulding matched Irons.

3 McGregor woods, genuine leather bag with hood. MA 4541. WILL pay cash for old .45 automatic or revolvers and other type of pistols. Licensed dealer. Call PL 1972.

WIN. 12 model 12. perfect. $45. Win.

21-12 $75. $200 Ithaca ventilated rib. Like new $135. CH 1824 eves. JOHNSON 2i HP.

Twin. Alt. S135 cash, run less than 5 hrs. fire, 3036 17th av S. STEVENS 20 ga.

bolt action repeating shotgun. Never fired a shot. 4 boxe shells. CH 5748. WANT Johnson outboard '40, '41, "42" model 3 or 5 H.P.

Call after 5:30 p.m. or write Rm. 502, Klnjr Cole Hotel. 3.6 H.P. Champion outboard motor, latest mod.

pull starter, perf. cond. 2319 3rd st N. BRAND new 16-ft. cedar stripped out-bnard boat with short cowl decking.

GE 8811. Ext. 108 week days. REM. 22 auto.

$47 or trade for fishing tackle, 32 rel rifle $15, case of 12 ga. shells. KE 0272. NEPTUNE 9.8 H.P. alt.

firing twin. 'Latest model. Only 12 hrs. use. $150.

1121 Douglas av. 16 A 12 GA. dble. A pump, 410 over A under deer rifle $20 A $33. 3531 32nd av So.

CANOH; Old Towne. Like new with Paddles, $75. Rem. .30 cal. pump deer rifle A shells, GE 8416.

12 GA. Remington dble. barrel shot gun. auto, selective ejectors. Split cowhide case.

2 boxes of shell. CO 7168. LOCK WOOD ACE 7 HP. Exc. cond.

$85. Jackson' Service Station, Navarre, Lake Mlnnetonka. 16 GA single barrel shotgun with 20 boxe shells. $60, C. Chrlstopher- son.

Bralnerd. Minn. 14 HP. LOCK WOOD outbd. motor, perf.

cond $135. Nancy A. Kubicek. Waseca. Minn THOUSANDS of cane fishpoles, at GILBERT'S.

Hiawatha A 24th st. LATE model Chris Craft new.Must sell. RE 4424. 1940 CHAMPION" outboard motor. US p.

GL 7O07. 40 "excellent "cond.7 $75. 3410 Taylor NE. 8x10 army tent with waterproofflo6r, $157 11 4tb. JOHNSON Seahorse.

Sell or trade for 14-tt. boat A trailer. DR 6445. SOUTH BEND casting rod A reel, tackle POX A complete outfit, $50. WA 2077.

3-2 CHAMPION, A-l condition, $60. Call RE 4664. '39 CHAMPION outboard motor, 3 HTp. DU 445 Sun alter 10 am EVINRUDE "outboard. 3 for sale.

8.65. AL 1558. SAILBOAT, Class good shape. 0758. HY LIGHT 4-cyl.

Evinrude outboard motor, like new. 4110 Nicollet. CASPER 2-man duck boat, 14 $60. RE 9412. 2 H.

P. JOHNSON MOTOR AL 4050. SPEEDBOAT with 16 h.p. Johnson ntpT motor. 2359 McKinley st.

GR 5070 3i P. Johnson outboard, good condl- tion. 70: private party. l522Henn. av.

MOTOR i. P. A.C. 16 "H.P." A C. H.P.

2301 24th av S. DR 8118. Evinrude! "single GE 5262. 1'4 p. Evinrude Eltb outboard motor.

Good 573. UK 84 CHAMP. 3 H.P. MOTOR. SHAPE, $60 CO 6973.

PERFECT CHAMPION trolling motor. like new. Cheap. BR 2337. CHAMPION outboard motor.

Winch, dbl, barrel. 292S Aldrich S. Sunday a.m. JOHNSON 2 H.P. MOTOR.

4506 W. 44th st. No phone calls. LADIES' GOLF BAG A CLUBS. CEL.

COND. REAS. CH 9375. Ex SHAKESPEARE reel A speed lock rod; box A misc. $30.

CO 2738. BOAT for hunting or fishing. Light weight. New, 612 27th av S. 1941 EVINRUDE trolling motor, 45.

'Sr trade 1n on larger motor. DU 0002. SHOTGUN 12-ga dbl. $20: hip boots. $8.

4324 40th av ROUND BOTTOM BOAT, $67. HY 1239. 7 MEN'S golf clubs A ladles' golf clubs A bag. BR 1254; NEPTUNE TWIN, 6 h.p. A-l $75.

HY 5883. 3 HORSE OUTBOARD. 16 IN. FAN. AT 0001 12 GA.

Remington repeater shot gun. DU 3361. NEPTT7NE '3 SMALL SGL. OUTBOARD MOTOR, REAS. RE 4677.

14 1 2 1 1 matching 9x14-9x12; also 9x12 Am. Coolerator, 6 pc. dlnet set, tricycle, side walk bike, vac. cleaner, port, misc. art.

4250 Upton S. lst fl. RUGS 3 new Karastans 8x10, 6-6x9. 4-6x8, coil spr. and brass bed $15.

end tables, lamps, fireplace set. KE 0272. "RUG 9x12, $30. dinette like new, $50. linoleum, 9x12, reas.

LO 6480, San. A Eves. RUGS, set of 3 Clearfiex rugs. 6x9. 3x6 and 27 In.

by 54 In. Used very little. 3128 Glrard S. RUG-Orlental Royal Sarouk. fed fcarTP ground, like new.

Size $535. Call Wayzata 641. toll chge. RUG All wool burgundy frieze 9x15. like new $100.

7 fabric Venetian blinds 27x58in all. for $10. LO851L RUG. 9x12 "Wilton with pad. 2 dining tables.

1 square, 1 round. Sm. clrc. htr. WA 1582.

RUG. 9xi2, good oak round din." rm. table, chairs, buffet, metal beds, sprlngs.reasRJISJ. RUG 9x12, used les "than 1 yr. GuTis-tan gold seal.

$60. RE 2674. RUG, Wilton. 9x12, also brkfst. table chairs.

GE 2023. 2001 Glenwood av. RUGS 2, 10x12. 9x10.6, all wool, excel cond. AL 6006.

RUG. Wilton 9x12 A grandfathers clock. LO 7373 RUGS (2i, 9x14 blue broadloom; also 8x10 A misc. item. Lp4439.

RUG. 9x12 Am. OriTtlT $98; one 9xT5T Singer tread le mach $33. 135 RUGS (21 Khiva oriental. cond.

HE 4241 RUG. 9x12 blue Wilton" LO 0847. porcH wtng. MJ'S $5. CO 1417.

1420 55th St. SECRETARY, maple; White sewing machine, round shuttle CH6701. SEWING MACHINE; White treadle. Al cond. RE 3943.

SEWING machined White droptiead. perf.cond. RE 2678. SLIP COVER for davenport, floral de1 sign. 19 E.

