Santa Cruz Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California (2024)

Cruz Tuesday, November 11, 1952 16A-USED TRUCKS 1 TON 1952 CHEVROLET. Flat bed with racks. 700x18. Auxiliary springs. 3 speed Watson transmission.

Low mileage. Heater. Save over $400. Phone 51, mornings. 17-LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Black co*cker Spaniel, female; about 6 months old.

Phone 3270 3741-M evenings. 17-11-11-272 LOST: 1 Finder of ladies green wallet keep money but please return wallet to address inside. Mail collect. 17-11-5-270 Capitola Planning Groups To Work On Street Numbers Capitola's city planning commission, chairmaned by Homer Berry, will act soon to straighten out some confusion in street numbers on the "West Hill' section of the city prior to inauguration of mail delivery service. This course of action was decided night a second joint unectinst of that planning commission and the city council at the Capitola city hall, Mayor Will F.

Daley presided. At present, Berry said, Santa Cruz numbers are being used on some streets running east and west from the city limits at 45th avenue to Prospect avenue. The cross street numbers will be okeh, he said. It is planned to start numbering out from Prospect avenue and also the river on East Cliff drive. councilmaer would Joseph be Tabacchini said for each lot and he suggested that property owners come to the city hall to check the city map for their respective lot numbers.

There also was a proposal that someone be employed to visit each lot to make sure the numbers correspond. Mayor Daley also announced that Berry has been named to succeed himself planning commission for a four year term. Other members of the commission present last night were Mrs. Eleanor Fontes, Samuel Nelson and Lee Craig. Councilmen attendance were Tabacchini, Otto Van Buren and S.

Clair Ellis. City Attorney Eugene Adams, City Clerk J. Raymond Abicht and City Treasurer John B. Carter also were present for the discussions. S.

F. B. MORSE TO WED MRS. HUBERT DALTON Pebble Beach (P. Samuel F.

B. Morse, president of Monte Properties and Mrs. Hubert K. Dalton of Honolulu, will be married at 4 p.m. here today.

BUY U. S. SAVINGS BONDS NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE No. 39,080 In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN T.

BEATTY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undesigned Administratrix of the estate of JOHN T. BEATTY, deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash and subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on Friday, the 28th day of November, 1952, at the hour of ten c'elock A. M. or after said day, at the law office of J.

RAINEY HANco*ck, 712 Bank of America Building, San Jose 13. California, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said JOHN T. BEATTY at the time of his death, and all the right, title and interest that the said estate has by operation of law or otherwise acquired other than or in addition to that of the said JOHN T. BEATTY at the time of his death in and to that certain parcel of land situated in the County of Santa Cruz, State of California, described as follows: Land bounded North by County line, East and South by land of Lloyd, West by land of Lloyd and Beatty, part of Section 26, Township 2, Range 2 consisting of 4.85 acres. Bids or offers are invited for said real property and must be in writing and will be received at the law office of J.

RAINEY HANco*ck, 712 Bank of America Building, San Jose 13, California, attorney for said Administratrix, or may be filed with the Clerk of said Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, or delivered to the said after the first publication this NoAdministratrix personally ace any time tice and before the making of said sale. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash in lawful money of the United States of America, ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid on day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale by the Superior Court and delivery of the Deed. A title policy will be furnished the purchaser and taxes will be prorated close of escrow. Dated: November 7, 1952. NETTIE RAPPE.

Administratrix. J. RAINEY HANco*ck, Attorney for Administratrix, 712 Bank of America Building. San Jose 13. California.

Nov. 11 to 26 Air Force Reserve Santa Cruz 9453 VAR SQUADRON meets Wednesday NIGHT at o'clock 8 NEW LOCATION: 113 KNIGHT ST. Just North of Post Office off Water St. Expect Congress To Pass Tidelands Bill Rare Appearance Smiling Madame Tito, the 28- year whose marriage to partisan Yugoslav- fightia's dictator was revealed last makes one of rare public appearances at Zagreb. The occasion, the Yugoslav Communist Party congress, the second time the public has had a chance to see the boss' wife since marriage disclosure.

(AP Wirephoto). MARKET CLOSED New York (P). Financial and commodity markets throughout the United States and Canada were closed today, in observance of Armistice Day. BUY U. S.

