New Horizons for Magic Online Vintage Cube or MTGO Vintage Cube: New Horizons (2024)

Posted on Jun 21, 2024

By Chris Wolf & Ryan Spain

Greetings, Vintage Cube enthusiasts! Welcome to the Modern Horizons 3 update of the Magic Online Vintage Cube, which goes live for a three-week run starting next Wednesday, June 26th! As expected, the latest installment of the straight-to-Modern series is packed with powerful, intriguing options for Vintage Cube—so many that not everything that deserves a shot made it in this time, but there are always future iterations right around the corner, so we will get to them in due time!

Speaking of things we will get to, thanks to everyone who took the time to vote on Discord for what themes and archetypes from the options offered that you’d most like to see in the future. It was an informative result, and we will be looking to bring you a Power Max themed Cube with the initiative and other nonsense when it makes sense in our schedule, and we can fully deliver on the premise. For now, we will focus on the significant power infusion of a Modern Horizons set. With a lot of directions to go, where did the horizon lead us in this iteration?

Graveyard Matters

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We did not expect Bazaar of Baghdad and Survival of the Fittest to make such a swift return, but MH3 makes a very compelling case for them.

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While we aren’t digging as deep as on this archetype as we did last time, we did want to honor the arrival of these new bangers. And it doesn’t even end with the three cards that end in “goyf. Detective’s Phoenix, Malevolent Rumble and Bloodbraid Challenger further suggest increased support for graveyard shenanigans. Psychic Frog is no slouch either, and Wight of the Reliquary interacts both with the graveyard and the next returning archetype.


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Marit Lage is back with another way to break her from the ice in Shifting Woodlands, together with a new universal land tutor stapled on a decent body in Sowing Mycospawn. Wight of the Reliquary can help tutor them up together with its older brother Knight of the Reliquary and Crop Rotation. And it also doesn’t end here.

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Fastbond can once again deliver copious amounts of landfall triggers with bouncelands. OTJ brought us Bristly Bill, Spine Sower and MH3 adds Springheart Nantuko, so we wanted to give the Landfall archetype another turn to shine as a lot of these cards intertwine nicely. Speaking of synergistic interactions…

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While not really an archetype, this combo has been tearing up pretty much all the eternal Constructed formats, we figured it was worth mentioning. While the go-to Constructed piece Shuko isn’t justifiable in Vintage Cube, Lightning Greaves does a good impression of it while supporting other archetypes in the Cube, with Bristly Bill further helping the cause. Since we’re playing singleton here, you aren’t going to pull off Constructed-like turns with Nadu very often, if ever. But luckily all of these cards are great on rate.

Turning up the Heat

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Not really a full archetype either, but nonetheless an interesting mention. Flare of Duplication holds some real promise in making Burn a real thing again, copying Fireblast or Fiery Confluence for massive amounts of damage. Couple that with the Char-obsoleting Ghostfire Slice and we might have a new old strategy on our hands—and if your opponent happens to control a multicolored permanent, you’re even looking at a better Lightning Bolt!


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Celebrating its return this time as the combo deck alongside Storm is Doomsday. Nothing new here, just a variety swap to keep things fresh.

Dream Halls

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Dream Halls has captured many combo player’s hearts, but it’s also difficult support so many different variations of combo decks in the Cube at the same time. This time, we’re giving Doomsday the nod, but rest assured, the Halls to realize your Dreams will be back!

Subsiding the Storm

Last time we talked quite a bit about Storm and took steps and measures in hopes of improving its standing in the Vintage Cube archetype hierarchy. Unfortunately, our efforts didn’t improve things by much, and with the nature of the archetype being inherently parasitic—requiring cards to function that few or no other archetypes need—we are cutting back on the worst performers. Storm occupies a special place in a lot of player’s hearts and we feel that it should stick around, just not with extra support that wasn’t making it any more successful to draft.


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One of our more experimental archetypes last time around. It did not perform poorly, but is also easy to let go of. If you’ve become a real fan of Proft’s Eidetic Memory, let us know over on our Discord!

Big Mean Green

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This has been a long time coming. Green Ramp is no longer what it once was, especially with Vintage Cube inching closer and closer to Eternal-Constructed gameplay. With a lot of cheap interaction and very efficient threats, ramping out big-mana creatures is a huge ask in modern Vintage Cube. If you’re trying to cast expensive stuff with your mana dorks, when they bolt the bird it devastates the plan and you stare at uncastable heavies until dead. If you are simply trying to speed out 3s and 4s, you can still cast some value beaters on curve and force your opponent to have more than just a removal spell for a cheap creature to beat you. We recognize that some of these departing cards are iconic and beloved by many, so they are likely to stop by for visits often.

Card Comments

That’s a high-level look at the changes, but as has become the standard under Daybreak, the card-by-card design comments will give you a closer look at all the swaps we made and why. We hope you enjoy this installment of the Magic Online Vintage Cube, and we look forward to seeing what cards from MH3 become new staples. Tell us what you think over in the Magic Online Discord!