Hennepin Apt. 8. STOVE. Roper, like new: "radio" Majestic, works fine: lge. size Simplex mangle, like new.

CO 5063. STOVE. GE. electric, rug. 9x12 A misc.

DR 5521. 2800 27th av STOVE Hotpoint. elec, quart fruit lars Hopkins 835 STUDIO couch, platform rocker. 6 mo. old, dinette set.v white enamel 4 burn, oven gas stove, coal gold seal con-gnleum 9x12 rug.

like new. Lge. Ice box, wool rug 9x12. 2nd flr. 443 Lincoln NE.

STUDIO maple, like "new. 865 19th av SE. GL 2987. STUDIO couch, blue. Simmon' spr.

A matt. 3843 NAldrlch. STUDIO couch, "bird cage; cHromlum sink faucet. CO 8584. TABLE, gateleg.

18 In. deep when closed; 52 in. open. All gum wood. Clean all-metal icebox, 75-lb.

capy. Color Ivory and greenRE 4043. TABLE A bench, birch, suit, briefest 29thav SPA 6088. TOOLS. CARPENTERS' AND PLASTERERS', hoes, shovels, house lack CO 6003 TWIN BEDS Metal, green: springs, spreads, dresser, chair.

RE 0551. VANITY A bench, wal. finish. 4 draw-er. level top, $30 3953 37th av S.

VACUUM cleaner. General Elect. PA 3069. VACUUM cleaner with attachments. GE 3989.

WASHING vacuum cleaner $12.50, Briges A Stratton gasoline motor $12.50. AL 5820. WAMUNG machine, electric. fnt NT Glrard. WASIllNi! lawn-Jiy-ette, fja'," IIY 8640 WASHING MACHINE! WA 8724- WICKER porch 8x17.

Armstrong Linoleum. 2r3i NE 2nd st. LEAVING city, selling entire bouselluld urnlsliliiK. Duncan Phyte sofa. 2 matching fireside chairs, tables.

Gov. Wlnlhrop mahog. desk, radio, lamps. le. mirror.

Duncan Phyfe drop)taf mahog. dlnrm. set. with china cliMtrt, 3 or. plain drapes, 1 pr.

flower. 3 pc. Hrm. set with lu, A In, sp. matt also twin bed A baby crib, hlgllrhalr, buggy, also dishes, glassware A mlscel.

Many prewar toys for children 2-10. WH 7318. 7012 Knox S. CLOTH." 90x63" rare "Belgium lace. $1067 luncheon set for 8.

Venetian lace, sti linen fillet scarf 63x14. 3 matching con sole dollies. $15: crocheted spread fine chenille. $7. both full size, twin gold rayon spreads $7, for both.

lge. bakolite blk. trav $5. Remington razor pair feather pillows $5. WH 7592 llOUSKHOLD furniture must Ke sold account Job trarwfer.

Household furniture complete. Must be sold, leaving town. 2 bedroom suites, living dining, Frlgldalre. wash dinettes. Table top range, tools, garden, etc.

3937 43rd av Sn "servel Ref mail. Duncan Phyfe. DR. A buffet, 9x12 A 6x9 Broadloom carpet, uph. chair, carved man.

end tables, lamp, mah. bed. dishes, linens, draperies, curtains. 4928 Harriet av. CO 1512, LEAVING CITY Must eU out.

Llvrm. set. reas good cond. Occas. rhalrs.

radio, lamps, tables, maple dlnet set. open studio bed, odds A ends. Clothing. AL 4622, THOR all copper washer, cyl. type, holds 12 sheets at 1 fill, $200.

Gas htd. mancler with 3 46-inch roils. $1M). Mon. between 9 A 3.

T2XI Ford Parkway, St. Paul A. C. GAS range, R. H.

oven, 34 perf. cond. $30. Lawnmower $5. new water hose $1: davenport $12.

Call bet. 1-5 p.m. 1619 Park i "WEDGWOOD China, service Tor 8. 66 pieces. $110.

Large Nesco roaster, $22.50. Unpainted dressing table A chair, $6. LO 91 5. ALL ARTICLES REASONABLE 3-pc. settee, side board, 8 chairs.

3 complete beds, din. rm. table. Antique table, pictures OR 9284R. LEAVING cltv.

4 rms. furniture, clean, fine cond. Console radio, waslier, TT. bungalow range. Eves, only after 6:30.

2S19 Grandest E. KOZECAR buggy, like new. Wal. dress- er. bed spring.

I pair rust drapes. 6137. 3710 E. pmh st. FEATHER mattress, a.

size, good cond Pick. New, fine for lake cabin, $10. DR 7695. FDR SALE Four-burner oil stove with oven. Also Aladdin lamp.

6313 Oliver av S. LEAVING CITY Complete 5 rms. of furniture, incl. sew. mach.

Sacrifice. 1215 NMorgan. BRAND NEW Nisco electric roaster, automatic timer, 20 quart: twin wattle trcm.CO 5789. OAK DINING ROOM SET Also bi-own mohair davi-nport. Cheap.

2015 Upton av s. KE 5887. PREWAR Simmons studio couch, never used. $50; russ, 8xiu. 2r; 4xn, ju; 2wrvmower.

$10. LO 4606. 4 ROOM furniture, living room, kitchen Incl. Refrigerator A stove, pre- war. 4553 2nd av So.

THREE davenports. $10 each. 1928 Ald- rich av Basem*nt. PORCEI.AIN combination stove, $35. Also radlo.OR 9181LR.

DOUBLE mattress; feTf. like new" Used 2 months. $10. RE B024. FULL size fiat spring A twin lze flat springs.

HY 2391 PREWAR davenobed. Just like new. CH 5748. 3 RMS. FURN.

Priv. parties only, $165. 1004 5 av S. apt. 3 after 12.

COMB. GAS STOVE, $25. GE 0867. SACRIFICE 5 pc. maple" dinette set, rocker Ahlgh chair.

HY 6813 "35 MISC. articles, household," electric, camping, sports stale. A 8628. 2 WARM MORNING heaters. Heats 5 rms.

PA 4212. 4 ROOMS Of furniture for phone calls. 625 19th av S. sale. No GREEN freize davenport, excellent con- ditlon.

Call PL 94. 6-PC, BEDROOM SET CH 3843 A baby crib. FURNITURE of 4 rm. some an tiques. DU 8428.

WANT washing machine. TreF" May-lag. Also Junker Hoover vacuum. GL 3941 EXT radio, fan. Ice boxes, fernery.

Gar. 2537 Nic. KE 1599. T.T. Gas range and Reliable gas range.

Boy Scout outfit. 2526 James N. TWIN BEDS, "wooden, comp. with springs and mattresses. 1729 8th av N.

2 75-LB. ICEBOXES," $18 EACH RE 5623 LIBRARY tabic and leather upholstered chairs. 1013 E. 17th st PORCH GLIDER. WHITE.