SAVINGS BONDS VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCES Interlocutory Decrees Granted WARD November 7, Donnie C. Ward from Cecil Ward, extreme cruelty. (Corrected item.) FUNERALS NOTICES BAILEY In Santa Cruz, November 10, 1952, Bill Bailey, aged 89 years; native of Ohio. Husband of the late Frances Bailey; father of Ted Bailey of Santa Mrs. Jessie Conrow of San Jose, Mrs.

Berda Richards of Selma and Mrs. J. E. Bailey of Capistrano Beach. Also survived by ten grandchildren, fourteen great-grandchildren and two great-great granchildren.

The remains are being forwarded by Wessendorf Mortuary to Selma, California where funeral arrangements are pending at the Robinson Funeral Home. Interment will be in Selma, California 11-11-1t CARD OF THANKS FABRICIUS We desire to express our appreciation to many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our beloved mother, Karen Fabricius. We also wish to thank the nurses at the Batterson Nursing Home, and all who floral offerings. Mildred Zuckswert Lucille Bygum Robert Fabricius IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our husband and father who passed away four years ago November 11, 1948. Viola Falconer Maxine McPherson 11-11-1t FLOWERS STEWART'S Floral and Gift Shop MOVED NEW LOCATION 1430 SOQUEL AVE.

OPPOSITE PACHECO FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS WEDDINGS CORSAGES FLORAL DESIGNS BONE CHINA CUPS AND OTHER GIFT LINES Flowers telegraphed anywhere NO PARKING TROUBLE Phone. 189 11-1-tf HIDDEN FLOWER SHOP 816 Soquel Ave. ETHEL H. SULLIVAN, OWNER Thelma Scriver Albert Sullivan, Managers Cut Flowers for all occasions Potted Plants Gifts FRIENDLY COURTEOUS, PROMPT SERVICE Phone 584, or evenings 6332 Open every day WEDDINGS FUNERALS CORSAGES 10-9-tf FERRARI The Florist "THE FINEST IN FLOWERS" 111 Soquel Ave. Phone 1840 Prompt Delivery Service 11-1-tf SANTA CRUZ FLORISTS GIFTS 1314 Ocean SAND Phone 2380-W Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere 11-1-tf LOUISE'S FLOWER SHOP FLORAL DESIGNS, CORSAGES, ETC.

Delivery. 5924. Between 7th Ave. and 17th Ave. on Old Highway 1 11-1-tf FLORAL DESIGNING ELWIN S.

BARNHILL CO. 710 Soquel Ave. Phone S. C. 742 11-1-tf PALOMAR HOUSE OF Floral Designs PROMPT DELIVERY 4 Palomar Arcade Phone 385 11-1-tf MORTICIAN IRVIN M.

SMITH Funeral Director 1050 Cayuga St. Phone 2272 CA LICENSED 11-1-tf SINCE 1908 Sacramento. -California will get the title to its tidelands back next year, believes Attorney General Edmund G. Brown. He made the prediction yesterment that Court after expressing, disappointspecial master ruled in favor of federal government fixing the boundaries of the disputed area along California's, coast.

The has held title to the tidelands since the Supreme court ruled they do not belong to the state. The royalties have been impounded since, pending an ownership decision. Congress has twice passed bills Dallas Club May Be Refinanced Dallas -Dallas' professional football club, which ran a race to see where could lose the on the field or at the box officemay get a new lease on life. A reorganization with a bag of new money is expected to result from meetings of the directors and stockholders today. Where everybody connected with the club was despondent a week ago, an air of optimism now prevails.

One director said he was confident Dallas not only would raise enough money to continue the National Football league club here the remainder of the season but would work out a five Harlan plan. Ray, a trustee, said he felt embarrassed over the adverse publicity the club received since doubt was expressed that it could last out the season. "There never was any intention of giving it up now," he declared. The Texans have lost seven straight games and some $250,000. A losing club of any kind doesn't bring out the fans around here.

Sunday 10,000 people sat in a slow rain to watch the Texans take a 27-6 mauling from the Los Angeles Rams. It hadn't rained in Texas for months and the drouth was broken on the very day the Texans were trying to show that fans do want pro football here. The advance ticket sale was heavier than for any game this season and with fair weather a near paying crowd might have come out. The club has averaged about 000 per game. It requires 25,000 to pay expenses.

