November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (2024)

November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (1)

From Germany to Saudi Arabia, Kelley Coppinger’s vast international experiences shape who she is as a teach-er, professional and friend. Coppinger is a pro-fessional in residence for WKU’s Advertising and Public Relations department. But be-fore she came to WKU, the professor was “an artistic international and the daughter of an oil-man.” She attended high school in Water-loo, Belgium, with 39 other students who spoke nine different languages.

After graduation, Coppinger faced a major decision: where to attend col-lege. “Choosing a college, I was also

choosing a na-tionality,” she said. “It was bigger than just getting an education. It was fi guring out where home was going to be.”

After touring several schools, she chose the Univer-sity of North Texas. She said her fam-ily often visited Texas when she was growing up, but it wasn’t the familiarity











Earlier this month, Student Gov-ernment Association offi cials went to the Glasgow campus to reach out to students and faculty about restarting their student representative body and incorporating it on main campus.

SGA President Cory Dodds said they’re still working to see what best represents Glasgow’s student body as-sociation to give it a real voice for their concerns.

“Glasgow students have no mecha-nism for their voices to be heard ex-cept coming here or getting in contact with us,” he said.

Dodds said a Glasgow student could still be an SGA offi cer now, but it’s un-likely because of practical limitations, such as distance.

Christopher Costa, speaker of the senate, said he thinks Glasgow stu-dents want a student representative body, because issues at other cam-puses may not be obvious to main campus.

WKU’s Offi ce of Internal Audit is un-dergoing its own version of auditing.

The offi ce, which looks at and ana-lyzes fi nancial policies and expenses, is being adjusted in order to become more effi cient — including reassign-ing all of the members of that depart-ment.

Ann Mead, vice president for Fi-nance and Administration, is oversee-ing and will be over the offi ce during the process. Starting next year, her new title will be changed to senior vice president for Finance and Adminis-tration.

In addition to Mead’s new title, the Board also approved a 14 percent pay raise, from $144,792 to $168,000 ac-cording to the Fourth Quarter Board of Regents agenda.

Mead said the internal auditing du-ties are being partially outsourced, and an outside accounting fi rm is be-ing brought in to reassess the process.

“The consult is helping senior ad-


SGA, Glasgow campus unite for representation

Internal audit office being restructured

Members of WKU’s Jewish Student Union hosted their " rst event — a Shabbat dinner in honor of the Jewish Sabbath — on Friday. Various students from di# erent dominations came together to learn more about Jewish culture. JON HERNANDEZ/HERALD

Kelley Coppinger was born in Tehran, Iran, where her grandfather was a U.S. diplomat. Cop-pinger's parents always taught her to be respectful of the culture. “A tip for students travelingis to keep your mouth shut and listen,” Coppinger said. MICHAEL NOBLE/HERALD

A dream of starting an or-ganization for Jewish stu-dents on campus crossed the minds of four WKU stu-dents last year. At the be-ginning of the fall semester, they started moving the idea forward.

The group is now an of-fi cial Jewish Student Union setting out to embrace a culture surrounding Ju-daism and educate non-Jewish people about their culture and religion.

Louisville junior and Union co-founder David Mauser said the members of the Union come from

places where being Jew-ish was important to all of them.

Louisville junior Molly Kaviar, another co-found-er, enjoyed getting together with friends to celebrate Jewish holidays and cook traditional Jewish food.

“We wish that there were more people that we could do things with,” Kaviar said.

They started the Union to have a place for people to come together and share the traditions.

“A lot of people don’t know anything about what it’s like to be Jewish and what our culture is like,” Mauser said. “We want to put ourselves out there and

say, ‘We are here!’”Last Friday afternoon,

more than 40 people gath-ered in Garrett Hall for the Union’s fi rst Shabbat din-ner.

In Jewish culture, Shabbat is celebrated every Friday afternoon and represents a day of rest and spiritual enrichment, according to

Mauser said Shabbat is an opportunity for family and friends to get together, have dinner and refl ect on their week. On Friday, there was a mix of Jewish as well as American foods, such as matzo ball soup, mashed potatoes and dried fruit.

“All the people who are involved in the club made

separate dishes,” he said. “We did prayers over the wine, bread, candles and food. And also it was an an-niversary of the fi rst day of the Holocaust, so we had a little remembrance thing for that.”

Kaviar said she doesn’t think of herself as being very religious, but she en-joys doing a lot of cultural things related to Judaism.

“I like having dinners and celebrating holidays,” she said. “Here at Western are a lot of people who have nev-er met a Jewish person.”

Right now, the group plans to host two to three Shabbat dinners per se-


Jewish Student Union honors culture with Shabbat dinner


TUE. 52˚/ 28˚

WED. 52˚/ 30˚

THU. 57˚/ 32˚

FRI. 59˚/ 30˚

Each Tuesday, the College Heights Herald brings you a story from

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Life abroad molded advertising professor


November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (2)


ministrators identify risk and develop-ing a responsive audit plan to be ap-proved by the Board,” Mead said.

The one full-time staff member di-rectly affected by the disband-ing of the auditing offi ce, for-mal internal auditor Warren Irons, was reassigned within the university. Irons currently works for Mead doing “special, short-term projects through the end of the year.”

The two part-time staff mem-bers, Julie Hodgkins and Barry Woosley, were both given 30 days paid leave after the offi ce was disbanded, Mead said. She said she hasn’t had contact with either of them because both reported to Deborah Wilkins, chief of staff, at the time. According to the WKU Directory, Woosley is now listed as a volleyball line judge. Hodgkins is unlisted.

“This gets us to the point where we’re professional, as professional as we can be in our internal auditing functions,”

President Gary Ransdell said. Ransdell said this transition is only

temporary and isn’t prompted by cur-rent problems within that department, adding that Freddie Higdon, Board of Regents chair, encouraged the mem-bers to look at an offi ce that doesn't get much attention.