ALL STEEL, tan 50. WH 3132 MISC. inc. bed. stildio couch, gas range, chairs Ft 4429 GILT FRAME.

"CALL AFTER 11. EM 1163. I HOUSEHOLD GOODS DEALERS PORC. gas range $10. chlffonlere $11 to $25, dressers $7 and up, dining, rm.

sets $20 to $30, studio couch $30. vanity dresser $12 to Simmons steel hunk bed $15, practically new $90 mahog. desk solid walnut gateleg extension table $27. like new double Hollywood bed with innerspring mattress $45, Cogswell ohsfrs $7 to $17, oak and walnut buffet $17 in $20. baby cribs $10 to $14.

mahogany bookcase $18. occasional chairs and tables, lamps, daybeds. box springs, beds, rockers, chairs, and many other bargains. CITY FURNITURE 3010 T.yndale S. RE 9864 DIRECT from our own largest custom factory, quality living room furniture.

Largest selection styles at pre-war quality, mohair, brocatelles. tapestries and mohair friezes, davenport $99.50 and up. chairs 49 50 and up EMPIRE FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 320 Nicollet av. G8 SKT1.

rugs Carpets 9x12 rug pads $3 up; broadloom 95 yd up. carpeting $2 95 yd up, felt rarnct $150 A $2 95 per rd broad STORK CLOSKD JULY 1 TO 8 QUALITY RUG CO. 2923 NICOLLET AV PL 2O01 SPECtAiLOW PRICED RUGS' 9x12 new heavy reversible rugs, special. large stiek on hand. Also 1215, 9x15, 8x10 sizes, etc.

Standard Rug 1619 E. Lake St. PA 1305 NEEDS for the home A family! For furniture, stoves, shoes, clothing, visit the selection of used Hems at 64 E. Hennepin, daily 10 to 4-30. SEVERAL Dt H.

sewing machines, $20; Singer tailor, $30: White. $15. few electrics. We buy or trade. McCaffrey.

2749 Stevens. FOR FURN rugs see Ottos before you buy. Univ. at Raymond. Open eves.

fv 10 29 7 14 I I hair. 4805 S. Ewlng. Sun A eves. DAVENPORT, cane, A 2 chairs, $14.

Brass bed A Way-Sagless spring. $7. CO 9b60. gen. black leather, for porch, cahl $20.

LO 9989 DAVENPORT A CHAIR. GOOD COND. GL 2504. DAVENPORT A "chair, good condition. $35.

GE 5226. 1207 7th st, apt. 3. DAVENPORT A "chair 5031 Oliver avS. DAVENPORT Ac3air.

Al cond-; vfc-trola. tricycle, metal wagon. CH 1745. DAVENPORT, down cushions, spring construe, perfect $100. CO 8371.

DAVENPORT A chair, prewar. 625 NE. Monroe. BR 5657. "DAVENPORT A CHAIR.

Whitney GE. sunlamp. PAB362. DAYBED. Fable lamp.

end table, clothe hamper, elec. egg bolleir. 310 Lyndale apt. 1. MA 9630 Deep Freezer, new.

3 compartment. 15 cu. ft. capacity. $670.

GEneva 2301, BR 7349. DESK, floor lamps, Simmons studio couch, comb, bookcase A magazine rack, deluxe elect. Everhot oven, arm chair. white porcelain kit. et, high chair.

rug-pad, elect, percolator, canning lars. liquor set, inlaid cabinet radio, AL op-4. DESK, sol. wal. antique roll top, very rare.

Suit, for home ofllce or den. Dinrm. set. beds, drapes, etc. WA 2176., DESK, kneehiUe, top 48x24, mahogany.

Like new. DR 0493. DINET set. mod. 3 pc.

bedrm. set. studio couch. 9x13 rug, prac. new, radio, misc.

5531 Chicago av. PL 4134. DINETTE SET $17.50 NE 4761 DIM. RM. SET.

walnut. $40; upright piano A bench. $35: child's maple writing desk, dresser. 2 rorkers. ft.

lamp. dropleaf kit. table A 2 chairs, walnut writing dek. daybed. RE 1349.

4127 Pleasant av s. D. R. SET. 9 pc.

Sheraton A ln- ald. 16 Century divan A dir. J.R. lamps, desk. 2 R.

set. Matching rugs, 9x2H. SxlOH- Will sacrifice. 5124 Dupont S. RE 5901 DIN.

RM. SET, Sheraton; 4-fold creens. man. dresser-chest, sm. man.

cane rock er, glassware, plain dishes, sew. table, mirror 18x301. CO 0302. DIN. rm.

set, 3 pc. Jacobean oak A chairs. Also bed. spring A mattress. A-l condition.

Cheap. 100 Hatch st, St Paul. DINING room set. beautifully carved 8-pc. Hepplewhlte walnut.

9x12 blue Ax minster rug. Daybed. Must sell Sunday. 4304 13th jtS. DIN.

RM, SET Massive oak. longTviiP fet. 6 wh. leath. uphul.

chair A tab. $90. HY 1060. DINRM. set, 8 pc.

blonde solid oak. $115; rose rug A pad 9x13.6. like new, $85; plngpong table. DR 1244. DINING RM.

set, Duncan Phyfe. extension table A 6 chairs. Never used. 1507 Thomas av DINING room set. Queen Anne; round table, 6 chairs, china closet, walnut.

CO 7529. DINRM. set, 8 pc. 3 burner kero-sene stove, misc. lady's clothes, sz.

16. GR 5474. DIN. RM. set.

walnut, modernistic with buffet; 8x10 Wilton rug A pad. 1513 2nd st NE. DINRM. set, lamps. 2 drum" tables, upright piano, club chair, 2 small rugs.

3511 11th av S. DINING SET, solid buTfet. ext. table with 3 6 chairs. 1700 23rd av NE ST 19fl4.

DiNINt! rm. set. Dtinran Phyfe. 0x12 rug pad; misc. 3-MMi Bryant av N.

CH 7035 DIN. ni. uile7 A-l condf "CK M975. spring filled scats Ref table. $75 WA DiNlNG ROOM PA 3559 DINING RM.

"oak," $50. 2700 Cedar av S. DR 0590. dining room Table a CiiAiR.s. 43U0 13Tli AV fS.

DiNlNG" rm. set. 8 'pc walnut, good condition. Reasonahle. I'L 34tS DIN rm.

set, oak, round table $25. GR 1379. DIN. RM. set, 7 pc- olld artist" easel, A misc.

3340 S. Fremont DINING room set. 8 piece mah. Duncan Phyfe, Jlke new. DU 7689.

DIN. SUITE." 8 toasted pads lncludedllke GR350 DINING rm. uite, "buffet. Reas. LO 7537.

DIN. rm. set small, mahog. bookcase. WA 7302 after 10 a m.