ColorCard InDesign Comment
WhiteAjani, Nacatl PariahOne of MH3’s biggest hits, Ajani holds a lot of promise to become a Vintage Cube staple for years to come.
WhiteEagles of the NorthThe Eagles are back from the bench. A reasonable inclusion in general, it has some extra appeal this time with Detective’s Phoenix in the mix looking for CMC to consume from the graveyard.
WhiteOcelot PrideSome folks are already calling this "White Ragavan" and it can snowball out of control, especially when combined with additional sources of lifegain.
WhitePhelia, Exuberant ShepherdPhelia is going to be an absolute banger for Vintage Cube. You can combine this with Containment Priest to permanently exile your opponent’s creatures, reset your Parallax Wave, or simply use it to blink your creatures for additional ETB triggers.
WhiteWhite Orchid PhantomWith many powerful, must-destroy lands like Tolarian Academy and Gaea’s Cradle around, White Orchid Phantom has the potential to do some important work for the decks that can handle the double white.
BlueDress DownDress Down is a great way to counter a Thassa’s Oracle win, plays well against Constructs and the growing ‘goyf count, and can set up your titans to stick around without having to escape them from the graveyard. Plus, it’s never truly a blank.
BlueGushGush is one of the best ways to immediately kill your opponent after resolving a Doomsday, but it also works with the Lands package and regular Storm.
BlueJace, Wielder of MysteriesWhile this Jace can do some work outside of a Doomsday package, he’s back in the curation because of it.
BlueTamiyo, Inquisitive StudentTamiyo enters the Vintage Cube with tons of potential—the front side provides continuous value and fuels cards like Tolarian Academy, and there’s a great Planeswalker waiting on the back.
BlueThassa's OracleThoracle is back in support of Doomsday.
BlackBarrowgoyfLifelink is huge for black, and deathtouch ensures it has value even with fairly empty graveyards. Once it starts connecting, it generates value and keeps fueling itself.
BlackBazaar of BaghdadOne of the two signposts of the Madness/Graveyard strategies. It can be used to fuel your graveyard for Hogaak and titans, used as a discard outlet for reanimation strategies, and madness and can be mitigated by Urborg and Yavimaya.
BlackBloodghastBloodghast works well in the Survival/Bazaar strategies, and pairs well with Skullclamp and new addition Wight of the Reliquary.
BlackCrabominationThe crab monster is one of those reanimate-or-hard-cast threats that goes a long way. The body is somewhat lackluster, but getting a card out of your opponent’s hand is good value and likely to hit something useful, so it’s worth a tryout.
BlackDoomsdayDoomsday is back as Storm’s combo buddy for this iteration.
BlackEmperor of BonesEmperor of Bones looks very promising. It’s a solid 2-drop that hates on graveyards and works well in Reanimator strategies with the instant-speed adapt mechanic.
BlackNethergoyfThis ‘goyf only checks your own graveyard, but it’s cheap, and you should be doing the heavy lifting to enable it anyway—there are lots of ways to do so in this iteration!
BlackShadowgrange ArchfiendShadowgrange Archfiend is back with Survival and Bazaar, but this one goes well with any cheap discard outlet.
BlackSouls of the LostSouls of the Lost doubles as a graveyard fueler and a pay-off for doing so.
BlackStitcher's SupplierWhen there’s an extra focus on stocked graveyards, the Supplier helps meet the demand, and in addition to Hogaak and Vengevine there are also three ‘goyfs in the mix this time.
RedAngerAnger is mainly here as part of the Survival/Bazaar package, but don’t sleep on it! Red has a lot of incidental discard outlets these days, so it can be a worthy inclusion in many aggressive red decks.
RedAnje's RavagerAnje’s Ravager is back in conjunction with Survival and Bazaar, but it also works well in low-curve aggressive decks.
RedArena of GloryOne of two new utility lands making it into the curation from MH3. With the low floor of being a Mountain and high ceiling of giving up to two creatures haste, this an easy one to try out.
RedBitter ReunionBitter Reunion replaces Highway Robbery to add more enchantments to the Cube to benefit the ‘goyfs, and giving your Archon/Kroxa/Phlage haste is no joke!
RedBlazing RootwallaBlazing Rootwalla is back to support Survival, Bazaar and Vengevine, while being serviceable as a red 1-drop.
RedDetective's PhoenixDetective’s Phoenix is a promising card from MH3 that works particularly well with the Survival/Bazaar package and provides a card-type two-for-one for the ‘goyfs, including the hard-to-get enchantment type.
RedFlare of DuplicationThis card has narrow applications and should go late, but the ceiling of copying Fireblast, Fiery Confluence or even a Time Walk (perhaps your opponent’s?) is compelling enough to give it a shot.