“We don’t have an issue with embezzlement or anything like that,” Ransdell said. “It’s simply a good time to do this. You’re always looking for ways to improve, and this is an area that hasn’t gotten a lot of atten-tion from the university and the Board, historically.”

He said the contract was made with Grant Thornton, the accounting group, to strength-en current auditing policies.

During the process, the fi rm will also take over as WKU’s internal auditor.

When the evaluation is close to com-pletion, Ransdell said an internal au-ditor with the skills recommended by Grant Thornton will be hired.

Mead’s new duties began in August, after the third quarter Board of Regents meeting.

It only seems fi tting that dur-ing the 50th anniversary year of “Dr. No” — James Bond’s fi rst fi lm appearance — that we would get yet another entry into the epic motion picture saga of Agent 007.

His latest adventure, “Sky-fall,” is an exciting thrill ride that’s certain to please the diehards and convert the non-believers. This time around, Bond's loyalty to M is tested when a former MI6 agent named Silva (Javier Bardem) comes back with a vendetta against M for abandoning him.

As Silva works to carry out his villainous plot, Bond does what he does best — attempts to defeat Silva no matter how personal the cost. However, Sil-va makes it personal. He brings the battle to Skyfall, Bond’s boy-hood home in Scotland.

Preparing for the fi nal square-off with the villain,

Bond gets help from his fam-ily’s old groundskeeper, Mr. Kincade (Albert Finney), and recalls the traumatic experi-ence he faced as a child: the death of his parents. While there are no fl ashback scenes, the audience still feels em-pathetic toward Bond in the same manner. This provides an interesting insight into the character development and motivation behind Daniel Craig’s Bond that I have been waiting to see more of since “Casino Royale.”

Writers Neal Purvis, Rob-ert Wade and John Logan do their best Christopher Nolan impersonation, getting a fi rm grasp on the audience’s atten-tion in the fi rst seven minutes with a heart-stopping chase sequence across Istanbul. The writers kept the tone dark and mysterious for the next two hours and 15 minutes.

What I enjoyed most about “Skyfall” were the references and the setup at the end for

a return to a classic Bond feel for fi lms to come. Don’t go into this movie expecting a con-tinuation of “Casino Royale” or the mediocre “Quantum of Solace.” The story in those two fi lms has been concluded, and our hero has returned to his classic ways of chasing colorful bad guys across exotic locales and wooing beautiful women along the way.

I liked that “Skyfall” felt like the Bond movies fans have come to know and love for the past half century while at the same time remained ground-ed in the realism that made 2006’s “Casino Royale” a per-sonal favorite of my own.

The use of the old Aston Mar-tin DB5 from “Goldfi nger” and the introductions of Q, Ms. Moneypenny and a new M are all allusions to the 007 of old. Those fans who thought James Bond without Q or Moneypen-ny was like peanut butter with-out the jelly should be pleased

to see them back in action.I’m still not clear if this is my

favorite of 007’s adventures. “Skyfall” is an extremely close second to “Casino Royale,” but this fi lm doesn’t quite have the exciting twists and turns of its predecessor. I highly sug-gest you see this in theaters to truly enjoy the huge set pieces, including the daredevil train chase in the fi lm’s prologue and a massive helicopter crash near the climax. It’s also fun to decide for yourself if the

50th anniversary adventure of Agent 007 is worth the hype.

After seeing “Skyfall,” I be-lieve one thing is certain:Daniel Craig truly is Bond 2.0, a darker Bond for a new gen-eration, and I’m anxious to get back into fi eld duty with this guy. Sign me up for “Her Maj-esty’s Secret Service.”

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He said they’re still in discussion about the or-ganization, and nothing has been fi nalized yet.

Roy Ratliff, who said he is the nominated interim president of Glasgow’s student body, said his nomination will get the ball rolling for the orga-nization.

“Glasgow had an asso-ciated student body that was supposed to work in conjunction with SGA and was supposed to represent Glasgow’s campus,” Ratliff said.

He said after a few se-mesters, the organiza-tion had no voting ability and a fl oat in the Christ-mas parade.

Ratliff said he cares

about the organization because the past four se-mesters he’s been there it’s been hard for him and other Glasgow stu-dents to get services that main campus students get.

“SGA gives out scant-rons for free,” Ratliff said. “At Glasgow, we don’t have that.”

He said another service Glasgow students don’t have is a writing center.

“It’s our top priority to establish a writing cen-ter at Glasgow,” he said. “When students leave Glasgow, they aren’t equipped as main cam-pus students because they don’t have access to this service.”

He said he hopes to have a writing center by the spring semester at Glasgow. The student

body association at Glasgow has put aside $2,700 in support of the writing center.

He said he has a lot of ideas for changes for the Glasgow student body, the fi rst being the name of the organization.

The organization’s name was Associated Student Body, but he wants to change the name to Glasgow’s Stu-dent Body Association. They will be holding a special session to ratify a new constitution for the name change on Friday at 3 p.m.

Ratliff said the organi-zation will have a bet-ter relationship with Glasgow, attend city council meetings, volun-teer programs and repre-sent the student body.


mester. Kaviar and some of the mem-bers have also been representing the Union at WKU’s Inter-faith Youth Core.

Because the fi rst Union event was suc-cessful, members of the club are already planning the next one in December.

Louisville senior Tracy Ingram, also a co-founder, said members are doing

a lot of advertising around campus to help the organization grow and at-tract more people every day.

“We have a Facebook group, and most of our advertisem*nt has come

from word of mouth and posters,” she said. “We have fl yers all over the buildings on campus.”

The group is plan-ning a Hanukkah celebration around fi nals week.