DINING room table and 6' chalr, E-" (ate stove 4300 13th ayS. DHAPES, 2 lovely pr. coral fisuros, lin d. Call Mon. only.

CR 7160. 1 vanity. Tnnersp. matt. A .11 spring, buffet, silverware, dishes A Use.

LO 1685. "DRESSER 2 Kurt elec plate. baby scale, br, larriD.icebox. PL 1415. ELEC.

refrlgeratorT 6 3 white enamel gas stove, L.H. oven; 2 5-ft. white steel' household cabinets. Write 2325 Trlb FXEC. roaster, like new, baby bassinette with hood, pink A white flounce, pad A lining, iawn chairs.

Dnstrs, 4653 Bry- ant S. LO 8737 FI.EC. RANGE. HOT POINT SEMI. PA 5445.

ELEC. portable Ironer, washing piano, Phllco cat radio. AT 6954 FIREPLACE SET. bicycle, Simmons twin beds, llv. rm.

set, elec. percolator, bird cage, davbed. plaque, misc. items. 4741 Lyndale S.

"FREEZING locker, 11 cu. 2 wal. end tables. 6-way fir. lamp, wal.

kneehole desk. RE 4037 GAS RANGE Monarch white enamel! Your for only $15. AL 5779. GAS RANGE. L.

H. oven. Icebox, din. tablellb.table. misc.

PL 1964. GAS" RANGE. Jewel. L. H.

oven, lit. regulator good cond. GR 9956. GAS bungalow range, R.H. oven.

'Good" condition. Reasonable. BR 6826. GASOLINE STOVE AY" OR 9252W GAS range. A-B.

icebox, tab. mod. rad. Beds, novelty antique clock. GE 7166 GAS RANGE, L.H.

oven. $23; wood burning $12 IHY 0658. GAS RANGE, L. O. Good cond; 4049" Perry av.

Robbinsdale. GAS ranges (2). line table top. good condition WUf); GAS stove. 4 good oven.

50-lb. Icebox. Rug 8x10. AL 2632. GAS range.

Reliable, $15:" dresser. elec. flxtures50ceach KG J248. GAS STOVE, large "size, 1521 LaSalle" av. Apt.

31. ICE BOX, metal. 50 mower, round oak table. Iron bed. wash, child's Row-cycle.

GE 76T5. ICEBOX. 50-10. cond. AL 5298.

capacity. Very good ICE BOX. 100 lb. All porcelain lined. Chlllaire.

BR 3707. ICE boxes (3) A laundry stove. 335 Irving av ICEBOX 50 lb. first class shape. $10." 4143 N.

Sheridan. TC Kf BtxHtr. noV. nn CH 8604 before 11 a.m. Sun.

ICEBOX, small," white, all-steel." 50 lbs." capacity. Call after 2 p.m. MA 4774 ICEBOX. 50 gas stove. 3-burner.

HY 3382. ICE BOX. PORCELAIN LINED, $20. GE 1984. Mon.

ICE BOX 100 lb. Seeger. CO 4238. 3524 2nd av S. KELVINATOR.

din. rm. table. 2 beds, dresser, gas stove. 1X1 4622.

KITCHEN" set with oak Tblt has metal top drop leaves. 2 pr. brass finlshr-d drapery futures com-plete CO 4348 4 iwhlte enamel)." 4606 Dupont N. C1I 7JIK5. KITCHEN set.

drop leaf table style. Cood cond. $15. 4151 Jefferson st NE. LAWNMOWER, birch breakfast nook table, 1 bench, wal.

library table, 4 it. by 16 In. 4152 5th av LIVING rm. et. bed A chest, end dishes, trunk, paper hanging tools, radio A mlscl CH 7623 f7lTING rm; set A drapes, dinette set.

radio, vacuum, porcelain top table, lawn mower, gas plate. 4:37 Blootnlngton. t.IVRM." set. 2 piece, 3527" Oliver N. AL 2730 after 12 noon L.

R. SET, 2 pc. mohair, good cond. 1431 N. Irving.


lTvInTS room set, Divan type, 2-pc. 4214 Vincent N. LIVING rm set (2 pc ge.slze.PA 1753. 3743 Snelllng. it.

"set. 2 pet," Wool" rug. WH 1382. LIVING ROOM SET, 3-P1ECE RE 2959 MANGLE, Tlior. 1 battery radio, laundry stove, 25 lb.

Icebox. 1 wal. cabinet. cab. with 3 drawers.

teel car trunk, good cond; 1 end water pump A tlf. motor, nr. lamps, oaoy car seat, play pen, like new; baby stroller. LO J769; "MANGLE, Contort, like new. 2 speed.

mahogany spinet desk. 6514. MANGLE Simplex, like new. Reas. "Din.

rm. set. 8 Dieees. HO 8022 MATTRESS. new: bed A spring for cottage KE493L heater arid" 4 nlT barrels! 1306 Emerson N.

HY 5386 PIANO, music din. rm. set, oec. lamps, dishes, tools, hose, birdcages, breakfast set, flrepl. set, llbr.

tbl. DU 0631. PIANO, upright A-l mah. col. sideboard, table, chairs A other pieces.

GE 1304. 1900 James S. PIANO, upright A bench. Good condition. $30.

RE 2203. PIANO, rugs A complete furnishings for 5 rm. house. AL 5980. PIANO Vollrrier babv grand.

2 pc. llv. rm. st. CO 1720, 5800 Bryant S.

IANO. fir. radio. 2 beds, toner sprg 2 dressers, din. rm.

set. hyj.m PILLOWS 1 PR. LGE, AND NEW, $3 Floor lamp $10. 8x12 all wool Wilton rug and pad, $50 CO no3 PRESStTRK cooker." met. ven.

blinds, elec. Irons and waffle iron, phono, mm. rugs, mahog, b.r. set. dishes, drapes, many misc.

hi). Items, BR 1S88. RADIO Beaut. cab. "style.

Majestic! like new. 19 E. Hennepin jiy. Apt. 8.

RANGE Elec. Noige. 6S40 19th av S. DU 6128 RANGE Universal combination, good con-dltion. $25.

AL 4020. ROATER. electric. Westinghouse, has h-oiler. ilk en ew $40 PL 157, FUG.

9x12, 40th av S. plain green frieze. 3543 A ENCYCLOPEDIA Used act In good condition and com-mete win sell cheao. Write 8351. r-TRCEi drv cleaning machine for "ale.

Clean 3 ult at a time, good cond. M. Hanson. Webster. S.

I). make cmtntn built home freeze In A 24 cu. tt- iltn. Holveraon a. 209 Lake FREE SAWDUST AND SHAVINCS northern Package Corp.

175 Colfax N. new. JT.OtT 3 CHROME bath faucet each. PL 1273. USED flourescent lighting fixture for aale.

GE 9093. YORK cool aivt room cooler, window Installation. 1254 Chamber of Com. POWER CYCLE MOWER 36 inch. Excellent condition.