RedGhostfire SliceChar used to be a Vintage Cube staple, but we’ve crept steadily towards better and (strictly) better options. In a lot of matchups, this will behave like a strictly better Lightning Bolt! While devoid can be a drawback with Fury and Pyrokinesis, overall, this is a burn spell that should leave its scorch mark on Vintage Cube.
RedHarsh MentorIt’s been a long time since Harsh Mentor has been in the curation, but now is a good time to bring him back, with more activated abilities around to punish than ever.
RedKumano Faces KakkazanWith a reduction in red one-drops in this iteration, bringing back some low-curve firepower for the heavy red strategies made sense. It also introduces more card types for the ‘goyfs while simultaneously helping battle the graveyard-focused creature strategies.
RedObsidian CharmawThis dragon has been pacing the sidelines looking to get in the game, and in an iteration with the highest amount of nonbasic lands worth blowing up ever, the time has come.
RedPyrogoyfOne of the more exciting Vintage Cube cards coming out of MH3, this ‘goyf/Flametongue Kavu hybrid looks ridiculous. It hits any target and triggers off other ‘goyfs, so if you manage to copy it, you get double the fun!
RedReckless PyrosurferA two-mana 2/2 haste with upside is a respectable baseline for a red creature, and this one has a high ceiling when combined with fetch lands thanks to the battle cry mechanic stacking. Try it with Goblin Rabblemaster!
RedSquee, Goblin NabobSquee can turn Survival and Bazaar into real value engines while also repeatedly fueling any discard effects such as Psychic Frog.
RedTribal FlamesWith the heavier focus on lands and multicolor strategies in this iteration, it’s a good time to bring back Tribal Flames to join the other domain cards in the curation.
RedValakut, the Molten PinnacleThe pillar for combo kills with your Lands decks when combined with Dryad of the Ilysian Grove or Prismatic Omen, and Scapeshift or Primeval Titan.
GreenArboreal GrazerArboreal Grazer provides a defensive body and gets extra lands into play for the decks that care about that.
GreenBasking RootwallaBasking Rootwalla is back to support Survival, Bazaar and Vengevine.
GreenCourser of KruphixCourser is back with some serious support for the Lands archetype.
GreenCrop RotationCrop Rotation comes back for Lands support, and helps you chip all the ice off Marit Lage more consistently.
GreenDryad of the Ilysian GroveHuge with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and very serviceable otherwise.
GreenElvish ReclaimerElvish Reclaimer bridges the gap between many of the supported strategies for green in this iteration. It can tutor up a Gaea’s Cradle for midrange decks, a Bazaar of Baghdad for graveyard decks, and is a Swiss Army knife in the Lands archetype.
GreenFanatic of RhonasThe jury is still out on Fanatic of Rhonas, but it could serve as a good replacement for Rofellos, and considering all the graveyard shenanigans around, it should play well here. The 4 toughness is respectable and makes it hard to remove, which is a good place for your mana dork to be.
GreenLife from the LoamLife from the Loam has a lot of applications in Vintage Cube, but it doesn’t come together often enough to warrant regular inclusion. With newly added Six and Shifting Woodland in the mix, though, this is a good time for it to come off the bench.
GreenMalevolent RumbleA very respectable common coming out of MH3 that does a little bit of everything, and pairs especially well with all the graveyard support.
GreenPrimeval TitanThe Titan is back, and with proper support, including Field of the Dead, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, and all the old classics!
GreenPrismatic OmenHere to enable Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
GreenReclamation SageWith Pest Infestation and Fiery Confluence continuing to offer multi-target artifact hate and Survival of the Fittest returning, Reclamation Sage comes in for Force of Vigor.
GreenSakura-Tribe ElderThe venerable snake is back as a ramp spell that blocks and supports the landfall mechanic.
GreenSatyr WayfinderSatyr Wayfinder helps fill your graveyard or digs for that busted land you built your deck around and leaves a body behind for interactions like Recurring Nightmare.
GreenScapeshiftScapeshift is back to combo with Field of the Dead and Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
GreenShifting WoodlandThis is similar to Arena of Glory in that the floor is close to basic Forest, but the ceiling ... oh boy! Copy a Dark Depths in your graveyard to make Marit Lage or copy an Archon of Cruelty. Heck, you can even copy Emrakul with the shuffle trigger still on the stack!