Euzkadi Tickets On Sale Tomorrow Tickets for the Basque Festival show Euzkadi, which will be staged in the civic auditorium Saturday, will go on sale at the BowmanForgey ticket agency at 10 a.m. Wednesday, it was announced today. Other ticket agencies will be Burdick's radio store, 1009 Soquel avenue, and the auditorium manager's office in the civic auditorium. Tickets are $1.20 including tax. Doors for the Saturday night show open at 7 p.m.

The cast of 15 artists will arrive Saturday afternoon for rehearsal. and will be met by a few citizens at this end of the county who have Basque connections. Bill Bailey Rites Will Be In Selma Bill Bailey, 89, died yesterday at his home, 508 Pacheco avenue. A resident of Santa Cruz for the past six years, Bailey was a retired farmer. He was a native of Ohio.

Survivors are his children, Ted of Santa Cruz: Mrs. Conrow of San Jose; Mrs. Berda Richards of Selma and Mrs. J. E.

Bailey of Capistrano Beach; ten grandchildrent, 14 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. His wife was the late Frances Bailey. The remains are being forwarded by Wessendorf mortuary to Selma, where funeral arrangements are pending at the Robinson funeral home. BUY U. S.

SAVINGS BONDS DAIRY and POULTRY San Francisco, Nov. 11 Butter: 93 score, 92 score, 74; 90 score, 72. New paid producers for live poultry delivered in San Francisco: Broilers. to 31-32. Fryers, heavy type to 3 lbs.

32-33. Heavy type 3 to 4 pounds 32-33. Roasters, heavy type 4 lbs. and over, 35-36. Fowl (Hens) light type.

4 lbs. and under 20-22. Light types, 4 lbs. and over 23-24. Fowl, heavy types, all 28-29.

Old roosters, all 16-18. Squabs, all 85. Ducks, all weights, 37-38. Egg Quotations Large Grade AA 70 Large A 68 Medium Grade A Small Grade A Large San Francisco PMA Quotations Large Grade A Medium Grade A Small Grade A Large Grade Quotation DAVIES CO. Members New York Stock Exchange Private Wires Ticket Service W.

T. Hildebrand F. S. Weaver Co-Managers 1220 Pacific Ave. Phone 4000 LISTEN to our market quotations and comment at 12:45 p.m.

Mon. thru. Fri. over KDON 1460 on your dial Write or ask for a monthly stock letter Cedar St. Physical Therapy Office STEAM BATHS Ronald Crust, ELECTRO THERAPY Physio-Therapist EXPERT MASSAGE Owner of one of the largest and MANIPULATION Physical Therapy EstablishRadiant Heat and Infra-Red Rays ments in England for 15 yrs.

Full Hour Treatments Only $3.50 Patricia Crust, Colonic Therapy by Appt. Masseuse in Attendance RING 1907-J FOR APPOINTMENT OR CALL AT 210 CEDAR SANTA CRUZ BOWLING MERCHANT'S LEAGUE (Santa Cruz Bowl) Results: Walti-Schilling (4) Morris Moretti 145, 255, 201, 601; Santa Cruz Lumber (0) Jim Hews 180, 525; County Bank (1) Roy Johnson 207, Ben Ridenbaugh 528; Richfield Products (3) Ernie Chaumelin 205, Ray Kalar 566; Reader's Nursery (3) Chris Valente 218. 547; McIntyres (1) Paul Tallman 188, 501; Mission Pharmacy (4) Bill Sinkinson 220, 567; Eagles (0) Fred McHugh 218, 584. Standings W. L.

Mission Pharmacy Walti-Schilling 13 Richfield Products 16 Eagles Reader's Nursery McIntyres Santa Cruz Lumber 22 County Bank 25 VARIETY LEAGUE (Capitola Bowl) Results: Carnation Ice Cream (0) Art Tanner 200, John Stolk 522; Sceco-Neon (3) Chuck Knopke 195, 547; Finson Realty (2) Al Bowman 216, Marion Nixon 574; Patio Club Curly Tavares 213. Gene Graham 532; The Target (1) Wm. Carlson J. D. Stokes 486: Ferrell DoNuts' (2) Geo.