“Anyone who wants to learn about Ha-nukkah and share

this celebration is invited,” she said.



that helped her decide. Coppinger said her tour guide at the university, who was from Singapore, told her about the large international population. The diversity made her feel right at home. But the adjustment to life in Texas didn’t come easy. In her fi rst English composition class, Coppinger said she couldn’t fol-low the cultural examples the teacher gave. “I had no idea what he was talking about,” she said. “I had no frame of reference.” Even grocery shopping turned out to be diffi cult. She spent hours in the store trying to choose among all the options she hadn’t had before. In 1989, Coppinger graduated from UNT with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in graphic design. She chose the major based on her strength in art. She started a print design business after graduating but soon realized she would rather work for someone else. “Someone else should pay for your learning curve,” she said. “It’s much cheaper.” After working at a few more jobs in the business, including “Texas Monthly” and the fi lm company that made “The Texas Chainsaw Massa-cre 2,” Coppinger married her col-lege sweetheart, Chuck, and the two moved to Bowling Green. The professor said she never ex-

pected to work at WKU, but each day reaffi rms her decision. “I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing,” she said. “I’m really passion-ate about students learning and espe-cially watching them succeed.” Coppinger said she has a special interest in international students be-cause of her background and tries to help them adjust whenever she can. Although she has a daughter, she said it’s as if she has more than 100 kids because of her students. Associate professor Kenneth Payne said WKU is very lucky to have Cop-pinger. “Because of her life experiences, she can bring a tremendous amount of context to a routine assignment,” he said. Payne said Coppinger is one of the most talented designers he has ever met who also has a gift for connecting with people. “She is one of the most outgoing people in our faculty,” he said. “She constantly goes out of her way to talk to students. She has the courage to engage in conversations that many of us would shy away from.” Caitlin Pike, a WKU alumna, said Coppinger took her under her wing during school. The 22-year-old graduated in May and now works in New York City. Pike said Coppinger coached her during her job search last semester. "Patience, not to get discouraged, but to work hard, and things will work out for you," she said.



Photo correction

Crime reports

Due to a Herald error, the caption on the “J is for Juggalo” photo on page eight of the Nov. 9 issue labels David Bradley as being a sophom*ore at WKU.

David Bradley is a junior at WKU. The Herald regrets the error.

The College Heights Herald cor-rects all confi rmed errors that are brought to reporters’ or editors’ atten-tion. Please call 745-6011 or 745-5044 to report a correction, or e-mail us at [emailprotected].



"Skyfall" thrill ride for Bond fans

MEADVP fi nance/


— David MauserLouisville junior

We want to put ourselves out

there and say, ‘We are here!’

Reports• Freshman Lauren Godsey, Pearce Ford Tower, reported $300 cash stolen from her dorm room on Nov. 11.Police cited freshman Justyn Edward Bean, PFT, for possession of marijuana on Nov. 9.• Freshman Desiree Mayes, PFT, reported an assault complaint to WKU Police Depart-ment on Nov. 9.• Sophom*ore George Fant, Northeast Hall, reported his backpack containing textbooks stolen from Downing University Center on Nov. 8.Arrests• Police arrested fresh-man Mary Kate Sand-ers, Gilbert Hall, for alcohol intoxication on

Nov. 11.• Police arrested fresh-man Joseph Wiggins, Barnes Campbell Hall, for reckless driving, fol-lowing too closely and DUI on Nov. 11.

• Police arrested sopho-more Evan Joseph Dan-iels, Barnes, for criminal mischief on Nov. 10.• Police arrested Lou-isville freshman Colin Shumate, Henderson senior James P. Landry, Crestwood sophom*ore Kevin Bratcher, Louis-

ville sophom*ore Tanner Redman and Gallatin, Tenn., freshman Land-on Stanley for alcohol intoxication on Nov. 10 behind the Sigma Chi fraternity house.• Police arrested sopho-more Kathryn Epps, Zacharias Hall, for alco-hol intoxication on Nov. 10.• Police arrested Nash-ville junior Joshua Har-bert for disregarding a traffi c light, failure to wear a seatbelt, pos-session of marijuana, possession of drug par-aphernalia, and receiv-ing stolen property less than $10,000 on Nov. 8. Police found a stolen laptop in Harbert’s vehi-cle. The value of the sto-len property is valued at $600.

Ben Conni! is a Villa Hills sophom*ore marketing major with a minor in " lm studies. For more commentary, follow

him on Twitter @thereelbennyc

For an interactive crime map go to WKUHERALD.COM


November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (3)


Potter College o! ers student shadowing

For prospective students and students trying to decide their major, Potter College of Arts and Letters may have an an-swer.

This year, Potter College has a new program called "Day in the Life of a Potter College Topper."

The program gives students a chance to shadow Dean’s Council Students — the Potter College ambassadorial group — or Potter College students and see what a day at WKU is like.

Students who participate in the program can expect to at-tend a class with the student they shadow, meet faculty and current students and tour the college according to Potter College’s website.

Jennifer Markin, coordina-tor of student services at Potter College, said the idea for this program started with the Pot-ter College’s Dean’s Council.

“The Dean’s Council Stu-dents for Potter College has al-ways given tours to students,” Markin said. “It was loosely or-ganized, kind of when people had their own initiative to con-tact us.”

Markin said she encourages Dean’s Council to be honest with students so they get an accurate perception of what it means to be a WKU student.

“We're not a glossy maga-zine,” Markin said. “This is meant to be a real experience for students.”

One student Markin has re-ceived emails from is Lebanon Junction junior Justin Hawkins,

currently attending Elizabeth-town Community and Techni-cal College.

Hawkins said in an email that not long after getting in touch with Markin she recommended he take the tour.

“As a declared broadcasting major who will be enter-ing Potter College, I felt taking the tour would give me a bet-ter idea of what I was getting myself into,” Hawkins said. “See-ing Potter College fi rst-hand showed me how much the school had to offer — which is a lot.”

He said when he arrived to take the tour he was curious

about the difference between a fi lm and broadcasting major.

“By the end of the tour I had every question I could possibly

think of answered,” Hawkins said.

Markin said the program doesn’t have a set quantity goal, they just want to establish a con-nection.