WH 7081. 95 FT. picket fence, gate A posts. 3 old, S85. HO7100.

3-SECTION casem*nt windows, oak finish. Screens A storms. DU 6203. 1 POWER LAWN MOWER. $125.

Phone Shopee 14W12 3 POP CORN all elec machines. Reas. 3400 Hlalsdell. Mpls. OKb GARAGE DOORS 1 set A set slide track.

GR 0525. WINDOW Model Chrysler Cool-Breeze air ondiMoner. $150. GR 516 wk. days.

NATL. Cash Register'. breyefe. Ice' meat case davenport. LO 6939.

"WESTINGHOUSE elec. fan. sz. 1. DC current, like new.

Reas. CH 3079. 'CHILDREN'S SAND BOXES, todav 4341 Minnehaha av FIGURINE autumn" breeze Red RoyaT Poulton, $30. 200 27th t. LO 6007.

1" ELEC. fan. practically new. Pr. Calohar glasses.

GE 3154. "CHILD'S pedal service truck, almost pew. Also wardrobe trunk. LO 4678. LARGE wardrobe trunk, used very little.

Excellent condition, S75. WH 1280. 16-INCH PEDESTAL FAN. CALL LO 8746. ELECTROLUX vac, elec.

shaver, 22 rifle, lamps. Misc. AT 6161. apt. 641 MEDIUM SIZE COCA-COLA BOTTLE COOLER.

4319 Snelllng av. PA 5986 10 DOZ. NEW PLAYING CARDS. MA 7779. CHILD'S pedal car, newly painted, pert condition.

PA 1036. RUBBER air mattress, service man. RE 8946. sgle LARGE size Master stoker. 300-lb.

like new. pa 3584. 12-IN. E. U0-V.

D.C. fan. $10. 3 23rd av No. 30 GAL.

water tank with auto, gas heater. RE 6042. 3451 Grand av S. FOR sale electric Schick razor. Eke pew.

Write 145T Star-Jnl Trlb. COMBINATION RCA. radio A Vle-trcia, 175, 3 porch shades. GE 0855. 4 USED WRIST WATCHES.

$5 to $45. Priv. party. 1 waterproof. CO 6950.

IS M. Eastman camera, proj. A screen. Also elec. train.

DU 2887. NEW ELECT motors! Sgl. phase is. p. CH 7520 LARGE electric" fan.

prewar. Best offer. After 6 p.m. PR 6298. CHROMIUM BIRD CAGE A STAND.

Glass enclosed, $25. AT467 4. 1942 SAFTT CYCLE (factory motor bike) $125 cash. PA 2532. BOATS, GUNS, SPORTING GOODS SALE of firearms MUST comply with un ordinance of City of Mpls "SHOTGUN SHELL are under" OPA regulation.

For additional Information call MATM1. Division. 4 2 h7p "wards P. Quad $100, 16 ft. Alexandria boat trailer $100; 30-30 Wln-rheiter $60: tube plate A stem vulran- tzer I5; spot vulranlzer S55: 2 section vulcanize $60 each: 1 Shaler tube plate I need a floor Jack.

Carl's Sin clair Servica. Phone 883. Park Rapids. Minn. "ATI KNTIOS tavern keepers.

resorf keepers A clubs: have collection old muzzle breech loading guns, bayonets, deer heads, horns, cartridge collection, etc for decorative purposes. Single price or entire collection. Don-aid', 3974 Lake Curve av, Robblns- dalc 12, Minn. HY 3906; GOLF club set consisting of 3 woods matched chrome shafts, 9 matched Iron steel shaft, new leather bound bag and 8 new prewar balls. This Is a beautiful matched set used one season.

Original cost $180. Will sell at bargain. Keeiey Farm Equip. Waseca, Minn. OUTBOARD "MOTOR repairs Expert repair by mechanic with 15 yrs, experience.

All make A models. ZOLLE CARAUE 50 J. 5TH ST. AT 8101 OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRING Any Make or Model By Authorized Dealer. W.

ANDERSON SALE CO 5109 33rd Ave. S. DU 5810 WANTED Shot gun, rifles, pistols, "out" board motors, fishing rods A reel, a no golf balls (YiRRlM. the Sportsman' SfiMi0 Marquette Ave. BR 7793 JOHNSON 3 H.P.

alt 3 rods A reels, tackle A box, flyrod. 16 It. out- board cabin runabout (needs work) hip boot, camp stove, rain shirt, Elto 12 P. as is. ORchard 9Q01R.

CRUISER 42 fT all modern. Fully equipped. Excellent condition. Sleeps 6 cost $15,000 Sell $3,500. Moored at Owens Minnesota Mendota.



Partly maxined, Delco Remy ign. High eomp. head water cooled manifold. Har- rts. 219 Ontario SE.

FOR SALE Winchester Model 1894 repeating rifle. Full magazine, octagon barrel, 38-55 caliber. 40 cartridges. Best offer buys. P.

O. Box, 246, Iyanhoe.Minn GA. Win. model 12 trap "gun with poly. Win.

401 auto, like new; 2 new Schick elec. razors Brandt Drug, corner Lowry A 2nd st NE. 17 FT. RUNABOUT with windshield. steering wheel.

trailer. 500 S. 11th st. lizht 16 horse Elmer N. Olson COMA 5351.

BROtTLLARD HARDWARE 2622 E. 25th St. We will be closed July 4 to July for vacation. A TER WITCH 34 h.p.. latest model, like new with tarter.

$85. Also Ben-dix 24 excell. $65. See Jack at Shell 14th A LaSaUe. TENT.

12x7. good shape, complete. Price $20. 40 gun, single shot, extra good shape, one box of shells. Price $21.

Risenbenr. Spring Valley, Minn. FOR SALE Ladles golf set. slightly used 1 wood. 4 Irons, good bag.

S20. 503 4th st Milbank, GOLF clubs. 3 steel shaft woods. Walter Hagen matched steel shaft et. Fremont s.

apt, p. JOHNSON light twin A carrying case: also elec. norteht Vidrota; 150 records fc1der GR 3156. 16 GA Winchester pump $. 22 rifle $12.

410 shotgun rzo A sneus. Lyndale LATE MODEL 5.4 Evinrude Zephyr. A-l shape. Pull starter, $165. At Nelson Sale.

1503 Hennepin. 2 OUTBOARD motor. Water witch. 4 H. P.

A Johnson 16 H. P. $140. DR 1410. 1104 Lake, rear.

410 over and under. Latest model with 2 boxes shells. $35. C. W.

Chrtstopherson, JOHNSON "4'Vi" tt-P afterriate "firing motor. $75 C. W. Chrtstopherson, Brslrierd Minn. JOHNSON 10 ITtT TwTrTSeahorse.T?x-eellent $125.