Espinosa 187, Howard Kajihara 503; Vic Bogard, Builder (3) Bud Jones 232, Geo. Cavanaugh 581; Soquel Pharmacy (0) Cass Riley 197, Bob Ide 508. Standings W. L. Soquel Pharmacy 8 Bogard, Builder -15 9 Sceco-Neon 9 Carnation Ice Cream: 13 Finson Realty 14 Patio Club 14 Ferrell's DoNuts 14 The Target 9 15 AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE (Capitola Bowl) Results: Burke-Helbing Auto (2) Leamy 189, 494; Alderson, DeSoto (2) Howard Dye 210, 576; Santa Cruz Auto Parts (3) Carl Wagner 189, 479; Concrete Garage (1) Coin Knotts 180, Ward Vodden 498; Scofield, Ford (4) R.

W. Smith 222, Everett Burkett 607; Thrash, Pontiac (0) Wayne Loyd 204, 571; Tire Service Center (1) Jim Bright 180, 470; Sweet's Auto Parts (3) Al Bowman 194, 517. Standings W. L. Scofield, Ford 8 Alderson, DeSoto 14 Santa Cruz Auto Parts 14 Burke-Helbing Auto Parts 16 16 Tire Service Center 18 Concrete Garage 19 Sweet's Auto Parts 19 Thrash, Pontiac 20 Bob Garrett Is Out For Season Palo Alto Football Coach Chuck Taylor, still recovering from the 54-8 shellacking handed his Indians Saturday by USC, got another jolt today.

Team physicians reported Bob Garrett, first string quarterback and Stanford's top passer, won't be able to play again this season. Garrett suffered a separation in his left shoulder Saturday while tackling one of the rampant Trojans. His replacement, will be Wichita, who has played less than 20 minutes of varsity ball this year. However, his record for the time he has played is excellent. One of his passes Saturday gave the Indians their only touchdown.

Pitt Boomed For Sugar Bowl Bid New Orleans Pitt was boomed today for a Sugar Bowl bid by New Orleans sports editors who sounded like a Panther cheering section. There was increasing talk, too, among fans who would like to see Coach Red Dawson's Pittsburgh Panthers meet undefeated Georgia Tech in the New Year's Day football classic. Dawson quarterbacked a great Tulane team that played in the 1932 Rose Bowl against Southern California. Later he coached Tulane and led his team to the 1940 Sugar Bowl, where it lost 14-13 to Texas A M's national champions. In the United States, about 29 per cent of deaths from all fires are in rural areas.

Today's the Day DON'T wait until after you have had a serious loss before you buy COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A CRASH may cost you hundreds of dollars. It may happen today, or tomorrow, or any day! TODAY is the only safe day to get your insurance. Call C. E. CANFIELD SON "Santa Cruz' Leading Agency Since 1906" 1396 Pacific Ave.

Phone 529 It Won't Happen Again, Says Wilson Chicago won't happen again," says Big Ten Commissioner Tug Wilson in the wake of a rough Big Ten football weekend. Wilson said he plans to "communicate with conference coaches, athletic directors and officials this week so that each will do his part to control the tensions that exist and thereby eliminate incidents both on and off the field which have no place in intercollegiate football." Wilson attended the bruising Michigans State won 41-14. Six game Indiana Satand two MSC players were thrown out by officials. The commissioner has received reports on the officiating from both coaches, Biggie Munn of the Spartans and Bernie Crimmins of the Hoosiers. He did not comment.

Neither would he say just what action he contemplated. Another Big Ten spokesman has said there is no precedent for disciplinary or other measures by conference officials. Other weekend incidents involved the throwing of fruit at officials by spectators to the 33-13 conquest of Iowa by Illinois at Iowa City. An Iowa student's jaw was reported broken by ancillinois player in a post-game they're going down on Ohio State officials, announced drinking at their stadium. A riot on the field followed Pittsburgh's unexpected 21-14 conquest of the Buckeyes.

Says McNabb Car Was Sideswiped Before Crash The automobile of Glenn D. McNabb was sideswiped by another car, as yet unidentified, before it plunged driverless over a 100-foot cliff at Capitola Sunday night, it was reported by Capitola Police Chief Don Latta after further investigation yesterday. McNabb told Chief Latta that he was blinded by lights of an oncoming car on East Cliff drive, just inside the city limits, and was not sure of what happened except that he jumped or was hurled from his car before it went through the guard rail and dove to the beach below. McNabb, 24, who lives at 530 Lockhart Gulch road, not seriously injured. His car Mass a total wreck, Chief Latta said.

The investigation is continuing. Marine Officers Killed In Crash Washington. (P)-Two marines enroute here from a party in Quantico, celebrating the 177th anniversary of the marine corps were killed in an automobile accident early today. They were Lieuts. John McDaniel, 22, of Las Vegas, and Stewart McCullough, 22, of San Jose, California.