GreenSixWrenn and ... No! It’s just Six! And a wild one. We even added back Life from the Loam for you to go even wilder with this one, but we expect it do plenty of good work on its own.
GreenSowing MycospawnThe real kicker here is just the basic cast trigger. Being able to tutor up any land and have it ETB is very strong as-is, but getting an immediate use out of your Gaea’s Cradle or Strip Mine is a huge bonus. This card has major potential.
GreenSpringheart NantukoSpringheart Nantuko is another promising card, not only to combo with Nadu, Winged Wisdom and landfall in general, but also to make multiple copies of your best threat. Say ... Pyrogoyf?
GreenSurvival of the FittestOne of two signposts of the Madness/Graveyard archetypes. Try running this in conjunction with Vengevine, Rootwallas and Anger for quick kills, or with Squee, Goblin Nabob or Master of Death to create your own value engine, or both!
GreenVengevineVengevine gives Survival of the Fittest an alternate combo-card role, while also being a reasonable hard-cast. While Vengevine’s star has faded over time from its glory days, it earns its keep in the right decks.
BorosPhlage, Titan of Fire's FuryLook! It’s Uro’s ... fiery sister? A three-mana Lightning Helix at sorcery speed is lackluster, but if you can escape it, your opponent is in for a furious assault.
BorosShowdown of the SkaldsShowdown is back, living its best life being great card draw for your Fastbond/Exploration Omnath-colored decks, also working with Nadu there, besides being just a great way to refuel for Boros.
DimirMaster of DeathMainly a combo with Survival and Bazaar, but unlike Squee, this one is reasonable to cast.
DimirPsychic FrogThis looks to be one of the best Cube cards coming out of MH3. It’s a big reason for bringing Survival/Bazaar back this iteration because it plays so well with Madness, Reanimation, Squee, Master of Death, and so much more.
GolgariDeathrite ShamanDeathrite Shaman was an experiment the last time Survival/Bazaar were in the Cube, and it exceeded expectations by quite a bit, so it’s back, even with trimmed support for those archetypes.
GolgariHogaak, Arisen NecropolisOne of the best payoffs for Survival and Bazaar, especially when “Angered”... your opponent will lose with great haste!
GolgariWight of the ReliquaryWight of the Reliquary is one of those perfect Cube cards because it kind of does it all. Works well with Bloodghast, Dark Depths, can grow huge with self-mill, while also being a very cheap creature. Consider us excited!
GolgariWitherbloom CommandWitherbloom Command will once again be our Golgari removal of choice, due to its synergy with a lot of the cards present in this iteration.
GruulBloodbraid ChallengerWho doesn’t remember Bloodbraid ... oh, wait! This costs more, but it’s also bigger and it has Escape? Graveyards, Survival, you know what’s up!
GruulEscape to the WildsWe’re Escaping to the Wilds again with Lands as a supported archetype! One of the key draw spells for those decks, while also doing the thing they care about the most: putting extra lands into play.
GruulGruul TurfWe’re only bringing in three bouncelands this time and adding them to the existing fixing rather than swapping them out, so they are more delineated as "combo pieces" for the decks that truly want them. You can use them for multiple Landfall-triggers with the likes of Fastbond and Exploration, as well as using them as slow card-advantage, but beware of opposing land-destruction!
RakdosKroxa, Titan of Death's HungerKroxa is back and especially threatening with this much graveyard support, and specifically Anger to haste your giant into combat for an immediate second trigger, probably spelling doom for your opponent.
SelesnyaKnight of the ReliquaryKnight is back! Why, you ask? Well… it tutors up lands.
SelesnyaSelesnya SanctuarySee Gruul Turf.
SelesnyaSimic Growth ChamberSee Gruul Turf.
SimicBonny Pall, ClearcutterThis ox-herding giant ramps up your mana and the total number of lands in play, so this should come in handy.
SimicNadu, Winged WisdomSome of the loudest chatter leading up to the release of MH3 was around this card. Was it a design mistake? Is it going to break Constructed? Without the ability to build a pure combo deck around it, Nadu won’t break Vintage Cube, but it’s still a card with a fantastic ability at an efficient rate. To maximize the combo ability, be sure to pick up Bristly Bill or Lightning Greaves!
SimicPlanar GenesisImpulse that allows you to put a land card directly on the battlefield, why not?
MulticolorGolos, Tireless PilgrimGolos can work in a variety of strategies and is a particularly good fit for an iteration where we’re trying to find specific lands and assembling domain.