Repeating 22 rllle Ashells'J50. 727 18th st. Apt. B. NEW Kodak Medalist camera, "accessory" back, manv accessories.

Stanley L. ston. Cannon Falls. Minn. Ph.

175. MOTOR BOAT. Chrlscraft utility model In excel, eond. Write 2321 Star-Jnl Trlb "MILES CITY. MONTANA, western saddle.

C. W. Chrtstopherson, Braln- era, Minn 14 FT Stepper A 16 H.P. LorJtwootf Chief '36. See at Wayzata Beach or call syzdta 8.

"RODS, reels, life preservers, misc. 3436" 36th av S. DR 4472. Small, light boat $12 Sunday p.m., 4313 Nicollet THOR outboard. 2V h.p., perfect condition, $65.

GR 535. CHAMPION single, 4 perfect con-ditlon. Running time 20jour. Y8422. SAILBOAT.

Msreoni rig," good eond. Phone Peephaven 263. "ROD A reel, artificial- baff, T6-gr single with shells. RE 8525 1941 5M H.F. Champion deluxe.

A-l. LO 8846. 5 WRIGHT -DISTON golf clubs A bag, new. $30. DU 2954.

19-FT CANOE, priced very reasonable. KE 3780. LADY'S golf bag A clubs, almost new. 17 ball A tee. $20.

HY 6047. BOAT, motor A trailer, pert, condition. 527 Irving N. 12 FT. Larson all mahog.

runabout, exc." cond. Like new. $150. WA 9741. SHOTGUN, new, and shells.

ever A under, prac. BR B463. 1941 CHAMPION deluxe motor. 3.2 P. Perf.

cond. RE 2678. MISC. golf cljibs A bag. hockey stick, shin guard A skate.

HY 0523. CHAMPION deluxe outboard motor, 3.2 H.P. RE 9232. EVTNRUDE old, ell or trade for later model. 210 James N.

2nd fir. CANOE 17 FT. $28. DU 3101 OUTBOARD motor alto. 24 H.P.

with water pump. GR 9825. 12 GA. PUMP. LTkE NEW.

$80. WH 0780. JOHNSON H. P. latest 1842 alt.

twin. Used once. RE 1175. C. E.

SHEPARD. 125 OAK GROVE ST. EXPERT GUN BLUING GE 2806 PSfilN cruiser. Chris-Craft. perf.

eond folly equip. HtJ 2086. JOHNSON" 3 p. Opp- firing. Good CTHUHnn.

AT 5530 (T56r 16 EVINRUDE" "REAS. 121 ASHTGTO S. 3043 JOHNSON, twin outboard motor." fly wd, reel A line, 722 Univ. NE. SAILBOAT Class gaff rig, $250.

LO 5081. DUCK hunting AL 59S0. guns, boat, etc. 4-CYL. Evinrude outboard motor, 16 p.

Recently hauled. A-l cond. WH 2459. 1942. latest model, with pull starter.

A-l eond. CO 5050. for to 5 to Thrush water circulator pump $35. OIL burner, Tlmken, A V30gCoi ciL RE 2945. 5317 14th av S.

WINKLER stoker without shear nin ara Jllr Supply. 324 Ut t. Vvi.N.tR IXJMESTIC STOKERS HOT air furnace, good cond compl." wim 4612 Oakland 26.VGAL. OLL TANK. 526 17th' av" MA 3947.

PIANOS, MUSIC AND RADIO GREATLY REDUCED PIANO SALE Plain small bung, piano tike new. Formerly selling at $475 to $550. Now only $185 to $295. These plane have finest tone and action and should last liretlme Guaranteed same as new ptamw. Don't delay seeing these bar gain.

Term can be. arranged. also pay cash for good small piano, McGINNIS PIANO COMPANY 17 So.8thst. BR 5133. ACCORDIONS, LOWEST PRlCrterTr Pay one-third down.

bal. easy pavment. 12. 43. 60, 80 and 120 bass.

Wuriitrer, Hohner and Italian makes. Guaranteed. Write for list. Instruction, repairing. We also pay rash for used accordions.

MATTERS MUSIC CENTER 414 Marquette t. GE CASH "FOR TisEX PtXNOS GRANDS SMALL UPRIGHTS you are not using your piano need the space SELL IT AND USE THE CASH for other mirrvKM CABLE PIANO COMPANY 22 S. Rth st. MA in ACCORDIONS SALES REPAIRS LESSONS 22 yrs. of specialized accordion servica.

Call or write TRAFICANTE BR Jt Trumpets, cornets, clarinets, trombones, saxes, horns, accordions, string irt-ji mentsLINQUIS-r, 14 8th stSAT FOR SALE Accordion. 120 instrument and case like new $20n Or A Krebsbaeh, 718 Broadway. Fargo." sf upright piano not over 46 inches good condition. Call AT 0491 days, i-'iD4 eve. DRUMS tth tan4 pedal A cymbal attache, totn torn KE $20.

cornet, tnmn d-um. guitar, violin, $. ulji, VVATIERS, 414 Marquette. GE for ca.V Ul. AT 049 mm Pl'" 23 s.

ITALIAN and manyother master mdT violins, bow, rehalrtng and rerailnni Violin Shop. 10 S. 91 mt "Wiring. UPRIGHT planot like new. sm.

pi. case Guart. Term. accepted. 1811 jr.

ake st PA 2186 or PA LATEST model 3 octave vthrsf the home. A so ijyti. 1941 SPARTAN" hoid 12 perfect! NEED MONEY Will selT good ccndFvT Kimball concert grand piano. $150. 30f2 Penn avN.

"TRUE Tone" modern cabinet" $')0. Large Victor Vlctrola recori. Alabama. St.LeuU Park RADIO, "table "model; goodtme Univ. Stadium.

So. Tower. MA 177 ext. 1R3 c. Frederick.

GENUINE BOSTON EVERETT GRANT Like new 1HORGAARD 1SS0 E. LAKE ST. 18 WATT amplifier Including 2 Jenseri speakers in baffles. Astatic crystal microphone and floorstand. CH 2625.

WANTED Saxes, eorSettf trumpets, trombones, flutes. Pay hiKht cash. Llnqulst.14 S. 8th St. AT 8233.

GRAND pianos. $475, $550 uS-1zht" pianos. $95 Up: organs. $45 Ms up. t.lnquHt,14 S.8th st AT 8:33 INCERTINAS.

Pearl Queen and other. mu- at ters, 4 1 4 Mar PORTABLE phonographs arid-taFie mas-' bought. gold. resaired. afters.

414 Marquette. CW. Sehieffer piano, a-1 ZSz, MAIN A HOFSTEDT PIANO CO-11 Lake st near Nicollet. RE -( WE PAY HIGHEST CASH for miisirST Instruments, accordions, pianos, 40 vr. in business.

Linquist. 14 8th st. AT 8233. RCA RADIO phonograph, comb, consoiet" $150. PL 3125 THORGRAAD will pay cash for smalf up grand or spinet.