“Anyone can print a pretty brochure, but we want you to know exactly what we do whether you go to WKU or somewhere else,” she said. “And understanding what

you’re committing to, I think, is huge with retention.”

Luke Jean, recruitment chair for Dean’s Council Students,

said a transfer student told him the reason he transferred to WKU was because of the tour.

“We want to make tours more specialized to what stu-dents are interested in instead of general admissions tours,” Jean said. Jean said they en-courage prospective students to ask questions they really want answers to.

“We usually send their par-ents to Java City to get coffee or something so that students can ask the questions they re-ally want to know without be-ing pressured by parents to ask studious questions,” he said.

Jean said he hopes students who participate get a personal connection to campus like he did when he fi rst came to WKU.


After working with guns the size of a small car for three years, David Angle wasn't afraid of much. However, noth-ing scared him as much as going to college.

For Angle, who repaired and restored Gatling guns in the Army for three years, returning to college at 49 years old was a daunt-ing task — a task made manageable by a program called Veterans Upward Bound.

The program, paid for by the U.S. Department of Education, offers free assistance to veterans seeking postsec-ondary education.

Rick Wright, coordinator and coun-selor for Veterans Upward Bound at WKU, calls the program a “one-stop shop” for veterans who want to get a degree.

“We offer many services to veterans, such as career counseling, academic advising, assistance with fi nancial aid applications and admissions,” Wright said.

In the U.S., there are 47 Veterans Upward Bound programs to support more than 22 million veterans, accord-ing to the National Association of Vet-erans Upward Bound.

WKU’s Veterans Upward Bound is lo-cated in Jones-Jaggers Hall and serves eight counties with more than 20,000 veterans, Wright said.

Angle, who joined the program as a student in 1999, now teaches refresher English and computer skills courses for veteran students.

“I am giving back to the program that I got to use,” Angle said.

Veterans have the option to take re-fresher courses to prepare for college classes. The courses meet four days a week, and the students are only re-quired to spend fi ve hours in class per

week.The classroom is a more casual envi-

ronment where education specialists often sit at tables with the students.

“All our vets are individuals that re-spond differently to being facilitated,” Angle said. “We tailor our approach to each student’s needs.”

He said the method of teaching has been the same since he was a stu-dent in the pro-gram. Davy Stone, who still works as an education spe-cialist in Veterans Upward Bound, was Angle's math

instructor.“I’ve learned that with adult stu-

dents, one of their biggest obstacles is their own self esteem,” Stone said. “When helping my students with aca-demics, we try to use a lot of positive reinforcement and encouragement to help students feel comfortable in the classroom.”

Lack of confi dence was something Angle experienced before entering the program.

“I felt like an old man on the Hill,” he said.

Veterans Upward Bound, regardless of where it is in the United States, in-spires confi dence in its students. Angle said the program gave him the courage to enroll and attend classes.

Along with Veterans Upward Bound, Military Student Services provides pre-cise answers for veterans and helps them avoid the “runaround” that stu-dents can face at a university.

With these two programs to offer, Military Times Edge Magazine ranked WKU 16 of 20 in the most “vet friendly” universities in 2011.

Angle said he tries to pass on to his students the tools that helped him achieve success during his own studies.

“If you’ve weathered the challenge of the military, you can weather school,” he said. “If someone like me can do it, you can too.”

WKU commemorated one of its own on Saturday as part of its Veterans Day ceremonies.

Stephen R. Fogle, a 1976 WKU gradu-ate and member of the university’s ROTC program, was inducted into the ROTC Hall of Fame early Saturday morning in the Faculty House.

Fogle served in the army from 1976 to 1982 before leaving to pursue a law degree at Baylor University. Fogle, the 23rd member to be inducted, nomi-nated three Hall of Fame inductees himself.

Fogle served in various positions throughout his military career, serving as a training offi cer at Fort Knox and later as an executive offi cer for a fi eld artillery division in Hawaii.

Fogle is a chairman of the board of directors for Returning Heroes Home, Inc., an organization that helps provide wounded soldiers returning home a place to recover.

ROTC President Greg Lowe intro-

duced Fogle and described him as hav-ing “a heart as big as the outdoors.”

Lowe said when he contacted Fogle about being inducted, Fogle wished toshare the honor with his ROTC class-mates from 1976.

Fogle began his speech by saying he was grateful beyond words.

“I feel like I’m the wealthiest man in the world,” he said.

Fogle credited his early life for his success, saying he was brought up ina family that never went without hon-esty, hard work, and humor. He beganto choke up as he said he was nothingwithout his family.

Visibly moved, he thanked those who shaped him, including his high schoolbasketball coach and his wife.

Fogle also thanked those who volun-teered for service during wartime andsaid he understood the hardships.

“I know the days and long nights, standing there waiting and watching,”he said. “It feels like the loneliest placein the world.

“My promise to you is that you will not be alone. Those of us who you pro-tect will be praying for you.”



Program gives veterans college con! dence

1976 grad inducted into ROTC Hall of Fame

ROTC Cadets retire the colors of the # ags Saturday, Nov. 10, during the Annual Veterans Day Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the Faculty House. JOSHUA LINDSEY/HERALD

MARKINStudent services


“ ”— David Angle,Veteran

If you’ve weathered the challenge of

the military, you can weather school.


November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (4)



THE ISSUE: Barack Obama won the 2012 presidential election, to the glee and un-happiness of many. People for both candidates took out their respective emotions in differ-ent ways, many with the same implications.

OUR STANCE: Much of the student reaction last week was disappointing, as it displayed a lack of civility on both sides. In the end one thing is apparent: students need to do better.

The re-election of Obama last Tuesday spurred both

excitement and disappoint-ment for people across the na-tion and on WKU’s campus.

Unfortunately, the night brought out some of the worst in those who were on both the receiving and losing ends of the votes.