ColorlessDark DepthsThe Depths are back with more tutors than ever. Use Sylvan Safekeeper to protect your Marit Lage, Lightning Greaves to haste it, and Shadowspear to make it trample over opposing chump blockers.
ColorlessExpedition MapExpedition Map plays well with all the great nonbasics in Vintage Cube in general, and there are even more than usual this time around.
ColorlessField of the DeadA cornerstone of the Lands archetype, rewarding your for putting extra Lands onto the battlefield that combined well with Scapeshift. Don’t miss on using your Bouncelands to repeatedly trigger this once you’ve reached the threshold of seven different lands!
ColorlessLightning GreavesWe welcome back the Greaves to combo with Nadu, Winged Wisdom in addition to protecting your big reanimation targets while getting them in the red zone right away.
ColorlessPorcelain LegionnairePorcelain Legionnaire is back as a colorless aggressive 2-drop with a three-mana mode in white decks.
ColorlessThespian's StageHere to help you make a Marit Lage with Dark Depths.
ColorlessUlamog, the Ceaseless HungerLast time we tried focusing more on the Annihilator Eldrazi coupled with Goryo’s Vengeance, but the Ceaseless Hunger makes a return for this iteration.
ColorCard OutDesign Comment
WhiteAdanto VanguardAs a purely aggressive 2-drop, this Vampire is the easiest cut for Ajani/Phelia coming in.
WhiteCollector's CageCollector's Cage was definitely fun and enabled some novel situations but is not hard to let go of overall.
WhiteEnlightened TutorEnlightened Tutor rarely sees play, and while it is nice to have cards in white that aren't purely aggro or midrange, we can bench this without a heavy heart.
WhiteLeonin Relic-WarderRelic-Warder passes the torch to another WW creature, but one that goes after nonbasics rather than artifacts or enchantments.
WhiteMonastery MentorWith the speed of the format ever increasing, the Mentor loses its footing, but is likely to make a return at some point.
WhiteSanguine EvangelistCan't really go wrong with value creatures like these in white, but also not critical for its success. Expect this bat-wielding vampire to come back at some point as well.
WhiteStudent of WarfareStudent gives way for the new and exciting Ocelot Pride.
BlueAkal Pakal, First Among EqualsArtifacts enjoyed heavy support this past iteration, so we're pulling some of that back to make room for other archetypes.
BlueDream HallsArchetype rotating out.
BlueHard EvidenceCraben Inspector is being upgraded to Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student.
BlueHigh TideWe're pulling the worst performers from the Storm card pool and keeping the best of them around so it can still come together nicely when open.
BlueJace ReawakenedArchetype-based swap.
BlueMind's DesireWe're pulling the worst performers from the Storm card pool and keeping the best of them around so it can still come together nicely when open.
BlueProft's Eidetic MemoryArchetype rotating out.
BlueSimulacrum SynthesizerArtifacts enjoyed heavy support this past iteration, so we're pulling some of that back to make room for other archetypes.
BlueStoic SphinxArchetype-based swap.
BlueThree Steps AheadArchetype-based swap.
BlueTurnaboutWe're pulling the worst performers from the Storm card pool and keeping the best of them around so it can still come together nicely when open.
BlackBeseech the MirrorArchetype-based swap.
BlackGix, Yawgmoth PraetorArchetype-based swap.
BlackGoryo's VengeanceWe tried Goryo's with the full Annihilator Eldrazi package, but it did not perform well, so we're walking it back. Good try.
BlackGraveyard TrespasserArchetype-based swap.
BlackHostile InvestigatorArchetype-based swap.
BlackKaervek, the PunisherArchetype-based swap.
BlackLong GoodbyeLong Goodbye is a solid card, but also doesn't feel super necessary.
BlackPhyrexian FleshgorgerArchetype-based swap.
BlackTenacious UnderdogArchetype-based swap.
BlackTourach, Dread CantorArchetype-based swap.
Red"Name Sticker" GoblinThis enables some cool stuff in Vintage Cube, but it’s not a card that exists in this form on tabletop, so we’re benching it, at least for now.
RedBirgi, God of StorytellingArchetype-based swap.
RedDreadhorde ArcanistArchetype rotating out.
RedFlametongue KavuArchetype-based swap.
RedGrim LavamancerArchetype-based swap.
RedHighway RobberyArchetype-based swap.
RedLava DartArchetype rotating out.
RedMagda, the HoardmasterArchetype-based swap.
RedMizzix's MasteryArchetype rotating out.
RedMonastery SwiftspearArchetype rotating out.
RedRunaway Steam-KinArchetype-based swap.
RedSimian Spirit GuideArchetype-based swap.
RedSlickshot Show-OffArchetype rotating out.
RedSoul-Scar MageArchetype rotating out.
RedThundermaw HellkiteArchetype-based swap.
GreenArbor ElfArchetype-based swap.
GreenCraterhoof BehemothArchetype rotating out.