DU 2632 PIANO. Melville-Clark. 60 In. long, if ln hlghexcel. tone.

WA 53IS. PLAIN case Stark. "85: practice cianosf 39. BIT2ER PIANO 36S7 Cada r. PIANOS wanted Most casa paid f-i? spinets grands or uprights r12.

ACCORDIONS WTO. PAT YOU LINQUISTi14 S. 8TH ST. AT PHILCO 6 tube conscle. CO 3137 Pract- new.


4741 F.LLOIT AV RADIO tube tester A radio bat- KE 2720, KE 8674. DRUMS, COMPLETE SET. $40 I 8S23 BAND INSTRUMENTS, UI.AKKESTAD 87 S.10TH ST. MOVING your piano?" See cur Buairif Kf'e'1' "Traer- MA 2397. 50 IN.

Cable, bargain. piano l'ke new. MAYER'S. RE 0625 PHILCO 1941 floor mod. with recoff jlaver! WH19O0 ACCORDION A SAXOPHONE WKSYZ State price.

Box 9700 Star Jn! Trio. GOOD used radio. $10 up. WtlT take trade-ins. Guar, Repair.

2923 Eaiers W. ACCORDION WANTED pris nartv Have cash. Phone DU 4 4 MARIMBAS arid xylophones. 575. i'-T and Linguist, 14 8th ACCORDION WANTED CALL WA 9603 ELECTRIC GUITARS A AMPLIFIER!" Watters, 414 Marquette.

GE 531 ACCORDION WANTED. HAVE CASST DR 0255 PIANO TUNING JUNGS. GE 5155 TABi.E model radio and pliori-isfa-ff wanted fr.xn prtv partv. Cash DU 0224 PORT" elec btty rsd. grnd'" aerial" wire; sm wht rad MA 9342 Sun ITI'RKIhT" 'piano, good condition.

41st av RADIO. "f-tlbe Graybar A (pea-eft table mrvlel 2647 Upton N. Sun. 10 to 12 HAWAIIAN A Spanish guitar A caset" like new, lome music. BR 5600.

PORTABLE" phonograph-for sale; wind. HY 7217. 683 Dupont KING trumpet, sliver plated wltK r13 bell, slightly used with nice case. CO 7I" RADIO, small tab'e iik new," also alarm clock KE 54M RADIO. DU 5i SILVER plated baritone-A esse.

Usetf yery little. Reas. CH 1078 BACON "Silver Bell" banjo. AL 12S" Call eves. MASON HAMLIN Fx-conrtltjon.

plain case. CO 4124 PIANO. Cable, under $25 or trade srna'X radlo 2759 29thav A Drew. 2 small table model radio for 15 cheap. CH 2i2K, 1237 Knox N.

RArnd. beautiful cabinet style, likd" nfw. 19 E. Hennepin av. apt 8 STARK piano, perfect.

75. Tah.a way Mirraplano. reas. 1910 Penn GO "to Peterson's Piano Bargain Shea at 3400 Thomas lor best rsriairs sm. grand standarj" make priced rght.

3400 Thomas RfA 10 tubes magic ep box, RE0.S06 40O0Coltax So. PHILCO car "radio, good cond. fi CH 3730, SACRIFICE ALTO SAXOPHONE PA 6068. RECORD Plaver for radio, auto. er.

Nearly new. DU 8479 PLAYER piano and 40 roils, gocd tcr.eT good condition. WA 5196. RADIO Phllco floor model. DU 8673 MEDIUM size Estey like c.

THORGAARD 16ELAKE ST RADIO. 10 tube cabinet. Genera! Elec. 282" Fremont S. KE M21 Pf ANO Huntington.

Perl. cond. LO 1373. RADIO equipment. Ludwig drum.

I. 7933. CARRY-ALL" "electrTcaf hmH 11 1 Clinton crosley 9-tube can radio and 1 radio. 2lt Harriet av, Ct.ARINFT." it. peC feet condition.

$125. DU 0373 RADIO, portable, carry around camera" type. $30. 2 KM st 9 TUEE all-wave Zenith. Bargain.

WH 2531 MINIPIANO. $385; violin. $7s; reed organ. $25. Cash.

PA 2532. CAR radio. DR 1TS. Motorola, good condition. RECORD p'ayer.

oortable or 13146 lth av DR 4A15. electric- lng A cooler coll for stores, gas toast ers, large store safe, new A used chairs. tables, unholstered booths, bar A back bars, counter A stools, compressors A refrigerators, bar sinks, tap boxe. walk- In coolers, new coffee urns. Restaurant kitchen designing A complete outfitter.

JOSEPH F. PALEN 112 HENNEPIN. MA 7682 NEW A RECONDITIONED office desks, tables, chairs, files, safes. bookcases, etc. WE F.UTf SELL KX1 nAH Highest cash prices paid for all types office equipment.

Will buy one piece or carload. STORE FIXTllHE.1 Cafe equipment to be moved at close out price. 219 S. Mh St. MA USED EQUIPMENT, A-l CONDITION 190 Magic Chef 6-burner range, tarxe oven.

No. 6760 1 Vulcan KVy. duty gas range, InrKe oven, griddle top. No. 22 Waterbury Special furnace stove.

No. 47N Aerolt uorlnble W. healer. No 2a FBS Trane Torrldor floor model unit heater, 2-nozzle. B.


MAln 5421. REFRIGERATION condensing units, new A rebuilt, in stock, sizes to i'l Also colls, cases, controls, etc. We will show you how to build your own home freezer. Repair A shop service for all makes A sizes ot condensing units and motors. Write or phone us about your refrigeration problems.

Easy terms. Holverson s. 209 E. Lake st. USED OFFICE FURNITURE BOOKCASE, sectional A with sliding doors, 1 large STORAGE CABINET A several different size OFFICE TABLES If you want to buy or ell used office furniture see Mr.

Youngquist at FARNHAM'S ANNEX 112 Lumber Exchange MA P421 OFFICE FURNITURE STORE FIXTURES GENERAL OFFICE AND BUSINESS EQUIPMENT BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED TWIN CITY FIXTURE EXCHANGE 322-324 1ST AV N. GE 1884 1 2-HOLE A 1 12-hole ice cream cabi net. 1 21-gal. Taylor freezer complete with 40 gal.

cabinet and 20 gal. Mix cabinet. Self contained. 2 Coca Cola bottle coolers. Bargain price for quick sale.

We need room. 116 N. 7th st REFRIGERATOR display case. Walk in cooler. Reachin boxes, dairy A vegetable cases, new A used: also meat choppers.

Ilcing machines and scales. Mpls Show case A Fixture Co. ion wasmngton av BONIS non-stop fur machine, almost new: also 3 nailing boards, comb, cut ting table with built-in cabinet. Also sz. 16 dummy A steel coat rack.