Twitter parody accounts — always classy — begin send-ing racist tweets calling black people “mutants” and justify-ing Obama’s win with accus-ing those who voted for him as lazy individuals who don’t like to work, among other cringe-worthy epithets.

Just as bad were the stu-dents who gathered around the Pearce Ford Tower court-yard that night to celebrate by burning a Mitt Romney mask to cheers from the crowd.

And, of course, we all came across that one person on our Facebook newsfeed who irra-tionally proclaimed they were

leaving the country if their re-spective candidate didn’t win.

Election night was a night that showed many people who were, frankly, acting stupidly, rather than individuals who had just witnessed a key mo-ment in American history.

The Herald has harped about social media etiquette in the past and how students should tweet responsibly. Now we are here to add something new to our statement: students should learn to be civil with their actions, win or lose.

We are living in a very divi-sive time in American politics. One does not have to look far to see the nasty campaign rhetoric that was spewed both during the campaign and during Obama’s fi rst term. It seems everyone has his or her own opinion on what America needs and where it should go.

Opinions are great, but when we cannot learn to disagree civilly or with respect to an-other, then it’s time to look at ourselves and ask: Are we be-ing examples of the people we want living in this coun-try? Were the students who showed their emotions acting in ways they would be proud of? And the answer from that night is strongly evident that they were not.

Tweeting racist or outlandish things and proclaiming you are going to leave the country does nothing to help the cause you’re perpetuating. It only makes you look silly.

And, be honest, you’re not going to leave the United States just because you don’t like the president. You are go-ing to stay and put up with it like you’ve been doing.

Burning a Mitt Romney mask is equally offensive and ignorant. His stances shouldn’t be the sole representation of who he is. Burning his carica-ture isn’t just disagreeing with his opinions — it’s essentially burning him.

Politics can be tricky as it requires voters to think about the most important issues that affect them and get behind a person who will help create a country they believe is the most ideal. Having that can-

didate win or lose is likely to bring out a number of feelings.

Still, as people with self-respect, we have a duty to be amiable to one another. We continue to expect our leaders to work together for the bet-terment of our country, and as we do that, we should do the same.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Chris-tie, who has criticized Obama in the past, was a Republican who was able to put his party’s general feelings towards Dem-ocrats aside in the wake of a disaster.

He praised Obama’s efforts during the aftermath of San-dy and thanked him for their “great working relationship.”

Christie is still a Republican and still does not agree with many of Obama’s policies, but was able to put those feelings aside when something much greater than politics devastat-ed the East Coast.

In a time where the United States as a whole is struggling in a number of different areas, we should look to put aside our individual beliefs for a more collective push towards something bigger than who is leading the country. At the end of the day the president isn’t the sole person who decides policy. Our system of checks and balances guarantees that. As voters we also have power in our own right to help. Being involved in the political pro-cess and pushing for your can-didate is huge – it’s part of what makes democracy great – but we must not forget to treat oth-ers with respect and dignity.

Again, we are only as strong as we are cohesive. As Ken-tucky’s state motto puts it , “United we stand, divided we fall.”

Now that the election is over, students and non-students alike must accept the outcome of what happened November 6 and do what they can to en-sure they are being the best citizens possible, whether they liked the results of the election or not.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this newspaper DO NOT re! ect those of Western Kentucky University's employees or of its administration.

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commentaries MUST include your name, phone number, home town and classifi cation or title.4. Letters may not run in every edi-tion due to space.5. The Herald reserves the right to edit all letters for style, grammar, length and clarity. The Herald does NOT print libelous submissions.6. Submissions must be received by 7 p.m. on Sunday and Wednesday.

Students need to be cordial during political times

Yes, the picture showing WKU students burning a mask of Mitt Romney is really cool-looking, but it concerns me. My con-cern has nothing to do with being pro-Obama or pro-Romney. It’s about what this photograph is communicating. Many will laugh and say, “What’s the big deal? They were just having fun, celebrat-ing Obama’s victory over Romney. They should be free to express themselves; can’t you take a joke?”

My response: What if the

roles had been reversed? What if Romney had won and there was a picture of WKU students burning a mask of Obama? Does that bother you? What’s wrong, let them have fun and be free to express themselves; can’t you take a joke? Romney is just a man like Obama is just a man. The last time I checked, they both have to squat to take a dump like the rest of us. But as men, they both deserve our respect. Bottom line: Because the

Herald believes that is it is perfectly okay to have a picture of students burn-ing a mask of Romney in their newspaper, and since the Herald is unbiased and does not operate under a double standard, then the opposite holds true. Which means it would be perfectly okay for the Herald to have a picture of other students burning a mask of Obama. And that concerns me, a lot.

James Mark Massa,Richardsville freshman



PEOPLE POLL“How do you feel now that the election is over?”

“I kind of like the feeling of election time and how everyone is involved, but then I’m glad it’s over because of the arguments.”

-Josef Boothe,Elizabethtown junior

“I’m really proud of the results, but I’m happy it’s over. I’m really sick of the bashing.”

-Felicia Carter,Monticello senior

“I’m excited Obama won. I’m happy the election is over, too, because peo-ple are way too into it.”

-Heather Ferrell,Lancaster sophom*ore

“I was happy with the outcome, andI’m happy it’s over, because peoplearen’t respectful of others’ opinions.”

-Zack Lester,Danville junior


When it came time to choose photos for the front page of Fri-day’s College Heights Herald, my fellow editors and I had a decision to make: run a photo of students burning a Mitt Romney mask, or go with something less provoca-tive. In the end, the call was easy to make. Our mission as a newspa-per is to accurately report what happens on this campus — glam-orous or not. The mask burning was done in a very public setting witnessed by dozens of onlookers, as well as a Herald photographer. It is also worth noting that the front page prominently displayed

other students reacting with prayer and surprise to results on TV. Not everything that occurs on a college campus makes the ad-ministration, alumni and current students proud. I am certainly not proud that some of my fellow Hilltoppers felt the need to “cele-brate” election results by burning the image of Romney. But, it happened. The Herald cannot and will not hide that.