Both were stationed Quantico Marine Base. Police said the two officers and two women companions, Noreen Powers and Jackie Weaver, both of Washington, were in a car which had been stopped at one side of Shirley Highway. The marines had gotten out of the car when it was sideswiped by a tractor-trailer. They were struck either by the truck, or their own car. The women and the truck driver were not injured.

The eruption of Mt. Fuji, sacred Japanese mountain, in 1708, left a small crater in the near-perfect cone which is never depicted in Japanese representations of the mountain. RADIO PROGRAMS KSCO KGO KCBS KNBC 1080 ke 810 kc 740 kc 680 returning title to the states but President Truman vetoed them. President-elect Eisenhower says he favors state ownership. Brown said he expects congress to pass the bill again next and that Eisenhower will session.

The attorney general said the state will file arguments against the master's ruling by the January 9 deadline. The master ruled, for example, that the outer boundary of coastal waters follows the windings of the coast. California contends the boundary should be straight lines between headlands. The court master ruled, too, that the channels between the islands off the south coast and the mainland are part of the high seas. California contends they are coastal waters.

Lt. Gov. Goodwin J. Knight has this to say of the ruling: "California will suffer a major economic disaster if these recommendations are allowed to stand. We must, and will, fight these recommendations and their dangerous implications with every resource the state has." Retired Teachers Hear Report On 1912 Building Members of the Central California Retired Teachers association were told the story of the construction of their home, Calreta Court, by John Church, a construction superintendent on the job in 1912, at the group's November meeting Saturday.

If Calreta Court were to be built now, it would cost several times as much as it did, Church said. At that time carpenters' wages were $4 a day, plumbers pay was $4.50 a day, and cement workers' wages were $3.50, he said. The same lumber which now sells for $112 per thousand then cost only $21 per thousand, he pointed out. Calreta Court, the first reinforced concrete building in Santa Cruz, is a permanent structure, Church said, with foundation piers resting on bed rock. Grand Opening Tomorrow For New Bork TV Shop.

Bork's TV Shop stages its Grand Opening tomorrow in the new television and appliance store at 1430 Soquel avenue. radio, a turkey and sirloin steaks will be given away for the opening. Fred Bork opened his business in March, 1952, and outgrew his seven. months. Mr.

and quarters at 316 Pacific avenue. in have lived' in Santa Cruz for years and previously were appliance dealers the midwest. Bork features "beamed-direct" antenna, his own development for television reception in Santa Cruz. Mrs. Bork handles the sewing machine end of their appliance line.

Mrs. Joie Hiserman Dies Following Extended Illness Mrs. Joie 'C. Hiserman, 72, died yesterday morning in a local hospital after an extended illness. She had lived at 123.

Rathburn Way. The former Joie Conner, Mrs. Hiserman was born in San Jose. She was the widow of Alvie Hiserman who died 19 years ago. Until she moved to Santa Cruz about 15 years ago, she lived in Salinas.

Survivors include her brothers, Clyde Conner of San Francisco and George Conner of Yakima, Washington, and a nephew, David Conner. Pacific Grove. Funeral arrangements are pending at Struve and La Port funeral home in Salinas. Local Farmers Attending Farm. Bureau Convention Many Santa Cruz county farmers are attending the annual convention of the California Farm Bureau federation in Fresno this week.

Among those at convention are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scaroni, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles McLean Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson, C. E.

Pike, Catherine, Glenn, Lewis Nelson, Berglund, Mrs. E. C. Tronsen, Ken Tweedy, Roy Finch, Adolph Rother, Mr. andd Mrs.

George Lyman and Mr. Mrs. Lee Huston. A convention highlight will be a talk by Dr. O.

V. Wells on "Food Prices and the Farmer." Dr. Wells is chief of the bureau of agricultural economics, United States department of agriculture. Bed Wetting STOPPED GUARANTEED safe, kind and lasting. En.

dorsed by leading Doctors and child authorities everywhere. Information FREE "Gee! Spotty, I'm not just don't wake up' PACIFIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES Box 31. Sentinel-News PACIFIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES Box 31, SentinelSanta Cruz. Calif. Name Address I City Phone Child's Age TUESDAY EVENING 5:00 to 5:30 KSCO-Polka Time: 5:15, Parade KGO Fun Factory; P.