GreenElvish Spirit GuideArchetype-based swap.
GreenForce of VigorHating a little less strongly on artifacts in this version, due to it receiving a slight nerf to begin with.
GreenGarruk RelentlessArchetype rotating out.
GreenGarruk WildspeakerArchetype rotating out.
GreenGoldvein HydraArchetype-based swap.
GreenGruff TripletsVaultborn Tyrant supersedes Gruff Triplets as the flexible Flash/Reanimation card, that's fairly castable and we feel like there doesn't have to be an unlimited amount of these.
GreenLegolas's Quick ReflexesArchetype-based swap.
GreenNissa, Ascended AnimistArchetype rotating out.
GreenOrnery TumblewaggArchetype-based swap.
GreenRailway BrawlerArchetype-based swap.
GreenRanger ClassArchetype-based swap.
GreenRegrowthArchetype-based swap.
GreenRofellos, Llanowar EmissaryArchetype rotating out.
GreenSandstorm SalvagerArchetype-based swap.
GreenSmuggler's SurpriseSmuggler's Surprise in fact surprised us, but we're also going a little less heavy on that kind of cheaty stuff, so we feel it's fair to swap it out. This was mainly here on trial, but after delivering a rather impressive performance, it could make a return at some point.
GreenTough CookieTough Cookie was on the weaker end generally speaking, but made for some nice, novel gameplay, draft and deckbuilding decisions, so we might bring it back at some point.
GreenUtopia SprawlArchetype-based swap.
BorosWinota, Joiner of ForcesArchetype-based swap.
DimirLazav, Wearer of FacesPsychic Frog take-over!
DimirLim-Dul's VaultArchetype-based swap.
GolgariGlissa SunslayerArchetype-based swap.
GolgariThe Gitrog, Ravenous RideArchetype-based swap.
GruulHalana and Alena, PartnersArchetype-based swap.
IzzetMagma OpusArchetype rotating out.
OrzhovAshen RiderArchetype-based swap.
SelesnyaKutzil, Malamet ExemplarArchetype-based swap.
SimicKinnan, Bonder ProdigyArchetype-based swap.
MulticolorCruel UltimatumArchetype rotating out.
MulticolorLeovold, Emissary of TrestArchetype-based swap.
MulticolorMana ConfluenceMaking room for a smattering of nonbasic lands.
ColorlessAetherflux ReservoirReservoir theoretically works as a Storm payoff, but often enough doesn't perform all that well. It does do work with Bolas's Citadel still, but as mentioned in the article, we're pulling a lot of the fringe Storm support this time around.
ColorlessCandelabra of TawnosWith High Tide leaving, that leaves Candelabra with Tolarian Academy as it's only use-case, so we're letting it ride the bench for this run at least.
ColorlessHelm of AwakeningHelm of Awakening leaves together with Aetherflux Reservoir and Mystic Forge.
ColorlessKozilek, Butcher of TruthWe tried Goryo's with the full Annihilator Eldrazi package, but it did not perform well, so we're walking it back. Good try.
ColorlessMutagenic GrowthArchetype rotating out.
ColorlessMystic ForgeArtifacts enjoyed heavy support this past iteration, so we're pulling some of that back to make room for other archetypes.
ColorlessNettlecystArtifacts enjoyed heavy support this past iteration, so we're pulling some of that back to make room for other archetypes.
ColorlessNexus of BecomingNexus of Becoming was a nice bridge between cheaty and artifact strategies, but definitely doesn't qualify as a Vintage Cube all-star, so expect this one to be here periodically.
ColorCard Name
WhiteAdeline, Resplendent Cathar
WhiteAjani, Nacatl Pariah
WhiteAven Interrupter
WhiteBenevolent Bodyguard
WhiteBlade Splicer
WhiteCathar Commando
WhiteContainment Priest
WhiteCouncil's Judgment
WhiteEagles of the North
WhiteElite Spellbinder
WhiteElspeth, Knight-Errant
WhiteEsper Sentinel
WhiteGiver of Runes
WhiteGlimmer Lens
WhiteGuardian Scalelord
WhiteHero of Bladehold
WhiteIntrepid Adversary
WhiteLeyline Binding
WhiteLion Sash
WhiteLoran of the Third Path
WhiteLuminarch Aspirant
WhiteMana Tithe
WhiteMother of Runes
WhiteMox Pearl
WhiteOcelot Pride
WhitePalace Jailer
WhiteParallax Wave
WhitePath to Exile
WhitePhelia, Exuberant Shepherd
WhitePortable Hole
WhitePrismatic Ending
WhiteSamwise the Stouthearted
WhiteSelfless Spirit
WhiteSerra Paragon
WhiteSevinne's Reclamation
WhiteSkyclave Apparition
WhiteStaff of the Storyteller
WhiteSteel Seraph
WhiteStoneforge Mystic
WhiteSwords to Plowshares
WhiteThalia, Guardian of Thraben
WhiteThe Wandering Emperor
WhiteThraben Inspector
WhiteTimeless Dragon
WhiteTouch the Spirit Realm
WhiteUnexpectedly Absent
WhiteUsher of the Fallen
WhiteVirtue of Loyalty
WhiteWhite Orchid Phantom
WhiteWinds of Abandon
WhiteWrath of God
BlueAether Spellbomb
BlueAncestral Recall
BlueBrain Freeze
BlueBrazen Borrower
BlueChart a Course
BlueChrome Host Seedshark
BlueCryptic Coat
BlueCryptic Command
BlueDig Through Time
BlueDisplacer Kitten
BlueDress Down
BlueDuelist of the Mind
BlueEcho of Eons
BlueFaerie Mastermind
BlueForce of Negation
BlueForce of Will