Tessa Duvall,Herald Editor-in-Chief

Romney mask burning photo is concerning

Mask burning was news worthy of coverage

This editorial represents the majority opinion of the Her-ald’s 13-member editorial board.

November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (5)


@therealkpeezy — i just got 5 extra credit points in a class for tweeting…. #WKU — sent 11/11

@JWellsRivals — Burning the midnight oil cal-culating #WKU's odds of landing a bowl game, because well..thats the kindof things you do on a lonely Sat night. — sent 11/11

@sarah10beth — When Big Red eats the other teams mascot's head >>>> #WKU #ilove-myschool — sent 11/10

@Claire__Elaine — Group of people screaming Pokemon theme song as I walk to mass me-dia. #wku #lovemynerdschool — sent 11/10

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Down1 Percussionist from Liverpool2 Hawaiian porch3 Ritualistic evictions4 Singers Washington and Shore5 Cost6 Spiral-horned antelope7 Faint of heart8 Madonna title role9 B or C of the Spice Girls10 Sits on the kitchen counter until dinner, say11 Indian __12 Not even ajar13 Chore list heading19 Quaint country consent

24 Grammy winner India.__25 Bread choice28 Place to overnight29 Quid pro __31 Future beetles32 Rejection on top of rejection33 Opal fi nish?34 Brother of Jack and Bobby36 Admitted37 Opposite of paleo-38 Act inappropriately40 Accepted41 Bright star46 Latin 101 word48 Behind bars49 Where to get Seoul food50 “A Doll’s House” playwright51 “That’s so cool!”52 Quick fl ash53 Needing practice in54 Smaller map, often55 Rains cats and dogs56 Auction condition57 One who rarely has low spirits?61 Hog the phone

31 daysuntil graduation

hang in there, seniors!

November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (6)


November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (7)


fi nishing with 17 points and seven re-bounds.

He said he was pleased with the way his teammates responded to the early defi cit and fought back into the game.

“One game doesn’t dictate your whole season,” Crook told the Daily News. “We’ve still got fi ght in us, and we fought hard.”

Austin Peay, which earned a win in its season opener Friday against Samford, will be a decidedly different opponent for WKU tonight.

The Governors will use a bigger lineup than USM, which used smaller guards and forwards against the Toppers and relied on speed getting up and down the court.

They’re getting used to the new sea-son as well. Austin Peay went 12-20 last

season but graduated four seniors and lost the bulk of its scoring and rebound-ing over the offseason.

WKU beat Austin Peay, located about 60 miles from Bowling Green in Clarks-ville, Tenn., in 2005, the team’s last meeting.

After falling in Hattiesburg, Miss., on Saturday, the Toppers will have the ben-efi t of playing in front of a home crowd Tuesday.

WKU was 8-7 at home last season, though the Toppers went 5-1 after Harper took over in early January. Aus-tin Peay, meanwhile, went 4-12 on the road last year.

Harper said the Governors should of-fer a good challenge to the Toppers on the court.

“Very well-coached, very well-dis-ciplined,” Harper said of Austin Peay. “A little different than Southern Miss, bigger and a little more physical than Southern Miss, but it’ll be another test for us Tuesday night.”

shortly into the game to take and held on to the lead for the remainder of the game.

Defense was the main focus for the Lady Top-pers heading into Friday night’s contest, and they forced 13 Racer turnovers in the fi rst half alone, leading to a double digit lead at intermission.

However, the Lady Toppers had some turn-over issues of their own, handing the ball over 29 times to the Racers.

Heard said despite the turnovers, she was still proud of WKU’s effort.

“We turned the ball over much more than I wanted to, but the ener-gy and understanding of learning how to fi ght was there,” Heard said. “I am really proud of our kids.

“I told our kids that when we are on a roll, we have to jump on them. Our kids really bought into that. I am really hap-py for them. I hope they enjoy this win because it is really important for them.”

More foul trouble faced the Lady Toppers as junior guard Chaney

Means, who fi nished with 12 points and seven rebounds, joined Gooch on the bench in the sec-ond half after fouling out, leaving WKU with seven players for the rest of the game.

“We’re going to always have the opportunity where different people are going to have to step up in different times,” Heard said.

The Lady Toppers will host Northern Kentucky Saturday night as part of the 30th annual BB&T Classic. Tip-off in E. A. Diddle Arena is set for 5:30 p.m.

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receivers not helping him out on oth-ers.

More than anything, the Toppers looked more tentative than physical.

That’s something senior right guard Adam Smith knows WKU must fi x if it’s to win its last two regular season games.

“I don’t know exactly what it was that we weren’t playing as physical as we had in the beginning of the year,” Smith said. “But it’s something we’ve got to get back to.”

Less than a month ago, when the 5-1 Toppers led ULM 28-7 in the second quarter, people were talking about a possible national ranking.

But when Warhawk quarterback Kolton Browning led his team to a stun-ning 43-42 comeback win, it sucked the life out of WKU.

The week after, a sluggish Topper side beat a bad Florida International team 14-6.

Now in the past two games WKU has fallen fl at, running a home losing streak to three games and losing the swagger it played with in September.

It’s a concerning trend for a team that looked so promising early in the year — whether playing tough against then-

No. 1 Alabama, steamrolling Southern Mississippi or scoring gritty road wins against Kentucky, Arkansas State and Troy.

The good thing is that the coaches and players from those games are the same guys that will be on the sidelines and on the fi eld the next two weeks when WKU plays must-win games Louisiana-Lafayette and North Texas.

“This football team is still a good foot-ball team,” Taggart said. “…We got to fi nd a way to get back, whether it’s the way we prepare, game-planning, what-ever it is, we just have to fi nd a solution and get our guys back to executing the way they did early in the year.”