3915 Upton WH10M Call Monday. USED GOVERNMENT STATIONER and surplus stocks at big savings TRADING POST Second Floor Store. MIDLAND STAT'Y. For Office Supplies 911-913Marquetreav. AT 1201 4 DRAWER susp.

style wood files, type stands, swivel office chairs, stapun machines, Scotch tape, rubber bands. CRANE OFFICE SUPPLY CO. 324 14th av SE. GL 5969 10 DISCOUNT CASH-CARRY on all New Office Stationery Mdse. USED GOVERNMENT STATIONERY MIDLAND STATY.

TRADING POST 911-913Marquette ATJ203; SMALL size Frlgldalre, suitable for grocery or restaurant. completely overhauled. Phillips Refrigeration Service. 1325 Nicollet. BR 4763.

VARIETY fixtures for" sale. Late model. Excellent condition, 24x72, modern design. Better SEE Ben Franklin Store. Phone 130 days only, Princeton, Minn.

FOR SALE I 30-cu. ft. Freeze Chest" In very good condition. Priced to sell. Availahle at once.

Jack Hern, Lake City. Minn. Phone 1571. ONE Rotospeed stencil duplicator com plete, c-1742. with stencils S4n machine lor jio, used only once.

Ray D. Han son. Buffalo Lake, Minn. COPELAND 1 h. compressor, potato peeler, Chalmers oil burner, gun type.

HY4478. 6x8 WALK-IN meat cooler A ammonia comp, Std. computing scale, elec. A pore. Meat gnnoer.

GL 2503. MOD. grocery shelving, about 60 2 groc. scales, elec. slicing mach.

1111 Tjican N. CH 9672. 46 CUBIC FT. Frlgldalre. Like new.

10 upholstered booths 4 fluorescent lights. CH 8554 or AT 0001. DICTAPHONES SET $200. rebuilt. Ma-chtnes rented.

M. B. Wahl, 851 Sexton AT 7441. ADDRESSOGRAPH Graphotype. trays, frames, cabinets, multigraph.

mimeograph, fcilders, multigraph duplicator. 1121 Nic. CLOSING my husband's dental office. Equipment for sale. Mrs.

M. B. Cor-thell. Spooner. Wis.

BAKERY equipment, complete with A oven. Cheap If taken at once. Carl Olson. Cejylqn, Minn. CREAM makers.

Tuthlll, Mills or Taylor. 213 gal. capacity. N.W. 3021 5th av S.

RE 8241 REACH In refrigerated new wall cabinets, 20. 30 A 50 cu. ft. capacity. N.W.

3021 5th av S. RE 8241 WE BUY, sell, exchange, used or new cafe equipment supplies. C. E. John son 25 E.

Hennepin. WE BUY. wll. exchange caan register. typewriters, time recorder Calculator Cash 1121 Nleollet.

"8x8 WALK-IN cooler, cork" 1 motor compr. unit. McQuay blow coll. all $395 J. Llvermore, Fairmont.

Minn COMPLETE U. S. 3-tube" iubrlcation system, excel, cond. Drive-on Hoist. Service Gajage3018 Lndaleays.RE7247J 12 FT.

all-porcelain single duty refrigerator display case with extra iheli. N.W 3021 5th av S. RE 8241 2 NATL." Cash Reg. 5c to $1. Rlngup.

Call at Montrose Liquor Store, Montrose, Minn, "TYPEWRITERS RENTED, rep. bought. AmerlcanTyp'terL116 S. 7th t. AT 4337.


Midway. NE 2818. DISPLAY show case, various styles new a nd used. L. Paulle.

Midway. NE 2818. NEW all metal 30" bar stools. $4.50 each. E.

Johnsop 25 E. Hennepin. DISHWASHING machine, meat grinder. HY 8386 alter 5 p.m MIXER 80 qt. also 30 ft.

Hobart. HY 8386 after 5 p.m. ELECTRIC commercial refrigerator, cu. ft. HY 8061.

15 8 FT. glass showcase, oak frame A glass shelves. 600 Builders Exchange. 2 CHAIR barber shop, fixtures, make an offer at 7 26th St. AN GORGEOUS lge.

cross fox. $45: twin" red foxes, J35; llkenewLJqjU54 2 "SUMMER Suits z. 40 stout. Fine shape. WA 703.T, to 4 Sun.

3 MENrS suits; size 38. Trousers, aport coat, shirts. KE 5784 ENG. riding man's Id" A 7'AA. Lady's greysutt, lejCH 981L LADY'S spring coat and spr.

suit! sz. 12. Child's 2-pc. snowsult. KE 0640.

SILVER fox fur, like new, reas. 5520 43rd av S. DU 7478. CHILDREN'S sizes 10 A 16. nepln.

LO 3213. 3115 Hen- BOOTS, drum majorette white z. Ge 5658 Mon. after 5 p.m. MAN'S br.

all-wool $50 suit, size 44, sgl. brJike new. $20. pti ni. TOP prices tor men' used suits.

Hudson and No. eai coat. NE 379L I 1 head without motor. G. L.

Lamb, 615 radio, $30 WA 0419 fter10 a Wayzata Bldv. Wayzata. PIANO FOR SALE MOTOR. Wagner, i It" 110 of HY 6813 220. $15; eiectrlc paint sprayer.

$10,144" midget piano, oak case, good AL 5466. others. $65 1910 Penn DELCO ltuht plant. "800 and good STEIN WAY 6" ft. grand, "also StHnT set of batteries.

Complete system $120. union s. I asi iiiik iuii is. AIR compressor." Qulncy. 16 ft size, with 3 3 phase motor.

In A-l shape, reasonable. Sutnrlus Co. 1320 Stevens. WANT to buy 30 to 60 ton punch press with 3 in or longer stroke. Hart aatg.

Co Ml 8641 WALKER TURNER belt A disc sander A 3 H.P. motor, like new. 3512 20th av s. GOVERNORS to make auto engines Into power units $9.50 up HARRIS MCHY. 501 30TH AV PRESSING machines, dry" cleaning machines, boiler tor sale at Vic Clean-lng Machine 1313 Hawthorne.

CULVERTS STEEL stacks, boiler shells, 16 to 72 In. HARRIS MCHY. 501 30th av METAL tables, int. grinders, acet" gen. IrdustrMachA 714 N.

Wash 1 i-IN electric drill, for light "work, reasonable. AL 1115. 1 TO 30 Grant battery charger. 43l9 Snelltne a v. PA 59H6 1 VALVE grinding machine," model Qwlk-Way.

PA ObTE 25 1,1 P. A C. out motor. Call EnglneerJMA 8055" wo)d lathe, rj IT Pt motor. HY .,023.

BUHNERS. STOKERS ONE hopper" type ZtVlb, domestic stoker, Iron Fireman, with complete control, $100. Call WA 0076. KOLSTOKER Anchor complete with thermostat A-l cond. LO 4.98.


Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.