BlueForensic Gadgeteer
BlueFrantic Search
BlueGitaxian Probe
BlueJace, the Mind Sculptor
BlueJace, Vryn's Prodigy
BlueJace, Wielder of Mysteries
BlueKappa Cannoneer
BlueKitesail Larcenist
BlueLedger Shredder
BlueLórien Revealed
BlueMalcolm, Alluring Scoundrel
BlueMana Drain
BlueMana Leak
BlueMemory Lapse
BlueMox Sapphire
BlueMystic Confluence
BlueMystical Tutor
BlueNarset, Parter of Veils
BlueOtawara, Soaring City
BluePhantasmal Image
BlueSerum Visions
BlueShelldock Isle
BlueShow and Tell
BlueSmirking Spelljacker
BlueSnapcaster Mage
BlueSpell Pierce
BlueStern Scolding
BlueTamiyo, Inquisitive Student
BlueThassa's Oracle
BlueThieving Skydiver
BlueThought Scour
BlueTime Spiral
BlueTime Walk
BlueTime Warp
BlueTishana's Tidebinder
BlueTolarian Academy
BlueTreasure Cruise
BlueTrinket Mage
BlueTrue-Name Nemesis
BlueUrza, Lord High Artificer
BlackAnimate Dead
BlackArchon of Cruelty
BlackBaleful Mastery
BlackBazaar of Baghdad
BlackBitter Triumph
BlackBolas's Citadel
BlackBone Shards
BlackCabal Ritual
BlackCaustic Bronco
BlackCollective Brutality
BlackConcealing Curtains
BlackCorpse Dance
BlackCut Down
BlackDark Confidant
BlackDark Petition
BlackDark Ritual
BlackDauthi Voidwalker
BlackDeep-Cavern Bat
BlackDemonic Tutor
BlackEmperor of Bones
BlackEvolved Sleeper
BlackFatal Push
BlackGrave Titan
BlackHarvester of Misery
BlackHymn to Tourach
BlackImperial Seal
BlackInfernal Grasp
BlackInquisition of Kozilek
BlackLiliana of the Veil
BlackMind Twist
BlackMox Jet
BlackNight's Whisper
BlackOrcish Bowmasters
BlackPreacher of the Schism
BlackRain of Filth
BlackRecurring Nightmare
BlackShadowgrange Archfiend
BlackShallow Grave
BlackSheoldred, the Apocalypse
BlackSheoldred's Edict
BlackSnuff Out
BlackSouls of the Lost
BlackStitcher's Supplier
BlackTendrils of Agony
BlackToxic Deluge
BlackTroll of Khazad-dûm
BlackUrborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
BlackVampiric Tutor
BlackVirtue of Persistence
BlackWishclaw Talisman
BlackYawgmoth's Will
RedAnje's Ravager
RedArc Trail
RedArena of Glory
RedBitter Reunion
RedBlazing Rootwalla
RedBonecrusher Giant
RedBonehoard Dracosaur
RedBroadside Bombardiers
RedBurst Lightning
RedChain Lightning
RedChandra, Torch of Defiance
RedDeath-Greeter's Champion
RedDelayed Blast Fireball
RedDetective's Phoenix
RedDragon's Rage Channeler
RedElemental Eruption
RedEmbereth Shieldbreaker
RedEtali, Primal Conqueror
RedFable of the Mirror-Breaker
RedFaithless Looting
RedFiery Confluence
RedFlame Slash
RedFlare of Duplication
RedGenerous Plunderer
RedGhostfire Slice
RedGoblin Rabblemaster
RedGoldspan Dragon
RedGut, True Soul Zealot
RedHarsh Mentor
RedHeadliner Scarlett
RedInti, Seneschal of the Sun
RedKumano Faces Kakkazan
RedLaelia, the Blade Reforged
RedLegion Extruder
RedLightning Bolt
RedMagda, Brazen Outlaw
RedMine Collapse
RedMox Ruby
RedObsidian Charmaw
RedRagavan, Nimble Pilferer
RedRampaging Raptor
RedReckless Pyrosurfer
RedRite of Flame
RedRobber of the Rich
RedScrapwork Mutt
RedSeasoned Pyromancer
RedSeething Song
RedSneak Attack
RedSquee, Goblin Nabob
RedThrough the Breach
RedTribal Flames
RedTrumpeting Carnosaur
RedUnderworld Breach
RedUnholy Heat
RedValakut, the Molten Pinnacle
RedVoldaren Epicure
RedWheel of Fortune
GreenArboreal Grazer
GreenAugur of Autumn
GreenAvacyn's Pilgrim
GreenBasking Rootwalla
GreenBirds of Paradise
GreenBoseiju, Who Endures
GreenBristly Bill, Spine Sower
GreenCourser of Kruphix
GreenCrop Rotation
GreenDelighted Halfling
GreenDryad of the Ilysian Grove
GreenElvish Mystic
GreenElvish Reclaimer
GreenEsika's Chariot
GreenEternal Witness
GreenFanatic of Rhonas
GreenGaea's Cradle
GreenGenerous Ent
GreenGreen Sun's Zenith
GreenHaywire Mite
GreenIgnoble Hierarch
GreenLife from the Loam
GreenLlanowar Elves
GreenLotus Cobra
GreenMalevolent Rumble
GreenMox Emerald
GreenNatural Order
GreenNishoba Brawler
GreenNissa, Who Shakes the World
GreenNoble Hierarch
GreenOath of Druids
GreenOnce Upon a Time
GreenOutland Liberator
GreenParadise Druid
GreenPest Infestation
GreenPick Your Poison
GreenPrimeval Titan
GreenPrismatic Omen
GreenQuesting Beast
GreenRamunap Excavator
GreenReclamation Sage
GreenSakura-Tribe Elder
GreenSatyr Wayfinder
GreenScavenging Ooze
GreenSentinel of the Nameless City
GreenShifting Woodland
GreenSowing Mycospawn
GreenSpringheart Nantuko
GreenSurvival of the Fittest
GreenSylvan Caryatid
GreenSylvan Library
GreenSylvan Safekeeper
GreenTireless Tracker
GreenTitania, Protector of Argoth
GreenUlvenwald Oddity
GreenVaultborn Tyrant
GreenWoodfall Primus
GreenWorldspine Wurm
GreenYavimaya, Cradle of Growth
BorosArid Mesa
SelesnyaArwen, Mortal Queen
MulticolorAtraxa, Grand Unifier
DimirBaleful Strix
RakdosBlackcleave Cliffs
RakdosBlood Crypt
GruulBloodbraid Challenger
RakdosBloodstained Mire
RakdosBloodtithe Harvester
GolgariBlooming Marsh
SimicBonny Pall, Clearcutter