The pieces are there for the Toppers to win out and salvage their bowl hopes.

They’ve seen what happens when they focus, play physical and avoid mistakes. The last few weeks they’ve also seen what happens when they play uptight, turn the ball over and don’t execute.

How this WKU season will be remem-bered — whether it be a landmark season marked a by a bowl berth, or a once-promising season fi nished with a whimper — will be decided the next two weeks.

One thing everyone understands: an effort like Saturday’s won’t get the job done.

Senior Joseph Chebet will be running for a na-tional title. The NCAA Men’s Di-vision I Track and Field Committee selected Chebet as one of 38 indi-vidual at-large qualifi ers for next weekend’s NCAA Cross Country Champi-onships. In what is regarded as the toughest region in the country, Chebet led the Toppers to a 25th place overall fi nish at the NCAA Southeast Re-gional Championships in Charlotte, N.C., over the weekend.

Chebet fi nished the 10K-meter course at McAlpine Park in 29:55.23 — a time good enough for an eighth place fi nish. Tom Sawyer Park in Louisville will play host to this year’s NCAA Championships this Sat-urday. The familiar terrain of the Louisville course will come in handy for Chebet, who has already placed fi rst and 10th there in separate meets this season. Chebet is the second Topper in three seasons to qualify for the NCAAs. Shadrack Kipchirchir

accomplished the feat in 2010 and earned All-America honors with a 27th-place fi nish. The Lady Toppers fi n-ished 18th this weekend, and leading the charge was standout senior Va-sity Chemweno with a time of 21:48.09. The 49th place fi nish in the 6K-meter contest marked an end for Chemweno’s cross country career. Freshman Lindsey Hinken fi nished 54th — second across the line for the Lady Toppers. Fresh-man Louise Hill-Stirling rounded out the top three for the Lady Top-pers in 114th place.


Chebet set for NCAA's


As of Monday, there are currently 57 NCAA teams, including WKU, that have reached the bowl-eligibility thresh-old of six wins, with many more threatening to reach that mark in the coming weeks.

A win over FAU would’ve given the Toppers seven wins, their total from last year when they were left out of a bowl, with two games left in the season.

“Did we miss an op-portunity? Yes, but we did that to ourselves, and we’ve still got a chance to be better,” Taggart said on Mon-day.

WKU’s next chance to get that coveted seventh win will come on Satur-

day against Louisiana-Lafayette.

If their home-away record is any indica-tion of how they'll do

this weekend, the Top-pers might be in luck on the road. WKU is 2-3 at home this year but has

compiled a 4-1 record away from Smith Sta-dium.

Senior right guard Adam Smith said the Toppers are following Taggart’s “24-hour rule,” where the team stops focusing on a game’s re-sults after 24 hours and starts preparing for the next opponent.

He said the team has a great shot to get back on track against the Ragin’

Cajuns this weekend. WKU has topped ULL in each of the past two seasons.

“The past two years we’ve done pretty good against them and I think if we prepare right this week, we’ll have

a chance to play well against them again,” he said.

ULL (5-4, 3-2 SBC) is also fi ght-ing for its bowl chances, needing just one win to be-come eligible.

The competition be-tween two teams fi ght-ing to extend their sea-sons by a game, Taggart said, should make for an entertaining contest on Saturday.

“They’re trying to get bowl-eligible, too, so you’ve got two teams fi ghting for a win, dy-ing for a win, and you should get a good ball-game out of that,” he said.


bad. But we can’t go out with big heads thinking we have it in the bag.”

As for the game plan, sophom*ore middle hitter Heather Boyan said the team’s focus hasn’t changed since the beginning of the season.

“When things get tough, just keep playing,” Boyan said. “We have to stand up to adversity, because anything can happen in tournament time. So we’re going to be ready for anything and keep playing when it’s hard.”

WKU has a chance to make school history with this tournament run — the Lady Toppers have never won a Sun Belt Tournament at home.

“This has been driven all year by try-ing to do things that have never been done,” Hudson said. “We’ve gone from 298th in the country my fi rst year in the RPI, and we’re 17th in the country right now. One of the things that’s eluded us is we’ve never won the Sun Belt Tourna-ment here in Diddle Arena.

“It sure would be nice to do it with everybody’s family and friends around and celebrate it in our hometown.”


“ ”— Willie TaggartFootball coach

Did we miss an opportunity? Yes,

but we did that to ourselves...

November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (8)




No. 17 WKU has a philosophy that the season is divided into three parts: the non-confer-ence season, Sun Belt Confer-ence season and postseason.

Two-thirds of the schedule is complete. It’s now up to the Lady Toppers on how much longer they play.

WKU fi nished the regular season 15-0 and dropped just one set in a match against Florida International.

That same Panther team will meet the Lady Toppers in the fi rst round at 5 p.m. Thursday in Diddle Arena.

They and six other Sun Belt

schools will walk into Diddle this weekend with one goal in mind — defeating WKU for a Sun Belt championship.

Coach Travis Hudson said there’s a perception that the Sun Belt is struggling this year with the disappointing sea-sons of usual powers Middle Tennessee State (7-8 Sun Belt) and FIU (7-8), but he believes surprises could be in store.

“For the past several years, the fi rst round has been al-most like a formality with a lot of the matchups,” Hudson said. “That’s not going to be the case this year. The bottom half of the league is really play-ing better volleyball now and I think on Day One you’ll see

many upsets.”Hudson said he understands

his own team could fall victim to an upset, but what his team has done this year gives him confi dence in preventing that.

Complacency can also set in when a team breezes through a schedule like WKU has done. Hudson said it has been a challenge to keep his team on the edge.

“I’m probably as worn down as I’ve ever been as a coach,” Hudson said. “Sometimes losses keep your players' at-tention, and with us being on the winning streak that we’re on every week it’s been a chal-lenge to put new things in front of our team to keep them

locked in on where we’re trying to go.”