Harvey KCBS -Ed Murrow: Jane Todd KNBC-Sextet From Preston Hunger; News KFRC-Sergeant 5:30 to 6:00 KSCO-News; Record; Theater; Music KGO-Chet Huntley; Bob Garred KCBS World Today: Goss. Hansen KNBC- News: Elmer Peterson KFRC-Sky King; Cecil Brown 6:00 6:30 KSCO Sons Of Pioneers; J. Lamb KGO-Wm. Winter: Elmer Davis KCBS-Life With Luigi KNBC- Symphonette KERC 6:15 News Reel 6:30 to 7:00 KSCO Naval Of Reserve; American Music KGO-Music Stage KCBS -My Friend Irma KNBC Molly KFRC-Story; Hayes; Henry 7:00 to 7:30 KSCO -Waltz Festival; Jan Garber -Silver Eagle; Police Blotter KCBS People Are Funny KNBC-Two For The Money KFRC-Black Museum 7:30 to 8:00 KSCO-Music; Reserved For You KGO President KNBC-News; 7:35, First Nighter KFRC-Peter Salem CBS Hollywood Music Hall 8:00 to 8:30 KSCO-Music By Roth KGO-Town Meeting KCBS- -Thomas; Collingwood KNBC-One Man's Family; News KFRC-Count Of Monte Cristo 8:30 to 9:00 KSCO-Vets; Navy Star Time KGO Town Meeting: E. Canham KCBS-Mr.

Mrs. North KNBC-Cavalcade Of America KFRC-Dr. Kildare KSCO-News; 9:00 Novatime to 9:3010 KGO-Defense Attorney KCBS-L. Parsons; Doris Day Show KNBC-Martin And Lewis Show KFRC-News; Fulton Lewis Jr. 9:30 to 10:00 KSCO-Russ Morgan KGO-Dance Time KCBS-Philo Vance KNBC-Burgie Music Box KFRC-Search Never Ends: T.

Moody 10:00 to 10:30 KSCO-News; Eve Mail Bag KGO-Edwin Hill; News; Music. KCBS-Deane Stewart; C. Hansen KNBC-News; 10:15, Bob Letts KFRC-I Love Mystery; News 10:30 to 11:00 KSCO-Evening Mail Bag 11:00 to 11:30 KSCO-News; Sign Off WEDNESDAY MORNING KSCO-Clock; 00 0 0 News: Music 6:00 to 7:00 7:00 to 7:30 KSCO-Musical Clock KGO-News; 7:15, Zeke Manners KCBS-News: This Is San Francisco KNBC-Johnnie L. Wills; News KFRC-F Hemingway: 7:15. Gang 7:30 to 8:00 KSCO-News; 7:45 Musical Clock KGO-Garred; Manners; Conte KCBS -F.

Goss: 7:45, H. Babbitt -News Roundup; News KFRC-Gang: Sam Hayes; News 8:00 to 8:30 KSCO-Clock; 8:15, Rev. Kraft KGO Breakfast Club KCBS-Ralph Storey; 8:15, News KNBC-Bell Ringers; Judy Deane KFRC-Brown; Bess Bye; News 8:30 to 9:00 KSCO-Top Of The Morning KG0-Breakfast Club. KCBS Grand Slam: 8:45. Rosemary KNBC-Judy Deane Show KFRC -Bible Institute 9:00 to 9:301 -News; Bill Board; News Organaires KGO-Music; B.

Crocker; KCBS-Wendy Warren; Aunt Jennie KNBC-Jane Lee KFRC-Music; Baukhage; Engle 9:30 to 10:00 KSCO-Waltz Time KGO-Break The Bank -Helen Trent; Gal Sunday KNBC-Victor Lindlahr; C. Leisure KFRC-Emily Barton 10:00 to 10:30 KSCO-News; Hawaii Calls KGO- J. Berch; News; Crosby KCBS-Big Sister; Ma Perkins KNBC-News; Hollywood; Bob Ray 10:15, Tello-Test 10:30 to 11:00 KSCO-Dr. Louis Sherman; J. Garber KGO- True Story; Whispering Sts.