SimicBotanical Sanctum
SimicBreeding Pool
MulticolorBring to Light
RakdosCarnage Interpreter
AzoriusCelestial Colonnade
GruulCommercial District
OrzhovConcealed Courtyard
GruulCopperline Gorge
DimirCreeping Tar Pit
IzzetDack Fayden
DimirDarkslick Shores
GolgariDeathrite Shaman
BorosElegant Parlor
GruulEscape to the Wilds
IzzetExpressive Iteration
MulticolorFabled Passage
DimirFallen Shinobi
IzzetFiery Islet
BorosFigure of Destiny
RakdosFire Covenant
AzoriusFlooded Strand
BorosForth Eorlingas!
AzoriusFractured Identity
OrzhovGodless Shrine
MulticolorGolos, Tireless Pilgrim
GolgariGrist, the Hunger Tide
GruulGruul Turf
AzoriusHallowed Fountain
SimicHedge Maze
GolgariHogaak, Arisen Necropolis
SelesnyaHorizon Canopy
MulticolorHuatli, Poet of Unity
MulticolorIndatha Triome
BorosInspiring Vantage
MulticolorJetmir's Garden
DimirKaito Shizuki
MulticolorKetria Triome
SelesnyaKnight of the Reliquary
RakdosKolaghan's Command
RakdosKroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger
OrzhovLingering Souls
OrzhovLurrus of the Dream-Den
SelesnyaLush Portico
OrzhovMarsh Flats
DimirMaster of Death
AzoriusMeticulous Archive
GruulMinsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes
SimicMisty Rainforest
SimicNadu, Winged Wisdom
AzoriusNo More Lies
GolgariNurturing Peatland
SimicOko, Thief of Crowns
MulticolorOmnath, Locus of Creation
GruulOrcish Lumberjack
BorosOtharri, Suns' Glory
GolgariOvergrown Tomb
BorosPhlage, Titan of Fire's Fury
GolgariPillage the Bog
SimicPlanar Genesis
DimirPolluted Delta
MulticolorPrismatic Vista
DimirPsychic Frog
SelesnyaQasali Pridemage
MulticolorRaffine's Tower
GruulRaging Ravine
RakdosRaucous Theater
MulticolorRaugrin Triome
SelesnyaRazorverge Thicket
MulticolorRelic of Sauron
RakdosRestless Vents
BorosSacred Foundry
IzzetSaheeli, Sublime Artificer
SimicSail into the West
MulticolorSavai Triome
IzzetScalding Tarn
AzoriusSeachrome Coast
SelesnyaSelesnya Sanctuary
OrzhovShadowy Backstreet
AzoriusShorikai, Genesis Engine
BorosShowdown of the Skalds
OrzhovSilent Clearing
SelesnyaSimic Growth Chamber
MulticolorSpara's Headquarters
IzzetSpirebluff Canal
IzzetSteam Vents
GruulStomping Ground
BorosSunbaked Canyon
BorosTalisman of Conviction
IzzetTalisman of Creativity
SimicTalisman of Curiosity
DimirTalisman of Dominance
RakdosTalisman of Indulgence
AzoriusTalisman of Progress
SimicTamiyo, Collector of Tales
GolgariTear Asunder
AzoriusTeferi, Hero of Dominaria
AzoriusTeferi, Time Raveler
SelesnyaTemple Garden
GruulTerritorial Kavu
IzzetThird Path Iconoclast
MulticolorThopter Foundry
IzzetThundering Falls
OrzhovTidehollow Sculler
SelesnyaTorsten, Founder of Benalia
SimicTropical Island
DimirUndercity Sewers
GolgariUnderground Mortuary
DimirUnderground Sea
SimicUro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
RakdosValki, God of Lies
GolgariVerdant Catacombs
IzzetVolcanic Island
SimicWaterlogged Grove
DimirWatery Grave
GolgariWight of the Reliquary
SelesnyaWindswept Heath
GolgariWitherbloom Command
GruulWooded Foothills
GruulWrenn and Six
MulticolorXander's Lounge
MulticolorZagoth Triome
MulticolorZiatora's Proving Ground
BorosZirda, the Dawnwaker
ColorlessAgatha's Soul Cauldron
ColorlessAncient Tomb
ColorlessBasalt Monolith
ColorlessBlack Lotus
ColorlessBlightsteel Colossus
ColorlessChromatic Star
ColorlessChrome Mox
ColorlessCity of Traitors
ColorlessCoalition Relic
ColorlessCoveted Jewel
ColorlessCrucible of Worlds
ColorlessCurrency Converter
ColorlessDark Depths
ColorlessEmrakul, the Aeons Torn
ColorlessEverflowing Chalice
ColorlessExpedition Map
ColorlessField of the Dead
ColorlessGrim Monolith
ColorlessKaldra Compleat
ColorlessKarn, Scion of Urza
ColorlessLibrary of Alexandria
ColorlessLightning Greaves
ColorlessLion's Eye Diamond
ColorlessLotus Petal
ColorlessMana Crypt
ColorlessMana Vault
ColorlessManifold Key
ColorlessMemory Jar
ColorlessMind Stone
ColorlessMishra's Bauble
ColorlessMishra's Research Desk
ColorlessMishra's Workshop
ColorlessMox Diamond
ColorlessMox Opal
ColorlessMyr Battlesphere
ColorlessPalantír of Orthanc
ColorlessPentad Prism
ColorlessPhyrexian Metamorph
ColorlessPhyrexian Revoker
ColorlessPorcelain Legionnaire
ColorlessPortal to Phyrexia
ColorlessRelic of Progenitus
ColorlessRetrofitter Foundry
ColorlessSensei's Divining Top
ColorlessSmuggler's Copter
ColorlessSol Ring
ColorlessSoul-Guide Lantern
ColorlessStrip Mine
ColorlessSword of the Meek
ColorlessThe Mightstone and Weakstone
ColorlessThe One Ring
ColorlessThespian's Stage
ColorlessTriplicate Titan
ColorlessUlamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
ColorlessUlamog, the Infinite Gyre
ColorlessUmezawa's Jitte
ColorlessUrza's Saga
ColorlessWalking Ballista
ColorlessZuran Orb
New Horizons for Magic Online Vintage Cube or MTGO Vintage Cube: New Horizons (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.