Junior setter Melanie Stut-sman said the team is aware that all eyes are on them, and that they have to be on upset alert.

“You see a lot of upsets dur-

ing tournament time, so we have to go in there knowing that they’re going to come out for us,” Stutsman said. “Every-one is going to want to win, and we want to win just as


The Toppers went through their fi rst set of growing pains as a team Satur-day when they fell 67-64 in overtime to Southern Mississippi, but they won’t have much time to take in the lesson.

WKU (0-1) will face Austin Peay (1-0) at Diddle Arena at 7 p.m. Tuesday in its home opener.

The Toppers played well during stretch-es against the Golden Eagles on Saturday but couldn’t overcome a cold start and an overall poor shooting night.

Coach Ray Harper said he saw a lot his team can im-prove on in Saturday’s loss.

“We need to use this as a learning ex-perience,” he told WKU radio. “We gave ourselves opportunities. Tonight, we didn’t take advantage of them. Tuesday night, we have to be better.”

The Toppers didn’t do themselves any favors in the fi rst half — they fell behind 10-0 in the fi rst half and took six minutes to score their fi rst points.

Sophom*ore guard Kevin Kaspar said that weak start was a big part of why WKU lost.

“We had a slow start — we can’t have those in the beginning of the game,” he told the Bowling Green Daily News. “We bounced back in the second half, but it is what it is, and we lost in overtime.”

Senior guard Jamal Crook was WKU’s leader on the court on Saturday,


0-1 Toppers face " rst home test


The Michelle Clark-Heard era began on a winning note Friday night as the Lady Toppers opened the regular season with an 80-69 road win at Murray State.

It was the fi rst time since 2009 that WKU opened the season with a win.

“It was an emo-tional day for me,” Heard told WKU ra-dio. “I am so proud to be the head coach at Western Kentucky University. I am really excited that we were able to get our fi rst win on the road.”

Sophom*ore guard Alexis Govan’s im-pressive play in the opening exhibition rolled over into the Murray State contest.

Govan posted a team-high 26 points.But it was sophom*ore forward Chas-

tity Gooch who showed out for the Lady Toppers, posting a double-double with 12 points and 11 rebounds before fouling out of the game midway through the sec-ond half.

The Lady Toppers sparked a 16-0 run

Heard wins Lady Topper debut



Freshman middle hitter Noelle Langenkamp completes a kill dur-ing WKU's 3-0 sweep of MTSU Friday. RAE EMARY/HERALD

Junior defensive back Darryl Gilchrist watches the " nal plays of the game Saturday afternoon. WKU lost to FAU 37-28. CONNOR CHOATE /HERALD

WKU stepped into a time machine Satur-day.

The defensive breakdowns, the intercep-tions, the missed blocking assignments, the special teams gaffes, the half-empty stadium — with some silver helmets and a little Third Down Thunder, we would’ve been back in the David Elson era.

The Toppers’ season hit a low point Satur-day as Sun Belt Conference bottom-feeder

Florida Atlantic (3-7, 2-4 Sun Belt) went to Smith Stadium and beat WKU (6-4, 3-3) 37-28.

For the Toppers, losers of two of their last three coming into Saturday, FAU offered a chance for a seventh win — one that would help solidify bowl chances and keep them near the top of the league.

Instead WKU, in the words of coach Willie

Taggart, “didn’t play well at all.”The game had a much different feel

than their previous home Sun Belt losses — against Louisiana-Monroe Oct. 20 and against Middle Tennessee State Nov. 1.

Those two losses could’ve been wins if a play or two here or there went the other way.

But against FAU, WKU was physically whipped throughout the game.

It was a pattern of Owl receivers running through the secondary, of running back Antonio Andrews not getting the blocking he had earlier in the year, of quarterback Kawaun Jakes missing some throws and his



WKU needs a return to early-season form

STEPHENSSports editor


Coach Willie Taggart has a message for his team in the wake of Saturday’s upset loss to Florida Atlantic — stay calm.

“It’s not time to panic; it’s time to fi nd a solution,” Taggart said at his weekly media luncheon Monday. “This football team is still a good football team, it’s still the same guys that won those games earlier in the year. We as a coaching staff and as players, we’ve all got to fi nd a solution.”

After rolling through their early schedule with a 6-1 re-cord, the Toppers have hit a wall in recent weeks.

Starting with an overtime loss to Louisiana-Monroe on Oct. 20, WKU (6-4, 3-3 Sun Belt Conference) has lost three of the last four games it has played, including two straight. All three losses came at home.

The most recent setback was a 37-28 home loss Saturday to FAU (3-7, 2-4) — a team that hadn’t won on the road since 2010.

Senior safety Kareem Peterson said WKU faltered under the weight of its own expectations. He said the Toppers may have taken their foot off the gas after playing well at the start of what was thought to be a front-loaded sched-ule.

“We came out expecting these teams not to hit us as hard as they did,” Peterson said. “We didn’t have a good answer.”

Saturday’s loss ranks as one of the worst of the season. WKU was the superior team on paper, with its No. 1 de-fense in the Sun Belt facing the last-ranked FAU offense, and came into the game as a 15.5-point favorite.

Still, the Owls played like the better of the two teams, committing one turnover to WKU’s four and controlling the time of possession in the second half.

Taggart said he wasn’t surprised with Saturday’s outcome after watching the Owls outplay his team in every aspect of the game.

“This past game, they just outplayed us and out-coached us,” he said. “We didn’t play well — at all. We didn’t do any-thing well. And when you play that bad against any team, you’re going to lose.”

The loss didn’t help WKU’s bowl hopes, either.


Tops not panicking after recent setback

WKU falls ! at against FAU


Austin Peay at WKUWhen: 7 P.M., TuesdayWhere: Diddle ArenaTV: NoneRadio: 100.7Line: WKU (-6)




basketball coach

'We didn't play well — at all'

November 13, 2012 Colleg Heights Herald - [PDF Document] (2024)


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