KCBS Malone: Rich Guiding Light KNBC-Strike It KFRC-Ans. Man; 10:45, Rush Hughes 11:00 to 11:30 KSCO-From The Record Album KG0-Streets; A Girl Marries KCBS-Mrs. Burton; Perry Mason KNBC-Double Or Nothing KFRC-Ladies Fair: Sam Hayes 11:30 to 12:00 KSCO-Bing Crosby: F. Martin KG0-Live Like A Millionaire KCBS -Nora Drake; Brighter Day KNBC-Brighter Day; Bob Hope KFRC-Queen for a Day WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 to 12:30 KSCO-Show Time; News; Market KGO-Farm Reporter; 12:15, News KCBS-Bill Bradley; Hilltop House KNBC--News; Road Of Life KERC News. 12:15.

Sidewalk Rptr 12:30 to 1:00 KGO- -Jack Owens Show KSCO Trading Post; si, Music KCBS-House Party KNBC Young. Right to Happiness KFRC Reporter; Cliff Engle 1:00 to 1:30 -Afternoon Varieties KGO-Bill Ted Malone KCBS-Housewives' Protective League KNBC- -Backstage Wife; S. Dallas KFRC Jack Kirkwood Show 1:30 to 2:00 KSCO- Afternoon Varieties KGO Home Institute KCBS- Smith: Day; Believe; Weaver KNBC Wid. Brown: Woman in House KFRC-Lucky Ranch to 2:30 KSCO-Side Street; Concert Master KGO-Mary Margarer McBride KNBC Bill: 2:15. Farrell KCBS-Bill Weaver; 2:15, Godfrey KFRC-News; Dick Haymes: U.N.

2:30 to 3:00 KSCO-Concert Master; Treasure chest KGO-Betty Crocker; L. Malloy Arthur Godfrey Show KNBC- L. Jones: Doctor's Wife KFRC-Take A Number 3:00 to 3:30 KSCO-Matinee Melodies KG0-Les Malloy KCBS- Arthur Godfrey Show KNBC Welcome Travelers KFRC-Open House 3:30 to 4:00 KSCO-News; Western Roundup KG0-Cal Tinney; B. Crocker KCBS-Godfrey; Massey Tilton KNBC- Dr. Paul: D.

Garroway KFRC-Open House; Paula Stone KSCO-Show Case Hits 4:00 59, 4:30 KG0-Ann Holden: News KCBS-Beulah: 4:15, Jack Smith KNBC-Life Beautiful; 4:15. News KFRC-Fulton Lewis Hemingway 4:30 to 5:00 -Show Case of Hits KGO-Big Jon Sparkie; S. Craig KCBS-Jemima: Ashton: S. Noonan KNBC-Joe Gillespie Music KFRC- Curt Massey: Sam Hayes TELEVISION PROGRAMS TUESDAY EVENING KRON-TV-CHANNEL Drama Doody Pat Time 6:20 -Captain Z-Ro Laboratory In Action Shore Caravan Hour 9:00 -Fireside Theater Cross Roads Theater 10:00 Two Fo The Money of the Air Four Theater WEDNESDAY Big Payoff Travelers Smith Gate Playhouse Home Kitchen 4:00 0-Exclusively Yours KPIX-TV-CHANNEL TUESDAY EVENING for Beany 5:30 Captain Fortune the Breeze 6:15 -Police Show 6:30 -News 6:45 Heaven For Betsy Rider 7:30 -Candy Theater Look At Books Mrs. North Locked Doors Got A Secret 11:00 -Fights WEDNESDAY 11:45 -Art Linkletter And Groom Or Nothing Kitchen Courtney Day With Lee Light of Life for Tomorrow -CHANNEL 7 TUESDAY EVENING Malloy 6:00 -News Reel Spotlight Chase Comedies Football Theatre Sweepstakes Playhouse Party WEDNESDAY Matinee 1:00 -Chef Cardini Grill 3:00 Western Bill 4:30 -Les Malloy PHILCO FREE ESTIMATE ADMIRAL $199.95 ON ENGINEERED PACKARD Up TV ANTENNAS SEE BURGESS -SALES-SERVICE AT AERO TV RADIO CO.

PHONE BOULDER CREEK 8-6153 Even the most GUARANTEE largely attended of We our guarantee facilities the and use services, including casfunerals ket, at price you can afford to pay. do not overtax the facilities of the Wessendorf Car Park. Mortuary MORTICIANS IN SANTA CRUZ SINCE 1880 223 Church Street I Telephone 5400.

Santa Cruz Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California (2024)


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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6257

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.